30: The Nameless Pharaoh (part 1)

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"Well, this all happened twenty four hours ago, we will explain it all later but Mokuba will tell you where she is," Noah said. Mokuba finally looked at me. "Esmeralda's in Egypt, and still is, just five thousands years from now."
The bottle of vodka fell from my hands. "Oh my Ra."

Evie's POV:

I was quiet on the ride to Kaiba's laboratory. "How could you two do this!" "Hey she asked Mokuba to do this, I was just a little technical help," Noah said. I thought I could hold my silence but I wanted Seto to stop arguing with his brothers. "She befriended Yugi, Yes, all those times Esmeralda was with him she wanted to know the history of the millennium items." "Hmm so she never really was friends with those dweebs after all," Seto said. "No, she probably did, but her mind was still on the pharaoh."

💙at Seto's private laboratory💙

"We powered up your dimension system, Seto, and sent her back in time," Mokuba said. All the lights on. "We left for lunch and when we got back, she was gone," Noah said. We're in a room with controls and buttons, and in front of us is an empty seat. "So she was in there when you set everything up and started the machine," I said. "Yes, eyes closed and ready for excitement," Noah said, "we watched for a few minutes then got lunch, then we came back here and poof, gone." "I'll have to look at the machine, maybe something went wrong at some point," Seto said. "Actually . . . when we left the room I heard this chime, but it was probably nothing," Mokuba said. I looked at him. "Was it like a bell of some sort?" I asked. He nodded. I looked back at the seat. "Guys . . . I think it worked, the question is how long will Esmeralda be gone."

💙5000 years ago💙

Esmeralda's POV:

"Waaaaahhhh!" I didn't expect to fall on the floor . . . Wait, this floor looks nice. "What is this?" "What in the eye of Horus is going on?" I looked up, six people each with a millennium item. "Guards arrest this intruder," the one with the millennium ring said. "Don't worry my Pharaoh, we will get back to the festivities in no time." He turned around and for a second . . . That hair, and what was around his neck. "Wait I mean no harm, hey let go." "Let us see if you mean no harm, or if there's darkness within you," the one with the millennium eye said. Great my soul will be sealed in a stone tablet and I'll never have known the Pharaohs name. "Master Achnaden is there a monster inside her?" The man in blue who sounds like . . . Oh my Ra he's Seto Kaiba—his ancestor. "No, she is harmless," Achnaden said. "Then how did she get in?" The one with the millennium key ask. "What I want to know," that one eyed Achnaden took my necklace from me, "is how she has a necklace that looks like the Pharaohs puzzle." "Hey give that back, it's mine, it's a family—"
"Let her go." A strong voice sent the guards that were holding me away. His servants—probably his court—stepped away. "It's you." Nice tan skin, he looks like Yugi, and he has the millennium puzzle. "Yes, and you are?" "Oh, I'm Esmeralda, my Pharaoh and I've been wanting to meet you for so long." I hope I'm not turning red. "Well, Esmeralda, I believe this one is yours." He handed me my necklace. "And this one is mine." "Thank you." He had this look in his eyes like he knew something. "Isis find her something to wear." "Yes my Pharaoh." The only female with a millennium item—the necklace—and her name is Isis . . . I like her already.

💙in her room💙

"I knew you would come, my necklace shows me the future and it showed me that someone would interrupt the festivities, I just couldn't see that it was a female. Here this should fit."

"This is gorgeous," I said

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"This is gorgeous," I said. "Let's brush your hair down," Isis said. "Good luck getting it straight," I said.

💙little time skip💙

We just got the mess out my hair and made it curly again. I felt like cleopatra, I cannot stop smiling. "So you say you've been wanting to meet the Pharaoh for so long, I still can't see why." Oh well . . . Ummm." Think Es think. We entered the throne room. "Isis you're back, so this is the stranger that fell in." This guy looks like Yugi's grandpa. "Where's the Pharaoh?" I asked. "He told me to escort you to his chambers, come along." I followed grandpa then I looked back at Isis. "Am I in trouble?" "I don't know, my necklace won't show me," she said.


I'll try and name all the owners of the millennium items, but if I write grandpa it's because I don't remember his name and he looks like Yugi's grandpa, hopefully I spell their names right.

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