I Need You - Deacury (platonic)

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An interesting (to me, at least) idea that kinda came from nowhere. 



John woke up feeling unusual, maybe even feeling two feet small. It wasn't until the bassist sat up and looked in the mirror, letting out a yelp. 

"What the...!" He exclaimed worriedly, noticing his tiny body.

His 'dad bod' wasn't there anymore—his tired eyes looked much younger, and he had a chubby stomach and cheeks. Of course with natural curls instead of his perm.

He was a little grateful that he wasn't at home, since he didn't know what he'd say to his wife or kids. The band was in Los Angeles, in a hotel, mostly. 


The literal baby of the group got up and climbed off the now giant bed, falling with a thud. He didn't really have clothes that fit, unfortunately, so John tied a knot on his shirt to make it fit better.

Though he struggled to open the door, the bassist made it through and headed to Freddie's room, hoping no-one saw a toddler standing by himself at a room.

Quickly, John knocked on the wood, praying his band mate was awake and in there.

The door opened and Freddie was confused for a good minute, the he recognised the nervous standing position and greenish eyes, "Deacy?"


"Yes, please let me in?" The toddler looked sad. 

The singer just nodded, lifting his friend up and took him inside the room.

"What happened, dear?" He wondered as he sat the boy down on the bed.

"I don't.. Don't know." The green eyed former man whimpered.


"Well, I'm not sure what to say besides give it a day. Some things only last a day." Freddie said, realising John was about to cry. He quickly added onto his words, "but I'll stay with you the whole time."

There were no more words for a few moments, just John crawling to the pillows and grabbing one, hugging it. This broke Freddie's heart.

He held out his arms, figuring the boy would want a real hug, and he did, dropping the pillow and embracing the man.

"I'm scared, Fred. What are Bri and Rog going to say?" 

"...They'll probably be confused but want to help, don't worry."


Freddie also noticed that John did have clothes that fit, seeing trousers under the oversized shirt. "Do you have another shirt under there, Deacy?" 

John looked down and realised he did, pulling off the large shirt, revealing one of his button-up tops. "I didn't know I slept in this," he said as he looked at his jeans.

"That is strange. But at least they fit you." Freddie said with a smile.

"Yeah, that's right.." John mumbled barely audibly.


"I don't know what to do, honestly." The boy said after more silence.

"We'll figure something out. Are you hungry? Do you want to go out to breakfast?" 

Deacy nodded, yet, he feared about the people. He hated crowds. Though, as long as Freddie was with him, he could manage a few interactions.

They went downstairs, John holding Freddie's hand so he wouldn't get lost or fall over with his new proportions and fears.


The songwriters headed outside, deciding to walk to a restaurant, so it wasn't long before John was slowing down and almost stopping, which caused the man with a mustache stop.

John held his hands up, a look in his eyes that explained his little legs were sore from all this. 

"It's all right, darling," Freddie cooed as he once again lifted him up and carried his friend.

Though, Freddie wondered something, "I hope he doesn't turn completely into a little child, then we'd have a problem."  


It's as though the bassist read the singer's mind and he began to frown in worry. He noticed, as they got closer to the location, the louder things got. 

"John, wake up!" 

"Roger, don't shout at him! He's tired, probably!" A soft but now clear voice rang out.

"Deacy, wake up, darling," another voice coaxed.


As a lot of cold water and shouting happened, John sat up immediately, coughing and quickly opening his eyes. 

"Roger! What did you do? You weren't supposed to splash it on his mouth! I said gently!" A voice he recognised as the pianist's scolded.

"And I tried to stop you both and told you not to do anything physical." Brian said like a mother.

They all stopped arguing, seeing their youngest band member was awake.


"Sorry, Deacy, but it's nearly eleven, we had to get you up." Brian apologised softly.

"That's all right," John stretched, first checking himself to see that he was full-size.

Roger looked at John curiously, especially when the man looked at his own legs.

Brian nudged the drummer, moving him away from the bed.


"I just had the wildest dream." The man explained as soon as he could, "but now, I'm absolutely, soaking wet."

"It was his idea," Roger pointed as he accused Freddie, but John knew he was acting childish.

"Now that we're all awake, we should get ready. Deacy, we'll leave you to have privacy. Join us downstairs at breakfast." Freddie offered, the three of them walking out and shutting the door.

John sighed either happily or in annoyance, but he was relieved that it was all a dream. He rubbed his forehead as it ached, no idea the cause of the odd pain.


Word count: 875

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