One (not so beautiful) Rainy Day - Deacury fluff (friendship)

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This is an idea from le_parole_lontane !

Thank you for your request! Hope you like it!
It was autumn in nineteen seventy-six, and rather overcast and stormy in particular. It often rained in the area.

Freddie was enjoying a nice glass of champagne and reading the newspaper that he had brought in before it started to pour.

Tom and Jerry were sleeping on the couches, not bothered by any outside noises such as cars and rain.

After a few more minutes, there was a knock on the door. The man wondered who it could possibly be in this stormy weather.

Freddie opened the door, not wanting to keep whoever was there waiting and getting drenched.

"Deacy, what are you doing here? It's much too wet; you'll catch a cold. Come inside." Freddie inquired but quickly invited his friend in.

"Well, I was heading back home. But then my car broke down. And it's too dreadful out there to fix it, of course." John explained, pushing the long, wet hair out of his face.

Freddie walked around his flat and eventually got out a towel for the bass player, who was shivering quite a bit. 'Poor dear, he must've been freezing.' He thought to himself.

"Thanks," John carefully pat himself dry. "I didn't think it would be this rainy today. It's only about four in the afternoon."

"I know. It's been all sudden. But by the time you can fix your car, it'll probably be night. Besides, aren't the tools at home?"

John shook his head, "I usually keep a few in the boot, just in case. But it will be dark." He sat down and began to stroke Jerry, who was now awake after hearing all that talking.

Tom were still sleeping like the lazy cat he usually was. Jerry, however, decided to rub against the man stroking him, loving the attention.

"Would you like some tea, then? Or perhaps, something to eat?" Freddie questioned gently, earning a nod.

"Yes, but if you don't mind, I need to call Veronica and tell her where I am. She's alone with Robert." John confirmed.

"Feel free to stay the night, we can't have an ill bass player!"

Freddie meanwhile set out a mug and started to make a pot of tea, also putting a piece of bread with a slice of cheese on it in the toaster oven.

Being an empath, Fred was very good at paying attention to what people liked or loved. He had quite a sharp mind.

John called his wife and said hello to her and his toddler, saying he'd have to stay the night at Freddie's place, and Veronica said it was all right if he did that.

"Yes, Daddy loves you. Bye bye." John hung up, glad to speak to his son over the phone.

"Hey, Fred. It's fine if I stay here tonight." He said with a small grin. He was relieved to have a place to stay.

"Here you go, darling. Earl Grey and a piece of cheese on toast." Freddie presented the plate to John, who was sat  down at the table.

"You didn't have to make me food, Freddie. I'm just as happy with only tea." He said with a polite tone and smile.

"Don't be ridiculous, Deacy. It's no trouble at all, really." Was merely the reply.

Freddie cleaned up his own glass and poured himself a cup of tea, sitting down at the table as well. After a few moments, he decided to start up another conversation.

"You know, I would drive you home, but I can't drive. Sorry about that."

"I like hanging out with you anyway. You're very pleasant to be around." John conversed.

Freddie's answer was, "Tell me something I don't know," which caused the bassist to laugh a bit.

Both of them enjoyed the good company and happily just hung out as close friends until they went to bed.

Freddie even lent the bassist a pair of pajamas so his clothes could dry in time for the next day.

The next morning, John had already had breakfast that Freddie had tried to make, though it was just cereal, and he soon was ready to go.

"Thanks again for having me, Freddie. Really nice of you." John gave his shorter friend a side hug.

"Anytime, dear. See you later, when we record more of the album."

And with that, John went outside and fixed his car in about ten minutes before driving home, finally.
word count : 733

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