Oooh, Love - Hardzello

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Just a short thing! I'm bored. Based on the bromance of the two boys.

Joe was hanging out in his home in Los Angeles, reading some more fan mail and recording a live stream.

"Don't look at me like that," He says to the cardboard cutout of his friend. "I can't pay attention to you all the time."

"No, this doesn't mean I don't love you, I'm just busy! You know that." The brown haired man shakes his head, pretending to argue for the video.

Joseph was very good at hamming it up, and the viewers seemed to love the comedy.

He continued to open up the gifts and letters, laughing at a few of them.

"Oh.. Another broccoli man. My nephews and nieces love these guys. So, thanks."

This stream went on for a bit, the fans commenting how much they love the video and some comments about how sassy 'Ben Cardy' was.

But there was a knock on the door, so Joe got up and went to see who it was. "Hold on, guys. This might be important." He says nicely after there was more and more knocking.

The actor opened up the door, only to find a pretty big surprise.


"Joe! Mate, how are you?"

"I'm good! I was just doing a live-- oh, shoot." Joe runs back over, realising that the stream likely had heard Ben.

Wait, real life Ben?

You seem happy Ben's here in real life ;)

Who opens the door not checking who it is first?

"Benny!"  Looks like someone's got a crush!

Aww, they're so cute together!!

The comments continued on like that for another minute or so.

"Sorry, guys.. Uh.. I'm gonna have to end the stream, okay?" Joe makes a nervous face, looking a little like John Deacon before ending the video.

"Completely forgot about that, sorry."

Ben smiled and gave his fellow actor a hug, then notices Cardboard Ben in the corner.

"You still have him, huh?"

"Yeah, for videos.. Of course, it's not as good as the real thing. He can never get the turn right."

Ben chuckled, reminiscing on how he had pretended to be jealous of the cardboard cutout. It was all for comedy, on social media.

"It's so good to see you, though. I missed you, babe." Joe says but then covers his mouth, not meaning to say babe.

The blond haired man smirked, his cheeks going a light pink, "I missed you too."

The two men kissed lightly and sweetly, the older of the duo realizing how much he did miss his British friend. It felt warm and comforting.

Ben and Joe now sat on the chairs in the room, both of them blushing.

"So, would you like anything to drink? Or eat? It's hot here, wouldn't want to be dehydrated or anything." Joe nervously asks, smiling happily.

"How about some milk?" Ben jokes, getting a Deacy looking glare in return -- squinted eyes and everything.

"Kidding, kidding. Water's fine."

Joe laughed, going over to the fridge and getting a glass of water for his crush. Or new lover? He wasn't quite sure yet. Whatever feeling it was, it was fuzzy and breathtaking.


"Anytime, buddy."
Word count: 516
Send suggestions! I am pretty much out of ideas, always good to get different requests!

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