19: Anything new?

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"So how was wowuwhat is that around your neck?" I grabbed Esmeralda and took her to our sacred room. "I'm about to tell you something you can't tell nobody else." She got on her knees, "I sware on Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra that I will tell no one," then got up. "Ok, he gave me this necklace—we call it The Heart of the Dragon—and then he kissed me."

Evie's POV:

She took it well . . . If you call almost choking me in a hug well. "*sigh, sigh* Are you crazy," I said. "Oh you should have known that the day you met me," Esmeralda said. She kept jumping around till I grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Listen, you cannot tell anyone, not even Yugi . . . By the way how is it with him?" "Still nothing, I'm gonna need to talk to the boy alone." "Like a daaate?" I said. "Unless you want the necklace you got five hours ago stolen, take that back." "Fine," and I let her go.

💙the next day💙

Ok the suit—lite blue—the necklace, and the bracelet. I'm ready for work and as I was leaving I saw Mokuba outside my door. "Mokuba what are you—"
"My brother wants Roland picking you up every Friday and weekend that you work, and I decided to hitch a ride." "Well do you mind me hitching a ride," Esmeralda said, "I'll walk the rest." "Sure." When we got to the corporation once again there was a rose at my desk, I wanted to say good morning to him, but behind his door it didn't sound good. "I want it done and I want it done now! Or your fired!" I heard him slam the phone down. I should at least try to cheer him up.
Knock knock, "Seto it's Evie." Not a word . . . I'll take that as come in.

Seto's POV:

She should be at her desk checking emails, instead she's walking towards me, looking beautiful with the jewelry I gave her. "You ok, you know it's too early in your schedule to lose your temper." "Oh really, well when should I loose it," I said. "At a conference call at nine," Evie responded. She's clever and that's actually not a bad time to lose my temper because I hate that company's president. "Here I know what'll cheer you up." She came to my side of the desk. "What are you doing?" "Just this." She put her hands on the armrest and gave me a kiss. "Feel better?" I had no words.

Evie's POV:

God he's hot when he's speechless. "Well Mr. Kaiba if you'll excuse me I hear a phone calling." I turned but I couldn't take my first step, he had a tight grip on my arm. "Ok I turned around, now let go." He didn't, he just held on softly. "What you just did, you do every morning, and before you leave when I call you here," he made me look at him, "understood?" "Yes, Seto." He let go and started rubbing my hand slowly. "Sorry about the grip," he said. "No no just *sigh* don't do that again, because I could hurt you." He stopped and kissed my arm. "I won't."

💙time skip to the café💙

"So guys anything new?" Mokuba asked. We looked at each other, "no," and just kept working on his schedule for the next week. "Hey, Evie, where's Esmeralda?" "I'm right here with the food and drinks, and this is my last order 'cause I got the rest of the day off." She took off the apron, "see you after work." She walked out the door happy. "Has she got a date with one of the dweebs?" Seto asks. "Why should you care, and even if she did I wouldn't tell you." "Really," he came closer, "you wouldn't tell your boss." I moved in, "no." From the corner of my eye I saw Mokuba at the edge of the table, they boy is either anxious with joy or fear.

Esmeralda's POV:

Ok jeans, this cute top with tassels on it, sandals, and let's keep the necklace hidden for now.
Knock knock.
A look in the mirror—curly and gorgeous—alright. "Hey Yugi, come in."

🃏after a game of duel monsters🃏

"Wow, Esmeralda, you're as good as Joey," Yugi said. "Really, thanks, I won't tell him that." Alright now that the duel is over, "hey Yugi, I wanna show you something." "Oh ok." If I was gonna do this I had to do it right, so I took him to the room with the gods. "Is this a shrine to the gods?" "Yes, and I'm guessing you recognize some," I said. He nodded his head. We sat down face to face again. "Yugi . . . Do you recognize this?" I took the necklace out of my bodice and held it in place. "The millennium puzzle!" I was right, he was the boy, or should I say vessel. "Yugi don't be afraid, let me explain," I said. I took his hand, he was cold. "Why do you have a replica of the millennium puzzle?" He asked. Well here goes. "Yugi, do you know the origin of duel monsters?" He nodded his head. "Good then that means we can skip to the pharaoh part. Well, Yugi, my family has been trying to figure out the name of the pharaoh for years and years. My father has told me the history of the millennium items and how this one helped a pharaoh." "Only you don't know his name," Yugi said. "Exactly, and months ago when me and Evie were still in New York, there was an Egyptian exhibit in the museum and a rock had a carving that looked like you." The boy didn't say anything he just looked at the necklace, until . . . "I can help you, Esmeralda," he took my other hand, I felt warm, "but we're gonna have to start with the items one by one."
"Oh . . . Ok," I said. "Well why don't we start with the eye."

💙time skip💙

"So Es, anything new?" I just sat on the couch reading a magazine, "oh nothing. You?" ". . . Nothing." She's lying, she try's to scratch her back with her left hand everytime she does.

Evie's POV:

She's got news, she's never relaxed reading a magazine unless I'm here or we're on vacation. I went to the end of the couch with my arms crossed. "What happened?" She put down the magazine. "I'll tell you if you tell me," she said. "*sigh* Fine." "To the room," we both said.


3rd person POV:

"So ladies, anything new?" Joey ask. The girls just look at each other, Esmeralda glances at Yugi for a second, and Evie just holds onto her bracelet. "Nothing," they both say.

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