Nobody Told Me - Paul and George (platonic)

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As you can see, I like to use Beatles titles for the Beatles oneshots :) 



Paul, though typically optimistic, was feeling down lately.

He was kind of grieving the break up of the band, because they felt like a family to him.

Sure, he was bossy sometimes, but he had been aware of that and tried his best. But John was out of ideas for the group by 1970.

The bassist had so many more ideas, though. Paul had a special trick for sitting down with an instrument and coming up with a song then and there.


He had been drinking and doing some other things that weren't so good for his health, and it was starting to catch up to him.

Feeling hopeless, it was hard for him to get outside and out of bed, everything like that. It concerned Linda.

"Why don't you do something, love? Maybe go visit someone?" Linda suggested. 

"I dunno, I feel so tired.." Paul hummed, but being the man he was, he changed his mind. "On the other hand, maybe George would wanna talk. Even if I annoyed him.."


"Don't be so harsh on yourself, I'm sure he's over any argument by now. And at least you had acknowledged your actions." She soothed, giving her husband a kiss on the cheek.

Paul stood up hesitantly, nodding, "thanks, Linda. I'll see you later," he kissed back. 

Heather ran in, hearing some discussion. "Can I come too, please?" 

The bearded man shook his head, "sorry, Heather. I was going to visit George alone."


"Aw, okay. Bye, Daddy!" Heather called out, not too upset. She was mature for her age.

"Bye, Heather. Bye, Linda." Paul declared as he stepped out, going to his car. He sighed a little, letting his mind wander.

Soon, the man drove to the guitarist's house, humming along to the radio as he did so.


He was unsure at the steps, but went up and knocked on the beautiful-looking door. "I didn't notice how bright the sun is on the wood," he thought, realising that it had been a while since he'd been in the sunlight.

Vitamin D was great for a mood-booster. Soon, though, his sadness crept back slowly.

"I hope he doesn't hate me.." The bassist mumbled as he waited.

Eventually, the door opened and George gave a gentle smile.


"Hello, Paul. All right?" George asked happily, looking rather peaceful.

"All right, yeah. I thought I'd stop by for a visit." 

"Well, come in. I don't mind, y'know." The younger man invited the musician inside. 

Paul smiled in return, though it was kind of half-heartedly.


Once they both sat down, George spoke up, "you look a little down. Feeling blue." He observed.

The man was grateful for his friend's patience and hopefully, forgiveness.

Paul was hesitant to answer truthfully at first, but decided it wouldn't be good to put on a masquerade. "I have been a bit down lately. I.. I don't think I wanted us to break up, y'know?"

George was silent, listening rather than trying to immediately fix a problem.


"..And I know I was bossy, and fussy about certain things. But I kind of miss it now. I know we're still friends, at least, I'd hope so. But still, I can't get out of this slump." 

When George noticed how tired Paul looked and waited to answer.

"You seem very judgemental of yourself. I think we're still friends, I just didn't want to get into arguments. But we were all tense there. Except Ringo, maybe. He always seems cool." The youngest mentioned curiously.

Paul nodded in agreement, Ringo did always seem to handle things best. 


Everyone thought it was because he was the oldest or most experienced, but in reality, he had learnt to be patient after being in hospital for a long time with tuberculosis.

"I think we just have different ideas creatively, it's not really anyone's fault. I've been working on a new album, got quite a lot of songs." George answered kindly.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the advice." Paul smiled, this time for real.

The two songwriters continued to chat, enjoying the peaceful company.


word count: 644. 

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