29: Home sweet home (part 2)

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"Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend and CEO of Kaiba Corp, and my boss, Seto Kaiba." "She's beautiful and kind to my two younger brothers, she brings me out of my stern shell, and I realized that after the attack on my building that she can protect herself." He looked me in the eyes, "but I didn't wanna lose her, I loved her so much I needed advice from my younger brothers . . . And it worked, I got something more rare and better than a duel monsters card." "Anastasia why don't you talk to our girl here, and I'll talk to Mr. Kaiba in the garden."

Evie's POV:

"Mama you didn't have to do this," I said. "We just did, besides I haven't talked to moya malen'kaya balerina (my little ballerina) in five years." We locked arms. "So how's that city, you and Esmeralda doing well?" I gave her that sarcasm look. You know how I'm doing, as for Es she's fine, she actually works at a café that he's technically the boss of," I said nudging my head to my right. "Wow, so my daughter and her most loyalists of friends could be fired by the same man." "Ok chance of subject, mama."

Seto's POV:

"This is nice." "Yes it was once the fountain and a few flowers, I'd have Evie train outside when her mother didn't wanna hear the noise." "And when she was gone you made it bigger," I said. "Da, just like you do with your company." We stopped walking, "I know a man of money, Seto Kaiba, I didn't have to see you dressed nicely to know." "You wanna talk business?" I asked. "Just small one . . . When will we have a Kaiba Land in Russia?" "We're gonna need to keep walking," I said.

Evie's POV:

"First he saves you from a fall, then he lifts you off your feet in a dance," my mom said. "I know right *sigh* then we dined under the stars, mama the roof of the restaurant looked like a galaxy, it was so beautiful." "You are head over heels for this man," mom said, "does he spoil you?" We sped up a bit. "Not really just this bracelet and heart shaped necklace, they say he's cold hearted and stubborn, but Seto respects my boundaries and is sweet." My mom stepped in front of me. "Moy dorogoy (my dear) do you know why he's not so stubborn . . . Because he gave you his heart." My mom touched the necklace. "Well we actually call it The Heart of the Dragon, but I never thought about it that way." She cupped my cheeks. "And that is why you need to talk to me sometimes, now did you two ever . . ."

Seto's POV:

"Alright now onto my daughter, how much does she mean to you?" "Well, if I'd have gotten the notice instead of kidnapping, I'd have come here with her and left my company in my brothers hands, and don't worry my brothers are very smart they can handle my job without me." "Ah, so should anything happen to you, you're brothers take care of Kaiba Corp," Evie's father said. "Yes, before I thought nothing was more important to me then my company and brothers, then I met Evie . . . and I realized something was missing." "I felt the same when I met my wife." "All I can say is . . . Evie is the best thing that's happened to me." I looked to where the pool was, and she and her mom were smiling, then she faced me. We waved at each other then she looked away.

Evie's POV:

We waved at each other then I looked away. "Ok you wanna know if we did it, mama." "Yes, because I rather you tell me then your father," she said. "Well here's your answer . . . Seto Kaiba is the best thing that's happened to me." I walked to the big garden with confidence, Seto met me at the start. "How did it go?" I asked. "Fine, so fine Russia might have a Kaiba Land, and your father knows you're the missing peace in my life." I touched my heart. "Seto, that's the second sweetest thing you've ever said." "What was the first?" "What you said in the sitting room," I said. "Oh, right," he took my hand, "why don't we go for a walk in the garden." I hooked my arm around his. "I'd love to, Seto."

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