It's My Party - Maylor (platonic)

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A Maylor kids sleepover. As always, this is all fiction, so it wouldn't really happen.



"WE GO SEE JIMMY!" Felix Taylor, who was 4-years-old, says way too loudly.

"Yes, Fe. We're going to stay over at Brian, Chrissy and Jimmy's house. We're almost there." Roger uses a calm voice, although he couldn't help but feel excited too.

Brian and Roger had arranged a sleepover for their boys, because honestly, they all needed some fun. Their wives, Chrissy and Dominique were going to be having some alone time.


As the two got out of the car, Felix runs to the front door and practically hammers on it, not knowing how to knock gently.

"Careful, don't want to hurt your hand, there.." Roger warns.

"Sorry," Felix giggles. "Excited." 

"It's ok." Roger smiles too, right behind him.

"Hello?" Brian questions, then crouches down to the boy's height, to let him give a cuddle. "Oh, that's right, you're spending the night. Come on in." 

"Daddy, are they.." a 6-year-old boy stands near Brian, then gasps. "..They are  here! Yay!" 


The two children greet each other, eagerly talking about what they could do. 

"Let's go upstairs! I have some cool toys!" Jimmy leads the way, and Felix happily follows.

"Well, they're certainly not unhappy to be together." Brian laughs.

"I know! Most of the car ride, he kept asking me 'are we there yet? I can't wait any more!' " Roger explains.

"Ah, what are we going to do with them.."


An hour later, it was dinnertime. Everyone was already back downstairs, and had washed their hands before they sat down at the table.

Brian puts out some fresh vegetables and some spaghetti with sauce. Roger and Jimmy thank him and begin eating. Except for the littlest boy, who only says, "thanks."

Brian and Jimmy were busy talking about space or something like that.

Felix leans over to Roger, who was busy eating, and quietly asks why there isn't meat.

"Because Brian is a vegetarian. He doesn't eat any meat or fish. It's still spaghetti, try some." Roger answers when he gets a chance.

"Oh." Felix shrugs, and begins eating, in a rather messy way. "Ooh! It's good!" 

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it." Brian tells Felix politely.


The four of them all finish their dinner and soon get dressed for the nighttime, Felix asking Roger to play some music before bed.

"I don't have my drums here, sorry, Felix." 

"Play guitar, daddy!" Felix points at an acoustic six-string guitar.

"Well, that's not mine.." Roger hesitates in his reply.

"You can play it if you want," Brian appears from nowhere, which startles the drummer.

"Bri, you scared me!" He scolds. "But all right." 

Roger softly picks up the instrument, strumming a few chords. He wasn't as talented at it as the guitarist, obviously, but he could play.


Brian holds Felix on his lap as they happily listened to the music. 

"He's not bad, is he?" Brian asks, to which Roger sticks his tongue out, but then laughs.

"He's good! You too." Felix beams up at him.

"Oh, thanks. I don't know." Brian answers modestly.


The boys were up early the next morning, running on sheer excitement.

"Daddy! Daddy, get up! Time to watch Star Fleet!" Jimmy starts shaking Brian somewhat intensely. 

"Star Fleet!" Felix cheers, not knowing what it was, but copying Jimmy and shaking Roger on the shoulder. Or trying to.

"Okay, okay. I'm up.." Roger's voice sounded a bit grumpy and tired. 

Brian smiles as he hurries out of bed and follows his son downstairs for the show. "You might like it, Rog.."


"Star fleet, star fleet.." The lead guitarist sings quietly. 

"I love that song." Jimmy grins.

"I know you do. That's why I recorded it." Brian says happily.

"So, what's this show about anyway?" Roger rubs his eyes.

"Well, it's a Japanese show about robots in space.. They go on adventures and there's explosions and everything. You know." 

The four all sat down and watched an episode, then had breakfast. 


Roger and Felix later said goodbye, and Jimmy waved.

Then the boy frowned. "I'm sad we have to go home." 

"I know. But we can see them some other time." 

That answer seemed to make Felix happy, so he sat as they drove back, going on and off about different moments, Star Fleet, what are vegetarians again, and lots more.


word count: 682

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