24: Braking News

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And here's the outfit for today:

And here's the outfit for today:

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💙the next day💙

Evie's POV:

The light woke me up and I noticed a silhouette at the window. He turned his head and smiled. "Good morning beautiful." I hid under the bedsheets, I can't believe we actually slept in the same bed, and his side still feels warm. "Mmmm, I don't wanna get up." Seto sat next to me. "I didn't want to either because you looked so beautiful asleep, I could just watch you, but I have a company to run and I need your help on some parts." He ran his hands down my cheeks. "Evie." "Set—"
"Oh this is where you were, well excuse me," Noah said. Seto went after him.

Seto's POV:

I cornered that boy in his bedroom. "Listen you runt, nothing happened." "Oh I know me or Mokuba would have heard something." "Heard what?" Mokuba was at the door. I explained last night to my brother and he took it well. "So you love her that much huh." "Yes, I love her that—"
"Why are you boys standing there, come on it's time for breakfast." She was still asleep when I woke up, so I went and got her outfit for work, it was the only one left and with white heels. Seriously how do women walk in those.

💙at KC💙

Evie's POV:

"Here are the files on your new technology, Mr. Kaiba." "Thanks, and I see you've already emailed them to me just in case." I nodded. "Very well you may leave," Seto said. That means not before you kiss me. I walked to his side of the desk and kissed him. "See you soon handsome," I said. I walked away and gave him that little smile he likes.

💙ten minutes later💙

Ring ring.
"Yes." "Meet me at the doors of my laboratory," he said. "Yes sir." I wonder what it looks like in there. He actually waited for me outside. "You called, Mr. Kaiba." He took my hand. "Come with me." The necklace around his neck was the key to opening the doors to his lab. As expected: big screens, controls and buttons, a virtual pod that I heard about, a table with scientific equipment and computers. "Welcome to my laboratory." "Wow, everything says you, Seto." I was actually amazed. "So besides show me the lab, why am I here?" I ask. "I could use an extra hand on this new duel disk system," he said. "Hmm . . . well I'm not busy and you don't have a conference call till two," I said. "I'm in."

💙a few hours later💙

The disk was built now according to Seto it needs some computer hardware in it. "Wait here." "You sure I can't help wi-wohhh—"
"Careful." There are some big chords on the floor, I take three steps back and almost fall but he catches me. Both my hands are on his chest—I hear that same heartbeat from last night—while his are on my waist. "You saved me." "I think this makes up for you saving me," Seto said. Love took over and I started kissing him, he returned the favor by kissing back, holding one side of my face, and the other had a good hold on my waist . . . so good . . . it started to go lower. "S-someone could see us." We took a breath and he looked at me. "If someone did see us I'd have them fired if they said a word." "Yup that sounds like you," I said. "No one messes with, Seto Kaiba." Those words put a grin on his face and we got back to lips on lips.

💙a few minutes after the meeting at two💙

Everything was fine and dandy . . . until Esmeralda came. "What are you doing here?" And with three cups of coffee and hot cocoa. "You need to turn on the news or tell Kaiba to do it in his office," she said. "Slow down Es, now what's—"
Ring ring.
"Yeah." "Get in here now." He doesn't sound happy. "Come with me," I said. Besides me, Seto, and Esmeralda, Mokuba was in here—that explains the hot cocoa Es brought—and Noah was on the tv screen—only small.

On the Domino City News it says, Seto Kaiba and his secretary, Lovers. "I'm (___) (___) with some spicy news today. It seems like the famous Seto Kaiba has a lover none other than his secretary, Evie Smith. Has this been going on since the technology ball, or was it a secret that should be let out now."

Everyone had their coffee and cocoa, but no one drank because they were staring at the screen that showed pictures of me and Seto. Me and him on the red carpet of the ball, when he lifted me up—it looks like I'm smiling. "I actually thought this would be on the news the next day, but it wasn't," Noah said.
Then there were pictures of us at the park, hand in hand, on the ground. When we left the karaoke place. "I didn't know you sang, Evie," Mokuba said. "Not now, Mokuba," Seto said. There were a few of Kaiba and his car, you could see it was me or him in there, but worst of all was the one of me and him kissing in his lab.

"What the!" I dropped my coffee. How could someone have seen us let alone taken a picture. "Welll, this is interesting," Noah said. The news director came back on. "Is this an experiment, or love, I'm—"
Seto turned the tv off. "Big brother?"

Seto's POV:

How could this happen, those windows in my lab are so high up you'd have to . . . "That's it." I pressed the first button on my speaker. "Roland I want a background check on all my employees." "Yes, Mr. Kaiba." I slammed my hand on my desk. "There's a spy in my company," I said. "Or some of those photos were from different people who gave it to the news," Noah said. Everyone looked at the screen. "Just saying." "Esmeralda," she faced me, "you're friends with the dweeb patrol right." "Yes and I think I know what you want me to do. I'll be right back." She stepped outside. It was quiet . . . "I feel like this was my fault." Evie was at my side, she was shaking, I don't wanna see her in tears. "This isn't your fault, or mine," I got up and put my hands on her shoulders, "we both know this was bound to happen at some point." I looked at my brothers, "we all did," and they nodded in agreement. I held Evie in my arms, anymore news about our love and she might just brake.
"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Kaiba but I have confirmed that my friends that you call the dweeb patrol had nothing to do with what was on the news," Esmeralda said. "That's the best thing I've heard today." And I meant it. "So that's six down and now that just leaves the rest of Domino," Noah said.

Mokuba's POV:

What happened today could either ruin my brother and Kaiba Corp or make everything better for it. I wanna help . . . Got it. "Seto remember when you first lost to Yugi and then people started talking about it." "Really Mokuba, you're gonna bring that up at a time like this," Noah said. "Zip it, Noah, go on," Seto said. "Well you left, so I was thinking . . . Why don't you two leave for a while, at least until this goes down."

Evie's POV:

"Stop the Nile River, you abandoned your brothers?" Esmeralda said. "Long story," Seto said. Not really he actually told it to me. "So what do you say brother, I'll watch over Kaiba Corp till you come back." "Mokuba remember this doesn't just concern me." The way he looked at me, though our secret is revealed, he looked at me softly. "So what do you say, Evie, I'll take you wherever you're heart desires." I just looked at him not at the ones behind me. "Wherever you go, I go, Seto." It was done, now he had his boss face on.

"Alright listen to me, I want you both packed and on the roof of your apartment building by eight. Once I pick you up, Evie, Roland should be there with a car to take Esmeralda to my house. Mokuba, Noah, she's in charge till I get back." "I can't help but wonder who'll have the most fun," Noah said. "See you soon Es." Noah logged off. "Mokuba you're in charge till I get back, email me if there's anything strange going on," Seto said. "Got it bro." He and Esmeralda left.

"Seto, before I can get back to work, just tell me, where are we going?" He took the hand that's wears the bracelet and kissed it. "Somewhere nice and peaceful."

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