1: Domino City

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Alright my first Yu-gi-oh fanfic, 😊💙 I've loved this anime since I was a child so let's see where this takes us.

Evie's POV:

The plain has landed, the luggage has been found, "welcome to Domino City," said the overhead when me and my friend Esmeralda walked out the doors. "Do you think getting a taxi here is like getting one in New York?" Esmeralda ask. "Stick your thumb out or whistle to find out," I said. No one paid attention and it actually wasn't a crowded city like New York. We ended up taking a bus to our shared apartment.

💙at the apartment building💙

"Here you are ladies, the keys, and your rent is due in two months," the head of the building said. We waited till he left to talk. "Wow so soon," I said. "Let's at least check it out," Esmeralda said.

(Ok forget the balcony, and where it says tatami is like a Japanese room)

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(Ok forget the balcony, and where it says tatami is like a Japanese room)

"Ok, looks good," I said. It already has furniture. "A little cramped up front but ooooohhhhh I call dibs," Esmeralda said. I went into the first bedroom and she was in the closet. "Ok that's not fare, you didn't see the rest of the apartment," I said. "Don't worry I'm sure your room has a smaller version of this one," she says, "now if you'll excuse me it's time to unpack." I had no choice, the other room was mine and the closet was decent, but the window gave me a good view of the city and . . . KC? "Wonder what that is?"

We both unpacked and it was off for a tour of the city, along with a bit of shopping. We stopped at the plaza for coffee. "What a city," Esmeralda said. "I know right and there's still more to see . . ." "Evie, you ok?" Esmeralda asked. "That tall building over there with the letters KC on it, I can see it from my bedroom." "Lucky," she said, "let's ask one of the locals if they know." She got up from the bench and asked this brunette with blue eyes, I felt so embarrassed I just looked at the building. The next thing I knew the girl was with us. "I'm Téa and you must be Evie." "Hi, Téa." We ended up chatting like friends. "So you wanna know what the letters on the tallest building in the city stand for," Téa said. We both nodded our heads. "That's Kaiba Corporations or Kaiba Corp for short, and trust me you don't wanna meet the CEO of that company. I mean his ego is bigger than it." "Ahh so it's a he and not a she," Esmeralda said.

💙time skip💙

Turns out Téa goes to the same college we do, so we'll meet her friends there tomorrow. "Wow, a new City, a tour, new cloths, new friend. So much in one day," I said. "Yes and you finally know what those big letters stand for," Esmeralda said, "well I'm finally feeling jet leg, so wake me up when dinner is ready." She took her clothes and went to her room. "You mean when takeout gets here." I heard mhmm behind her door. I'd unpack the clothes tomorrow, I just couldn't help but look out the window. Kaiba Corporations . . . What exactly do they do over there?

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now