I'm Happy Just To Dance With You - Brian and Anita

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I couldn't figure out a ship name for them that sounded right.. Brinita? Anian? See?



Sometimes things can't work. No matter what you try. 

So, nothing was going well today, for Brian, at least. Anita was out and he was trying to keep busy - do this interview, make an appearance on this, make a short video that - it continued.

But nowhere to actually go to, it seems. Not today.

He let out a soft sigh, deciding to excersise.  He did that for a while, but moved onto a different task. Get some of these videos done. But that wasn't working greatly, either.

Brian thought about what to do, very tempted to invite Roger over and play Scrabble or jam or whatever. No, not this time. 

He wasn't in the mood to socialise much anyway. The man got his guitar and absentmindedly played, bending notes and strumming furiously until those feelings were out.

"A heartbeat rhythm and my soul keeps singing the blues.." He sang and continued singing as he unplugged the guitar and put it away. Also changed a snapped string.


Some work got done, but now he was left with his thoughts. Lonely, but slightly optimistic thoughts.

"Oh, I know. I'll look at some stereoscopy." He sat up and grabbed a 3-D book, reading through it a bit. Then the door opened and he looked to find the love of his life.

"Hello. How'd it go?" He asked her softly.

"It went very well, thanks!" She beamed a radiant expression. She was a light in his life.

"Oh, good." He sighed a little, "I've done some things around the house. But none of it's as good without you." Like a puppy.

Anita sat down and kissed Brian, sensing something was off.

"Are you doing all right?" 

"Hm..." Brian couldn't help but grin; not only was Anita great, she made him smile. "I am now. I missed you."

"I missed you too. But there's something you're not saying?" 

"I love you," he offered. "I love you so, so much."

She sighed tenderly. "And I love you. Now, what's up?"

He looked defeated slightly - he couldn't keep avoiding it. "Well, I'm just.. A bit lonely, I suppose. My computer  wouldn't work and a guitar string broke again.. I fixed them, but I think you make things easier to handle."

Anita smiled gently and got up, putting on a record. She took his hand and got him dancing, really dancing for fun. It was quite a sight.

 Brian laughed a little and danced, despite not being very good at it.

They kissed again. And again.


Word count: 403

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