15: I love it

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"Seto, the reason you haven't found anything about me besides the number one ballet dancer is because they were under another name. Ever since I left home I took my mothers last name." "So what's your real name?" Mokuba ask. She took a breath. ". . . Evie Braginski." She held onto Esmeralda, "Seto, Mokuba, please tell no one my name or my story, it could put you in more danger then today," she looked like she was about to cry, "I only tell it to those I trust . . . I'm sorry."
She left the room, Esmeralda and Mokuba soon followed.

Evie's POV:

I was almost out the door of the job I love when. "Evie." "Girl wait." Mokuba and Esmeralda were behind me, the boy held onto me like it was for dear life. "Please please don't go." Getting him off me was easy but figuring out what to say to him. "Mokuba . . . I'll be back tomorrow for work, meet me here just like the first day." He took my hands, "I'll be here, and if Seto thinks about firing you I'll change his mind." He ran to his brother. Me and Esmeralda walked home, when we got to the building I looked back at Kaiba Corp . . . And it looked like someone did break in. His office windows were shattered. "Gods your trembling, alright let's get inside, get a warm bath, and maybe some tea," Esmeralda said.

💙little time skip💙

"He is sooo gonna fire me." "He is not gonna fire you." "He is sooo gonna—"
"Look, whatever happens tomorrow happens," Esmeralda said, "and you'll look pretty, I have your outfit on your bed." I went to see it, "Es are you sure about this outfit, because I wanted to save it for a special day." "You fear you're gonna get fired tomorrow, how special is that, and besides my Egyptian senses told me that was the one." She's got a point and I hope her senses are right.

Seto's POV:

After Evie left I just stayed in the consultation room thinking. She beat up four guys today in under a minute, but five years ago she beat that number times five. When the door opened I actually thought she'd come back, but it was Mokuba begging me not to fire her. "Let's go home, Mokuba, I'll think about it there."

💙at the mansion💙

"You're all home early and in one peace," Noah said, "what happened, did you save a certain damsel in distress?" I looked at my brother, he was pleading me to let him tell Noah . . . "*sigh* Go on," I said. He ran up the stairs, "Noah you have to promise you won't tell anyone," Mokuba said. "Cross my heart and hope to die," he said. ". . . That's not enough." Mokuba dragged him to his room.
I spent what felt like hours in my office reading the emails she sent me, and every time I saw her name I saw her. I heard her voice and her story. I had to get out. "Seto where you going?" "Don't worry, Mokuba, I'll be home before dinner."

💙the next day(and here's the outfit)💙

💙the next day(and here's the outfit)💙

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Evie's POV:

Now this is a outfit a secretary would wear, and with my hair in a bun I looked perfect. "Evie you're back." "And so are you, Mokuba. So does the boss wanna see me?" "Do you want me to lead the way, or do you wanna go ahead," he said. "Evie Smith follow me." I thought Seto would be in his office, guess I was wrong.
When we were in the office I noticed redecorating: sofas and tv on the right with file drawers, and on the left a coffee table with everything you'd need. "I see they fixed the windows." "I told them to fix it even if it takes all night." Of course you did Kaiba, of course. "Now Evie, you've worked for Kaiba Corp for a month, and you're just the best secretary I've had that . . . well I can't fire you."
"Beg your pardon Mr. Kaiba?" "You've organized my schedule in a way that gives me free time, you've survived a call from Pegasus, but most importantly . . . you saved my life." I think he's smiling . . . yeah that's a smile. "I'm in debt to you four times, Evie, let this be the first one." I didn't know what to say, I didn't know if I should leave, I just stood there looking beautiful. "I have something for you," he said. Really man, first you don't fire me now you're giving me something . . . what is it? I went to his desk and he pulled out a box. Inside it laid a charm bracelet with five blue eyes white dragons on it.

 Inside it laid a charm bracelet with five blue eyes white dragons on it

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(Ignore everything but the Kaiba Corp logo on the middle one)

Seto's POV:

"I hope you like it, it reminds me of you." She was speechless. "Are you kidding, I love it, haha it even has the logo on its wing . . . But why five, I thought there were three?" I put my hand on top of hers, "one for me, you, Mokuba, Noah, and Esmeralda." "Seto, that's so sweet." She gave me her hand and I put it on her. "This is the first of many Kaiba Corp jewelry and accessories that has to do with Duel Monsters," I said. Her blue eyes went to me. "So you're saying I have the first Duel Monsters charm bracelet on me." I nodded. Her smile just kept getting bigger. "I'll never take it off," Evie said. She put her hand to her heart, "I will forever be guarded by the five blue eyes white dragons." "Alright I think you've fangirl'd enough, now get to work," I said. "Yes sir." She was almost out when. "Seto, why does this remind you of me?" I guess it's my turn to tell the truth. "Your hair, sometimes it looks white, your eyes are blue like the sky, and yesterday you fought with the strength of a dragon." She had nothing to hide the blush on her face. "Thank you, Seto."

A few seconds after she left my office, Mokuba came in from the consultation room. "Did you give her the bracelet?" I showed him the empty box, "what do you think." "Check four for the jewelry giving," Mokuba said. "Wait what was step three?" I asked. "Uhh . . . The date." He came up to the desk, "got any ideas big brother?" ". . . Absolutely nothing," I said.

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