12: Girl time

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Featuring these lovely outfits:

Featuring these lovely outfits:

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I would kill for the green one.

Evie's POV:

Since I work on weekends, my only chance of going out was on Monday through Friday afternoon. Me and Esmeralda got into something casual before Téa got here. "Alright girls ready to go shopping." "If it gets our mind off boys, then yes," I said.

💙for starters, the shoes💙

"Oh my god Téa, you should get these," I said. "You sure, I mean they're a bit flashy for my taste," she said. "Yeah but they're pink and pink is soo your color," Esmeralda said. Téa tried them on and modeled them out. "You know what, they'd be good for like a date, I'll buy them." "Great, you with those me with the butterflies, and Evie with these . . . normal boring ones," Esmeralda said. "Téa give it a week and she'll ask to borrow mine."

💙the clothes💙

This top was cute, it had lite blue lace over the shirt, and with white jeans it was perfect. "Ok, one, two, three." We all walked out of a dressing room wearing almost the same thing. "I got three words for you, oh, my, Ra," Esmeralda said.
"I have no words for this," Téa said. "I've got some, less talk more shop." We bought the clothes and then I told Esmeralda, why don't we try our new Domino City outfits, she was in and so was Téa. We went to the bathroom—didn't smell as bad as the New York ones—and changed. Walking out in a new outfit made me feel like already lived here for so long. "You ladies hungry or just need to take a break?" Téa asked. I know my friend and she knows me. "Both," we said.

💙time for a break💙

"You know it's soo good to sit at a café that you don't work at, and that's run by Kaiba Corp," Esmeralda said. "I agree with you on the sitting at a cafe and run by Kaiba Corp part," I said. "Wait, you've had coffee with him." I was so tired that I forgot Téa was with us. "Well, uh, I'm his secretary so of course we have to sit and talk." "Mhmm, spill the tea," she said. I didn't think she'd be so into gossip. "Don't worry, I won't tell the boys." Esmeralda bobbed her head at Téa. "Ok so . . ." I told her everything—though there wasn't much to tell—and when I was done I let out a breath. "It feels so good to let everything out, especially to the first person we talked to in Domino City," I said. "Hey, I'm here for both of you whenever you need me," Téa said. "Thanks, but I think she'll need us both because her blue eyes Prince Charming is coming this way," Esmeralda said.

I turn my head a few inches and let my eyes do the rest . . . Yup, I recognize that long blue coat anywhere. "Let's go," I said. Coffee went in the trash and we got our stuff. We ran into the closest store—H&M—Téa and Esmeralda looked like they were minding their business, but I was on the side with my back at the entrance. Please don't see me please don't see me please—
"Coast is clear," Esmeralda whispered. I wasn't sure, I walked out and I never lost sight of him . . . Until he entered a jewelry store. "What would he of all people be doing in a jewelry store?" Téa ask. "I don't know," I said. And I don't wanna find out.

💙time skip to the apartment💙

"Evie don't be afraid to make the first move, and by that I mean ask him on a date," Téa said. "I'll keep that in m—"
There was a box in front of our door, with the letters KC on it. ". . . Esmeralda open the door, Téa hold my bags, I'll grab the box." It was lite, when we got in I told Téa to put my things in my room and I put the box on the table. Inside was a blue laptop with the Kaiba Corp logo on it in white, and a letter.

Here, Evie with this high tech and fast laptop you'll be done with your homework in a few hours and working on my schedule the next.

"Omr I cannot believe he signed the letter with just his name," Esmeralda said. "So I guess he really likes you if he'd give you something of his," Téa said.

💙little time skip💙

"Remember don't be afraid to ask him out if he won't," Téa said. "I won't." And then she left. Now it was time for the real talk. "So is she right, or do your Egyptian senses tell you something else." "I'm gonna tell you what my mom tells me, let the Nile river take its course," Esmeralda said. "If something interferes you'll find a way around it." "Alllright, well I'm gonna try this thing out," I said.

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now