Birthday - Queen (platonic)

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Since it is Brian May's birthday, thought I'd write a quick little chapter. I know it's the next day in some places (like England), but it's ok. 



Somtime in the earlier hours of the morning, a couple of children ran into the bedroom and the older one helped the younger one up, then they both started jumping up and down. 

"Happy birthday, Daddy! Wake up and come have a look at what's downstairs!" The 8-year-old boy said cheerfully.

"Yeah! Come see! We have surprises!" The little girl, three years younger, yelled.

"I'm up, all right. Ah, it sure looks bright out there.." Brian smiled gently, but he was still groggy.

"You might wanna get dressed from pyjamas first," Jimmy giggled and ran out of the room, his sister following. They ran down the steps carefully.

"Okay, then, I'm getting dressed.. Getting dressed." He yawned as he grabbed an outfit.


"He's getting dressed now, Uncle Rog! We woke him!" Louisa said proudly.

"Not too loud, he might hear us.." Roger answered, smiling at the thought of the kids waking their father up. Sometimes his own kids did that. Well, Felix did.

"I bet he was very surprised. And he will be when he sees all of this-- and us." Freddie chimed in.

Felix Taylor, Robert, Michael and Laura Deacon were all there as well, along with Jim, Chrissy, Dominique and Veronica.

The adults were talking while they prepared and the kids played a card game as they waited.


"Oh no, I forgot about the cake.. Well? It looks all right.." Roger was saying to himself, taking it out of the oven. 

"Who put him in charge of the cake?" John asked as he held Rory Taylor so her mother could have some space. 

"Cake!" Rory, only a year old, said happily.

"It's chocolate, so you can't really tell.." Roger muttered.

"He insisted on it, John. I offered to bake it." Veronica shrugged.

"Right, that's gonna have to be good enough. Brian will be here soon." Freddie gave a glance at the drummer.

"Oh, we need more time. Um, I know—Rory, do you wanna go see Uncle Bri with Laura?" Veronica asked the baby, who nodded. 

John handed her to his daughter, and they hurried upstairs.

"Go keep him upstairs, I'll send one of the boys up when it's time." John whispered.


Rory eventually got out of Laura's arms when she got bored, and fast-crawled up the steps hurriedly. 

"Rory, wait up!" 

"What are you girls up to? Actually, where'd you come from?" Brian instantly questioned, already figuring it out.

"Oh! We.. wanted to visit you, while everyone else is busy at, um.. School and work. It's okay, though, I'm watching Rory. Rory?" Laura turned around to find the girl gone.

"Here she is. A little troublemaker, just like Rog!" Brian lifted her into his arms and tickled her, earning some squeals. 

"Let's see what's going on..?" He was interrupted by Laura, who suggested they play a game, and why the hurry?

"I suppose you have a point. Okay, one game." 

They played a game where Rory went around hiding behind things and whoever found her first got to hide next. Brian was a bit too tall for it, but tried his best.

After ten minutes, Michael ran in to casually tell his sister they could come down now. 


They all returned downstairs, Michael and Laura going to hide with the adults. As Brian slowly walked, everyone jumped up. 

"Happy birthday!!" 

"Oh my goodness! You've decorated the whole room! And you're all here." Brian pretended to act a bit surprised, though he somewhat really was.

"Ah, I've just realised—we should've sent your  kids to distract you!" Roger groaned at his idea.

"Yes, but it's fine. It's great to have everybody here." The guitarist smiled, watching Rory focus on the messy looking chocolate cake.

"I know, it looks good, doesn't it?" Brian laughed slightly.

"Mmm!" Rory was practically leaning out of his hold.

They sang Happy Birthday, then Brian blew out some candles, and all the kids and adults enjoyed the party and burnt cake.


Word count: 630

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