31: The Nameless Pharaoh (part 2)

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"Waaaaahhhh!" I didn't expect to fall on the floor . . . Wait, this floor looks nice. "What is this?" "What in the eye of Horus is going on?" "Master Achnaden is there a monster inside her?" The man in blue who sounds like . . . Oh my Ra he's Seto Kaiba—his ancestor. "No, she is harmless," Achnaden said. "Oh, I'm Esmeralda, my Pharaoh and I've been wanting to meet you for so long." "Well, Esmeralda, I believe this one is yours." He handed me my necklace. "I knew you would come, my necklace shows me the future and it showed me that someone would interrupt the festivities, I just couldn't see that it was a female." "Where's the Pharaoh?" I asked. "He told me to escort you to his chambers, come along." I followed grandpa then I looked back at Isis. "Am I in trouble?" "I don't know, my necklace won't show me," she said.

Esmeralda's POV:

Three steps up and you were in a nice bed, behind it paintings of the Egyptian gods, a nice sofa down here, bathroom to the left, now where's—
"You're here, I was afraid you'd run." "Not in this outfit," I said and I couldn't help but strike a pose. "You look lovely, come with me." We each sat on a seat next to an open door to the balcony, table with wine and water and fruits. "This is sweet, thank you." Esmeralda don't be afraid, but I know where you came from." "Oh really," I threw a grape up and caught it in my mouth, "tell me Pharaoh what gave it away." "Well you weren't afraid when they pulled up the tablet, or when you saw the members of my court, but mostly the replica of my puzzle in gold." I took a drink. "I com from a family or archeologist, we've been studying you for years, and when we found out you had this puzzle around your neck, my great grandmother had a replica of the front of it made of gold, and it's been passed down to every female since." "Interesting, what about the other millennium items?" He asked. "Your friend, Yugi tolled me about them, he and gramps are doing well, Téa and Bakura are ok, Duke is charming all the ladies, and Joey and Tristan are the same." The Pharaoh took a drink. "Fight but get along." "Yup," I took a bite of a watermelon. He told me to come closer and he whispered. "And how's you know who?" I couldn't help but giggle a bit, and I know my face is red now because he was so close. "Oh that guy . . . Let's talk on the balcony."

💙after telling Seto and Evies love story💙

"Wow . . . I'm really glad he found love." "Same here," I said. This Pharaoh looks handsome under the moon. "So when do you think he'll ask for her hand?" It's getting cold. "Whoa whoa whoa, have you turned into this?" I pointed at a banana, "Kaiba needs time for something like that." "If he loves her as much as you say he does, he's bound to ask her soon." "You know what it's late and I don't where I'm gonna sleep but goodnight, and what you did here was sweet." I was almost at the door when . . .
"Stay with me." I turned around, "what did you say?" "You're safe with me and you know me well, Esmeralda, I'll even give you a tour of the palace tomorrow." Slow steps to him. "How can I know you well if I don't even know you're name." A small but kind small was on his face. "Tomorrow night after dinner and a few dances, we'll come back here, and I'll tell you." "Do I have your word?" I asked. He took my hand and kissed it. "You have my word." ". . . Well then you're gonna have to find me something to wear because I'm not sleeping in this," I said.

💙the next day💙

The Pharaoh shook me awake, at first I thought it was a dream till I looked around. "Nope this is real." "I'll wait for you to get dressed, then we'll have breakfast here," he said.

💙breakfast is over💙

"The water garden in the palace is lovely." "I'm glad you like it, Esmeralda." I sat on a bench. "My Pharaoh, the library and the garden were beautiful, but don't you get the feeling we're being followed or watched, and not just by the guards and your court," I said. "I get this a lot," he turned around, "Mana come out." It looks like he's shouting at nothing. "I'm up here." Up in the palm trees was a girl who jumped down like it was nothing. "So you're the girl who stopped last nights party, you are pretty." Why thank you, Mana." "Let me give you a better and faster tour of the place." Mana grabs my hand and the next thing I know we're running around with the Pharaoh trying to keep up. We make a turn and Mana bumps into someone. "Oh, sorry master Mahad." The one with the millennium ring. "Mana you should be studying." "I know but I saw the Pharaoh walk by, and I wanted to see the girl he was with," Mana said. "Wow you two run fast." "He finally caught up," I said. "Mana you should get back to studying," Mahad said. "Well it was fun while it lasted, see you at dinner Esmeralda."

💙at the temples💙

"So in these seven pyramid temples is where you each have your duel monsters tablets," I said. "Yes, I mean for the time being we can't call them cards," the Pharaoh said. He took me into his and besides the other monsters, I saw the three Egyptian gods, and suddenly it got cold. "You alright?" "Y-Yes, I'm just not used to seeing them on this rock." He took me outside and it looked like Seto was about to go into his. "Go on, you know you want to," the Pharaoh said. "Just for information," I said.

💙In Seto's temple💙

"Wow, very interesting." "My best is up the stairs," Seto said. We climbed the stairs just like in the Pharaohs, and he was right, his best was up here . . . The blue eyes white dragon. "I come in here sometimes just to sense her presence, and I do, it makes me happy." Ok step by step. "So, the human who had this in them was a female." "Yes."  "What did she look like?" "White hair, blue eyes, though she was in rags she was beautiful," Seto said. Last question. "What was her name?" "Kisara." "That's a lovely name," I faced him, "and I believe one day you will find someone just like her." "I'm a little confused right now but I'll take your word on that," Seto said.

💙time to get dressed for the party💙

"Isis, Mana, you called for me." "Yes I believe we both have a look for you," Isis said. "And don't worry you'll cover yourself with a long silk cloth from left to right, and when you're ready to dance you take it off and boom your outfit," Mana said.

 "And don't worry you'll cover yourself with a long silk cloth from left to right, and when you're ready to dance you take it off and boom your outfit," Mana said

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"This is beautiful, but you ladies are crazy if you think I'm spending most of the night naked." "This is just after the feast, besides you said you like to dance," Mana said. "What about shoes?" Mana pulled out flats that looked the same color as the bottom of the socks. "This long silk top with sleeves will cover the top half, when you're ready to have fun—and I know you will—just untie it from the rose," Isis said. "Mana start braiding her hair a few gold beads should look nice hanging down." "How about three down at the bottom of my hair, all around it, and let me take a bath first, God's you guys move too fast," I said.

💙dinner time💙

I tried to act casual at an ancient time like this. "Where should I sit?" "Oh Seto my priest would usually sit to the right of me, but after a chat you had with him he's letting you sit next to me," the Pharaoh said. This dinner was a buffet, I didn't know where to start.

💙after some beef and fruits💙

The music. Time to do my thing, I took off my flats and the gold silk top. "You can join me if and when you like, Pharaoh." I was glad I knew this rhythm, now I don't feel so stupid.

The Pharaoh's POV:

Oh my Ra.


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