16: A Date with the boss

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Featuring this lovely dress:

Featuring this lovely dress:

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(Forget the brooches)

Evie's POV:

"Nice bracelet, Evie, where'd you get it?" "Téa it's the blue eyes white dragon, isn't it obvious Kaiba gave it to her," Yugi said. "I think it's cute that he's already spoiling her and they haven't gone on a date yet," Esmeralda said. I tried kicking her in the shin but she's fast. "Hey if he's gonna spoil ya ask him for a duel disk, and in case ya don't want it give it ta me," Joey said.

💙time skip💙

When me and Esmeralda got home, he was at the door again. "Seto, to what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you at the door again," I said. "If you two need me I'll be inside," Esmeralda said. We were alone. "You're wearing it," he said. "I did say I'd never take it off." "Mhmm, Evie can we talk somewhere in private," Kaiba said. "Well then I guess we're going to have to go to your car because you have a meeting in an hour," I said.


"*sigh* Evie I'm gonna make this brief, I want you working for me not just on weekends, but now on Friday, from five to nine." Well there goes my fun night. "But not this Friday because . . . Will you go on a date with me?" I think what Esmeralda said got to my head because, "me and you, on a date, Friday," I said. "Yes, and don't worry about the dress, I'm sure I can find something for you," he said. "Oh . . . ok I'd love to, when should I be ready?" I asked. "Five," he said. "Well then, see you Friday Seto." I went back upstairs smiling like mad. "Esmeralda, your goddess Isis has come through." She opened the bathroom door and peaked her head out, "what happened?" ". . . He asked me out."
The door opened, "girl you are soo lucky I'm in my pjs."


"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Esmeralda asked. "What no, of course I'm not nervous about a date with my boss, who I've texted and emailed wanting information about where we'd be going and my, dress." Another box in front of my door, only this one has a little bouquet of white roses on top. "Your Prince Charming is turning into a Romeo," Esmeralda said. "Shut up and open the door." The bouquet had a letter saying, from Seto to my blue eyes, I hope you love it like you loved the bracelet. "This guy is crazy for you," Esmeralda said. "Yeah, crazy enough to get me a dress that's a bit revealing." But it is beautiful and with a long white fabric that I can just drape over me. "Alright you might wanna wash your hair today so we can style it tomorrow," Esmeralda said. "Oh I've already got the style, wavy," I said. That night I had the roses in my room, the dress hanging in my closet, and the bracelet on me. This's the most excited I've been in this city since I arrived. "Goodnight Seto."

💙the next day at five💙

"Ok, almost done with the makeup," Esmeralda said.
Knock knock.
"He's here," I said. "Go answer the door I'll put on the lipstick."

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now