6: What others think

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Yes but they say every time you smile a puppy dies 🙀😆

💙at the Kaiba mansion💙

Seto's POV:

Finally home—if I can call this place home—where there's peace and—
"So how was her first day? Was there any Love Mokuba?" "They could have had coffee in his office, but they went to the café," Mokuba said. Those two jumped like they were little kids again, but they're both twelve and helping me run a company. "So Seto, when's the first date?" Noah asked. "Just zip it and go to your room." "Geez when did you turn into my father." He ran off and Mokuba followed. "See you in a while big bro."

💙in my studies💙

Ever since my parents died it's always been me and Mokuba, then Gosaburo adopted us, and even though he had Noah, he was still young. Me and Noah didn't get along at first, but for the sake of Mokuba we made peace. And that peace grew when his father disappeared, I told him it's just the three of us now, the three Kaiba brothers. I looked at the necklace around my neck, opening it up to see a picture of my brother, sure there are three of us, but it'll always be me and him.
(Yes I did just put Noah into the fanfic and change up his story a bit because he disservice a second chance at life, ok back to the fanfic)

"Hey Seto, did you have time to read the emails she sent you?" "I'm doing that right now, Mokuba . . . And it looks like she did a good job."
"Yes!" Mokuba was so happy that he forgot he was in my studies. "Oh, sorry bro, I'll be in my room." I couldn't help but smile. Evie did a good job today, let's see how she does tomorrow.

💙lunchtime on Tuesday💙

Evie's POV:

"YOU WORK FOR HIM." "Joey, Tristen stop screaming," Téa said. "I'm pretty sure Kaiba can hear you from up here at this point, Joey," Yugi said. "Why would you work for that richboy, Evie?" "Because Joey, the guy pays good," actually he hasn't said how much he pays, "and we need the money." I said. "And besides who wouldn't wouldn't work for him?" Esmeralda said. Everyone pointed to Wheeler. "Well at least you both have some pretty good jobs," Duke said. "Because let's be honest, anything with the letters kc in the front pays good." We all nodded, let's face it the truth hurts. "In a change of subject, who's up for tacos tonight?" Tristen asked.

💙the third day at Kaiba Corp💙

A full dark blue suit and a white shirt with a v-neck. And I came even more prepared with a schedule book to write down any and every important email.
"Well well, looks like you actually came back." "Of course I did Mr. Kaiba, I mean this is my job." I cannot believe he was waiting at my desk. "Good, you know what you need to do, I hope most of it can be done before noon," he said. That was odd.

💙time skip💙

He called me to his office again. "Well, Evie, any news." "Yes Mr. Kaiba, the Kaiba Land in London is complete," I said. "I see." He looked through his computer for my email . . . "Here it is." I think he was smiling and he looked at the model of the park he has on the table to his right. "Evie, I think this calls for a toast." We went to the café, only this time we didn't go alone. "And what can I get you, Mokuba?" Esmeralda ask. "Hot coco please." "Coming right up," she said. Hard to look at them and see they're related. When our drinks (and my food) came it was time for a toast. "Can you believe it big bro, the first Kaiba Land around the world," Mokuba said. "Oh I believe it, I just wish I was informed earlier," I don't know if he means me or the people that work for him on weekdays. "Evie, the toast." He wants me to do it . . . oh god I think I'm sweating . . . "Alright then, a toast to the first Kaiba Land around the world," I said. "To the first Kaiba Land," Mokuba said. Cheers was all Kaiba said.

💙a month later💙

Esmeralda's POV:

My first job, my first check, although Evie hasn't gotten her money yet, and we said we'd open the mail together. She's home but—
Knock knock.
When I went to open the door, I wasn't expecting to see his face. "Kaiba, what are you doing here?" "Good afternoon Esmeralda, may I see Evie?" What do I say to my bosses boss. "Yes but—"
"Thanks." He just walked in. "Wait Kaiba." I had to stop him before any more steps or sounds were made. "Ok, Evie's in our spare room, but you don't wanna interfere when she's in there." I pointed at the door.

Seto's POV:

It was those doors that slide open . . . it was already a few inches open. What was inside was beautiful. Evie was in a light blue leotard with a skirt that seemed to flow with her movement, and these silver ballet slippers that you had to tie around. There wasn't even music, she was just dancing, it's as if the music was in her mind, and there was something strange about her dancing. It looked like she was fighting, one minute she was reaching up, the next she spun around like dodging an attack. And the whole time her eyes were closed. I couldn't move . . . I didn't want to, this was so beautiful, she stopped in a balanced position with one leg up behind her, and her hands opened.

Evie's POV:

When I opened my eyes I saw him, no one has blue eyes like him . . . and that made me lose balance. Kaiba slid the door open and caught me before I fell face-first. "You, wh-what are you doing here?" "Nice to see you too." Both his hands were around my waist, once again I looked up . . . I felt warm inside.
No, not in this room. I pushed back, "What are you doing here, Kaiba?" He may be my boss, but I'm not on the job. "I'm here to give you your first paycheck, Evie." He wasn't kidding, out of his blue coat came a letter—which of course I opened—with a check of 100 dollars from Kaiba Corp. "Es, I think we've hit the jackpot," I said. She came in with her mail, opened it, and then handed it to me.

Kaiba Corporations

She went to the shrine of the Egyptian gods and was all, 'thank the gods.' When Kaiba turned around, he froze.


Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now