36: Getting ready

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He'd marry a dragon if he could. Alright featuring this lovely wedding dress:

 Alright featuring this lovely wedding dress:

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Bridesmaids dresses:

From left to right Hetalia sisters Belarus, Ukraine, then Esmeralda

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From left to right Hetalia sisters Belarus, Ukraine, then Esmeralda.

💙three days after the engagement💙

Evie's POV:

"Ive got the song for your first dance," Esmeralda said. "I have nothing by Whitney Houston." "That, is, perfect," I said. "How so?" Seto asked leaning on the entrance of the kitchen. "It's just like your relationship, some words match you both together. You see through right to the heart of me, you break down my walls with the strength of your love." "Don't walk away from me, I have nothing, nothing, nothing," I said. "If I don't have you," we both said. He came and put his arms around me. "I'll listen to it later, don't you two have to go dress shopping," Seto said. "Shit your right, we were supposed to meet Téa at the dress salon," Esmeralda said. I looked at him. "Just to verify, what I get today comes from your money right?" He gave me a kiss. "I'll take that as a yes, let's go Es."

👗at the salon and after three dresses👗

"So you have your dress already, Esmeralda, that's great," Téa said. "Yeah you might need a blue dress, you're our emergency bridesmaid," I said, my head only showing. "Thanks, now come on let's see the forth one." "Ok don't panic but I think it's the one." I walked out and stepped on the podium. "Oh . . . Wow," Esmeralda said. "What makes this ballgown the one?" Téa asked. "Flowery lace, the sequins, the sleeves that you can't even tell are there . . . It's just me, I can feel it on the inside." "If it makes you feel better, the vail is longer than the dress," the lady helping me said, "and it comes with a crown." "Oh my god where is it where is it?" When everything was on, I was blushing, like I cannot believe what was happening. "Es, are you crying?" "Noo just sweating through my eyes, yess I'm crying you're getting married." "I know right, and to Seto Kaiba," I said. "I'll bring the shoes," the lady said, "yes please." Five inch heels with the same lace as the dress. "So Kaiba is buying everything you're wearing?" Téa asked. "Yup." ". . . Take that thing off and get measurements," she said. "Actually . . . I notice there's pink on the flowers, now I do love it, but one of my wedding colors is sliver." "You want me to have them change the colors," the lady said. "Yes please," I said. "Well considering who you're marrying, they'll have to alter the dress, but if they can't you'll take it the way it is?" "Yes." "Ok lets get you out the dress and get your measurements," the lady said.

💙a few minutes later outside💙

"You really don't mind the price, I mean I said I'd have the dress altered."
"I've paid bigger, and I just want you happy," he said on the phone.
"Oh, ok then, I love you Seto."
". . . . Yeah about our love, there's a press conference at four and they want both of us there, you ok with this?"
"As long as you're with me, I'll be fine."

💙at the apartment💙

"Es I told you, I'm not wearing one of my suits, I may be his secretary, but for the time being I'm his fiancé." "Well then," she went to my closet, "you need a dress that says fiancé . . . And I think I know the one."

"That's beautiful," Téa said

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"That's beautiful," Téa said. "Oh come on, I was gonna take that on my honeymoon." "Where exactly are you two going?" Esmeralda ask. "We, don't know yet." "Then it's free, now come on Prince Charming will be here in five minutes," Esmeralda said. "Haha, you haven't called him that in months," I said.

💙at the conference💙

Esmeralda stayed behind to watch the conference with Téa. So many cameras flashing and it wasn't till me and Seto sat down that questions started. "Mr. Kaiba was it love at first sight?" "Mrs. Smith is it true that's not your last name." I put your hand on top of Seto's. "My last name won't matter soon, because I'll take his and I still have a hard time believing it." I should the ring and cameras flashed even more. "Mr. Kaiba why didn't you get down on one knee?" I answered before him. "He didn't have too, not every man or woman has to, I thought he was joking when he showed me the ring but he's wasn't, he wants me by his side and I'll be there." Seto took my left hand and kissed it. "I'll get down on one knee, you just have to wait for our honeymoon." More pictures and questions. "When's the wedding?" "When's the honeymoon?" "We were thinking sometime in the autumn," Seto said. People keep asking when, then Seto whispered in my ear, "I know how to shut them up." "How?" His hand caressed my cheek. "Like this." He brought me in for a kiss, it was sweet and captivating, I didn't pay attention to anyone around me but him.

💙conference over💙

We walked out hand in hand. "Never got the chance to tell you you look beautiful." "And you look handsome in your natural blue and white suit," I said. He put his hand around my waist. "Stay for dinner and maybe we can practice our dance." "Sure, don't know why but I'm craving Chinese," I said.

💙at the mansion💙

"Yes . . . Yes I know . . Ok love you mom." "Are you in trouble?" Seto ask. "No, dad just watched the news and doubled up security for the wedding," I said. "You told them." He got up from the couch. "I had to, they heard about my name and were getting anxious about the wedding." "Evie we agreed to tell them together, tonight," Seto said. "Well I told them, now all we have to worry about is cake and catering." I dropped down on the couch stressing. "I think wedding planning got to us, Seto." He sat down, taking my legs and putting them on his lap. "It didn't get to us, we're almost done, besides you're more worried then I am and you took that conference well." "I did didn't I."
"Dinners here!" Mokuba shouted.
"S-seto wheat are you doing?" "I'm carrying you bridal style to the dining room, I'm gonna have to do it at the wedding so might as well practice," he said.

💙a few days later💙

Seto's POV:

His look:

"Big brother are you sure this look is a good idea," Mokuba said, "didn't Evie want your suit in silver

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"Big brother are you sure this look is a good idea," Mokuba said, "didn't Evie want your suit in silver." "Hey if she gets to alter her dress then I get to change my suit," I said. "If you ask me, she'll like this one even better," Noah said. "Yeah, she will, and I know why. Now you two go put on your suits," I said.

To be continued.

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