'Cos We Used To Fight Like Cats And Dogs

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A request by @86_b4by , where it shows a day of Roger Taylor's kids. It's about the siblings having sibling moments. Also some cliché parent moments in here though I don't know anything about any of their relationships or lives. 




"No, Rufus! Tha's my teddy! Give it back!" The youngest Taylor was shouting, reaching her arms up at her older brother. The 3-year old pouted.

Rufus, who was three years older than Tigerlily and twice her height, stuck out his tongue in a teasing manner. He held the toy above his head.

"You two! I'm trying to do my schoolwork! Ruf, give her the teddy back." Rory, the 11-year old, scolded.

The boy didn't listen to his big sister.

Roger walked in after hearing them argue, and as he walked by Rufus to make coffee, he grabbed the teddy and handed it to Tigerlily without even looking.

"Rufus Tiger Taylor, be nice to your baby sister. Tigerlily, use your nice words next time."

The two siblings stopped fighting, the littlest girl hugging her favourite item to her chest.

Rory was able to finish her schoolwork in the quietness, and when she was done, headed to the sofa to read magazines.


As her dad was drinking coffee, Tigerlily walked up to him and climbed onto his lap.

Roger sighed but gave her a gentle hug with one arm. "What is it, flower?" 

"Nothin'. I wanna cuddle."

The man fixed his glasses and thought about it before agreeing, putting the dishes in the sink. Then he lifted Tigerlily up, carrying her over to the other sofa and they sat down.

"Daddy, why's Rufus so mean?" 

"He's not actually mean.. Just has a bit too much energy. And he's older, so he thinks he can do more than you. But he can't really. You're so strong, Tiger. We all love you. Even Rufus."

"Oh, okay." The toddler smiled. "I strong." 

"Yes, you are. Don't forget that. And Rory is strong too."

Rory smiled as well, making a dramatic face and flexing her arms to show strength, though she knew he meant inner strength. Her sister giggled.


Rufus, like his father, was easily bored, so he went over to the music room and played the drums. He wasn't great yet, but getting there.

"Sounds good," Roger called out, playfully holding Tigerlily upside down, the little girl laughing.

"Thanks. I keep messing up on this part, though." Rufus stopped and imitated the drums with his mouth, "Like, ba-da-ba-, da-do-do-dum-dum-tish."

"Do you want me to show you?" Roger asked, putting Tigerlily down. His son nodded.

"Okay, so, you want to use the rim shot on the snare for the end, like this." He demonstrated, playing it once, then going a little slower.

Rufus tried again and got it successfully. "Oh, I see!" 

"Yeah! You got it." The dad encouraged proudly.


Rufus continued playing his song on the kit, Tigerlily now joining in by playing tambourine and singing.

"I like flowers, I am a flower, I like bees. Dad is a tree." 

"What?!" Roger pretended to be shocked. "I think Brian is more like a tree." 

The youngest stopped singing and looked at Roger seriously, "is Brian coming 'round?" 

"Oh, um.. No, I don't think so." 

Both kids gave their best puppy-dog eye looks, and Roger gave in. "All right, I'll phone him." 


Soon enough, Brian and his 10-year-old daughter Emily, came over.

"Daddy says you're like a tree." Rufus said and laughed.

"Really? Well, I can see how he'd think that. I'm way  taller than him." Brian smirked.

"Hey.. Not true. Just a bit." Roger answered with immaturity. But he was smiling too.


Emily giggled now, and hugged Rory when she walked over.

"I wish I had a sister my age," Rory mentioned dramatically. "Tigerlily is so little."

"Well, my sister's sixteen. She likes doing her own things. Like being with her boyfriend." Emily replied.

Brian's eyes got wide. "Boyfriend!

Emily shrugged shyly. "Oops.. I wasn't meant to say that. My bad."

Brian froze in surprise, and Roger snapped him out of it by pressing a hand against his shoulder. "It's okay. That's a normal age these days." 


"Well, there is a boy I fancy a bit." Rory was saying to her friend.

Now Roger was really just as surprised as the guitarist. "Rory Eleanor Taylor, you're too young." 

"Dad, we're not even dating. I just think he's cute and friendly." Rory said to reassure him.


Brian and Roger sat on the chairs talking, really about anything in particular. The older girls were painting their nails, Rufus playing with some toy cars and trains with little interest, and Tigerlily running around.

"Careful, you might get hurt, flower." Roger warned, then resumed talking to Brian.

In the middle of their conversation, Tigerlily did bump into a coffee table and started to cry. Brian got up and instinctively held her, rocking the little girl to comfort her.

"Oh, Bri, I could've.." Roger started to say.

"It's ok, Rog. You're okay, Tigerlily. You're all right." Brian answered softly.


As they sat down, Brian continued what he was saying. "I really don't mind. I miss when my kids were small enough to hold." 

"Feeling any better now, Tiger?" Roger whispered. 

Tigerlily nodded with a frown and decided to go join Rufus in playing trains.

"Remember, you're so strong." Roger said again. "I'm strong," she repeated.


Word count: 816

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