Wonderful Christmastime - Paul and Linda

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Obviously, everybody celebrates differently, so this is just a fun little chapter for Christmas. I'm also not British, so some things may be inaccurate.

Happy Christmas. 


Christmas Eve, 1979

Linda was making some of the food for tomorrow's lunch ahead of time so it would be easier, and Mary was helping her. So was Heather.

"Good job, girls. That looks wonderful." She praised as she glanced at the dishes they were helping make. 

"Thanks, Mum. I love helping cook!" Mary grinned.

"Mummy, I want to help too! Can I, please?" asked 8-year-old Stella.

"Of course you can, darling. Here, you can chop the celery." 


Paul was nearby in the dining room, liking to be around, and he would like to help, but he was keeping their toddler entertained. He would help later.

"I'm gonna get you! The tickle monster is gonna get you!" Paul cooed and played the silly game.

James squealed in delight and giggled, trying to tickle his dad in return.

"Oh no! Now you've got me! Ah!" Paul said in a high-pitched voice to make the 2-year-old laugh even more. It worked.

After a while, Heather went to go do something in her room while Mary played with James, and Paul cooked with Linda. Stella continued helping, of course.


Soon, most of the food was prepared to be cooked tomorrow and the kids were getting ready for bed. Linda helped James brush his teeth and then let him go read a book.

"Shall we put out a mince pie for Father Christmas now?" Paul asked the kids, who nodded and all helped in some way. James got to watch but was eagerly babbling.

Stella put the vegetarian mince pie on a plate and Mary and Heather wrote a little note for him before placing it nearby. Heather poured the drink too.

"Perfect. Now let's go to bed so Father Christmas can bring gifts." Linda said as she tucked the younger kids into bed and gave them each a kiss.


Christmas Day

In the morning, Stella and Mary were the first ones up and very excited. It felt magical.

"Look how pretty it is outside," Stella said with content.

"It's very pretty. But it also looks cold. Come on, let's see if Mum and Dad are up yet." Mary took her sister's hand and walked to the bedroom.

"I want to see if Father Christmas has been." Stella spoke softly, getting distracted.

"We'll see after, okay?" Mary asked and the younger girl nodded happily.


James was awake too, and so Mary lifted her brother up onto her parents' bed and Stella climbed up.

"Happy Christmas, Mummy and Daddy," Stella gave a little tap to them both.

Paul started to stir, feeling very tired, but stayed under the covers.

"Chwistmas!" James said excitedly, which woke Linda up and Paul yawned.

"Yes, happy Christmas. We're getting up." Paul smiled.


Mary and Stella ran off to the living room to see the presents under the tree.

"Wow," Mary was in awe. She hurried to another room to check on her big sister.

"Heather, Father Christmas has brought gifts!" Mary beamed.

"Has he? Ooh, that sounds great." Heather was already up and dressed, so she followed Mary. 


The kids all sat round the tree and so did their parents, and they all began opening presents. James was one of the first to because he couldn't wait.

"What have you got? Can I see?" Linda asked happily, and James held up his present.

"Teddy! See, Mummy?" James said with a wide grin.

"I do see your new teddy! That's very nice!" Linda ruffled his hair.


"I got a camera. It's very lovely." Heather was happy but didn't show her excitement as much as the younger ones. She was 16-years-old. She also got a book on photography.

"I got a camera too! Yay! And film!" Mary said as she opened her own gifts.

James took another present that Linda handed him. "Daddy! Animal books!"

"Animal books? Just like the animals we have! Wow!" Paul used an eager tone of voice.

"What did you get, Stel?" Paul looked over at his youngest daughter.

"Toy horses! And sheep! For my dollhouse!" Stella cheered.

"Oh, that's fun! And it looks like there's something else for you." Paul pointed out.

Stella looked around and found a box with her name on it, then ripped the paper open and she was very excited. "A book of stories!" 

Soon, everyone was done opening their presents and they had a lovely Christmas lunch, did Christmas crackers and enjoyed the rest of their day.


Word count: 692

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