An Actor's Life For Me - Hardzello (platonic)

42 3 9

Another request from @86_b4by ! Thanks for the idea. 

In this chapter, Joe has a fictional daughter, who is about a year old, and he takes her to meet Ben. 



Joe was taking his daughter, Sophie, to visit Ben. Well, he wasn't originally going to, but there was no-one else who could watch her.

And he kind of hesitant to leave his baby with someone unfamiliar, since she had some trust issues.

"Dada!" Sophie called out from her bedroom, and Joe walked in from the kitchen. 

"Yes, Soph? Do you want to get out?" Joe questioned, smiling softly. 

"Me out," Sophie requested and held her arms out. 

The man nodded and lifted the toddler up, holding her on his hip.

"Today, we're going to see a friend of mine. His name is Ben." 


Ten minutes later, the two of them arrived at the coffee shop where Joe had asked Ben to meet.

Joe hummed a song to his baby, as they were still awaiting on the other actor.

Ben finally got there and walked over when he saw his friend, waving hello. 


"And who might this be?" Ben asked in a cooing tone to the toddler.

Sophie wasn't really paying attention to the blond haired man, in her own little world.

"This is Sophie! Sophie, this is Ben." Joe introduced her.

The little girl did look over finally upon hearing her name, and she hid her face in her dad's shirt.


"It's okay, you don't have to be shy. Ben is very kind." Joe reassured.

"Yeah, would you like to know about me? I play drums. And I act in movies and TV series like your Dad does."

Sophie nodded, holding her hand out to Ben with a serious face, and he happily shook hands. 

"So polite, and she's clever! How old is she?" The British man asked.


"About 15-months-old. But she talks a lot, usually." Joe explained.

"Aww, how sweet." 

After some more conversation, Ben and Joe decided to go back to Joe's place, since Sophie was getting overwhelmed by all the smells and noises in the coffee shop.


At home, Sophie was a lot less shy, mostly because she knew the surroundings. So now, she played with her wooden blocks and a few stuffed animals.

When Joe stopped talking to his friend, the actor took the opportunity to get to know Sophie better.

"That's a beautiful tower, Sophie. It looks like that toy monkey is the Queen of the castle, doesn't it?" Ben spoke gently.

"Yeah, t'ank ooh." The toddler grinned as she answered.


After some more playing, specifically a game where Ben had to lay on the floor, the baby got sleepy and cuddled up with him, falling asleep slowly. 

"I think she likes you," Joe mentioned and took a picture on his phone.

"I guess so, hm." Ben sighed a little after realising he was stuck like this for who knows how long. 

Joe let the two be like that for twenty minutes, then finally lifted up Sophie and carried her to bed, and returned to see Ben out. 

"Well, that was fun, thanks for introducing her to me." Ben chuckled a bit. 

"No problem, come over anytime you're in L.A." Joe said and gave Ben a hug before saying goodbye and watching him leave.


Word count: 500 

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