8: Getting closer

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I ship it 😆

💙the next day💙

Evie's POV:

"Well you look happy this morning, is it because I made bacon," I said. "No . . . I opened the box in the Nile," she said. "Nooo." "Yesss." Around Esmeralda's neck was a necklace with an Egyptian eye on it. "Is that the so called millennium puzzle?" "Just the front of it," she said. She put it under her uniform, "If what Kaiba said yesterday was true, I'll ask Yugi about it." "Yeah yeah please don't mention my boss so early and on weekdays," I said. I went to grab the first bacon but she took it. "Oh and try to keep the others away." "So basically make sure Joey and Tristin fight and Téa try's to stop them," I said. "Exactly."

💙time skip💙

Esmeralda's POV:

Alright at least I have a class with him, and he's teaching me a bit of duel monsters. "So this card will boost my monsters attack, and this one will weaken yours," I said. "You got it, Esmeralda," Yugi said. Alright here we go. "Yugi, since this game originated from my country, do you think there are Egyptian god cards." He was quiet. ". . . There were, but they're gone." "It's probably for the best, I mean they're gods," I said. "So Yugi, heard of any interesting pharaohs?" Once again, quiet, he's a shy boy. "Well, there was this one, they called him—"
"Alright time to start class." No matter the grade, the teacher always comes on time. "I'll tell you later during lunch." "Ok, or we can meet somewhere and talk," I said. I think he blushed, "o-ok."

💙time skip💙

Evie's POV:

As much as I hate Monday's, it was ok . . . As for Esmeralda. "Nothing." "Nope, and I was so close to finding out something big." The next day at college was like any other day, but it's not normal in the afternoon to find your boss waiting outside your apartment. "Kaiba?" "What are you doing back?" Esmeralda ask. "Just change into something casual and head down to the limo, I'll explain everything at Kaiba Corp," he said. Well then I guess it'll be jeans, a T-shirt with a blue rose, sneakers, and a jacket.

💙at KC💙

"You wanted to see me, Kaiba, or more likely what did you have to tell me here that you couldn't tell me at my place." He just sat at his desk with his hands forming a bridge. "Evie, this weekend there's the technology ball, where all the smart technicians of the world will be attending, including me." I did see this in the emails, and just like his secretary I sent it to him. "But I can't go alone," he isn't, "so, Evie, will you go with me to the ball." I had to sit down. "Ok so are you asking me as a favor," I can't believe these words are coming out, "or a date?" He put his hands down. "As a favor of course, the president of Kaiba Corp can't come alone, that would embarrass me and my company." Just like the gang said, he only cares about his company. Out of the drawers Kaiba pulled out money. "One hundred and fifty dollars," I said. "That's for the dress, try to look amazing but not revealing." "Ok if you're giving me this much . . . At least give me one dance, no matter the song." He leaned back, "fine, but I'm warning you I don't dance." I thought he'd take me back, but the limo made a right instead of going straight. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To my house, I want you to get ready here." I didn't know what to say so I just shut up the rest of the ride.

💙at the Kaiba mansion💙

The front gates locked, there was no way out, it's not that big, just a three—maybe four—floor house owned by the richest man in Domino. When he unlocked the door I thought I'd find maids and butlers, but instead I find his brother . . . and the boy I saw in the picture on his desk. "Welcome home big bro," Mokuba said. "And it looks like he brought a friend," the boy at the top of the stairs said. He slid down and took my hand. "Noah Kaiba, Seto and Mokubas stepbrother, welcome to the Kaiba mansion." A nice little handshake, I could sense Kaibas temper going up. "Why don't me and Mokuba give you a tour—"
"I'll give her a tour, and I'll be a fast one so keep up, Evie." Kaiba was already going up the stairs. He was right, he showed me the lounge, his studies, both his brothers rooms, and the room I'd get ready in—in other words the guest room. "The ball is Saturday so you'll work till two, I'll have a car take you and your friend to get your stuff and the dress, be ready before seven." "Whatever you say boss." "Oh, and do you think your friend can watch over my brothers for the night," Kaiba said. "What!" They both came out of nowhere.

💙back downstairs💙

"Seto we don't need a babysitter," Noah said. "Yeah not with our high-tech security," Mokuba said. "Look little brother, besides Roland and our security system, I don't know why . . . but I feel safer knowing there's someone else in the house who you like and trust." "And don't worry, maybe you boys can teach her how to duel," I said. If she agrees to this since Kaiba and I didn't talk about this. They both looked at each other, "Fine," they said in unison.

💙back home💙

"Thanks for the ride, Kaiba." Even though it was quiet the whole time. "Well it was either this or walking, and down some of these streets you could get hurt." He sounded worried. "Now you have the money?" "Yes and I know what to do Saturday." "Good, see you then, Evie." He turned the corner for the elevator.
I leaned back on the door, a ball, neither me or Esmeralda have dresses fit for something like that. I heard the door open, then I plummeted to the floor. My friend dragged me in by my jacket then closed the door. "What money and where are you two going Saturday?"

💙little time skip💙

"Ah, so your blue eyes Prince Charming invited you to a ball, and I'm stuck at his house babysitting," Esmeralda said. "Es please, maybe he'll pay you, or his brothers will," I said. She got up from the sofa and put her hand on my shoulder, "I'll do it, but whatever is left of that hundred and fifty dollars is mine." I put my hand on her shoulder. "I knew you'd say that." We laughed it off. "Alright we shop tomorrow, and if I were you I'd study up on technology so you don't look dumb next to Kaiba." She's got a point, I should look up technology companies and see what they're about.

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