43: Back to work . . . sorta

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Featuring this lovely outfit:

Except the jacket is blue toned

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Except the jacket is blue toned.

💙the next morning💙

Evie's POV:

I woke up in my new bedroom, only I didn't find my husband next to me, I touched his side of the bed—still warm—I rolled over to it to feel his warmth. "You can feel his warmth when you get downstairs, now it's time to get dressed I picked your outfit for work today." I sat up, "Esmeralda what are you doing here?" "Oh Kaiba is moving me into the guest bedroom, he says I've been a great help to this family and he couldn't think of a better nanny for when the baby is born then me." I was stunned and I haven't had coffee yet. "He really said all those things." "Yes I did." Seto came in with a coffee mug and gave me a kiss. "Morning handsome." "Hmm, get dressed or you'll be late," Seto said. He left and Esmeralda gave me a seriously look. "That's the father of your child." "Hey I wouldn't change it, now get a brush I want my hair in a ponytail."

💙time to go to work💙

There was press and paparazzi at the front entrance. "Mr. Kaiba should I take us to the back?" "No Roland, Evie, can you handle this?" I took his hand. "With you next to me, sure," I said. The three of us got out the car and already I was hearing, "Mrs. Kaiba," around, I just smiled. We just went inside and up to his office floor. "You handled it like a pro." "No, Mokuba, I handled it like a Kaiba," I said touching the trading card necklace I had on. "Alright, I'll see you guys soon." I can't believe I actually missed my desk. "When you get settled and check my schedule, meet me in my office," Seto said. "Yes sir."

💙time skip💙

I entered his office, "you wanted to se me, Mr. Kaiba." "I just wanted to say that you were great outside, and I'll try to keep the press away from you, stress is not good for a woman with child." "Well you can do that at your press conference tomorrow at one," I said. "I didn't expect one so soon," he said. "Me either." The next thing I know his office phone is ringing, I walked over. "Who is it?" "I'm putting him on speaker and camera," Seto said. On a small screen was Pegasus.
"Oh I'm so glad the biggest married couple in Domino City is having a child."
We looked at each other. What makes you so sure my wife is with child," Seto said. "Just look at her, Kaiba boy, she's glowing with the brightness of a mother." I put my hand on Seto's shoulder, "Pegasus if you wanna find out that I'm pregnant or not, you'll have to watch the press conference at noon tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse us, we have work to do," I said then I pressed a button and hung up. "Did you just hang up on the creator of Duel Monsters," Seto said. "Yeah, so what." The next thing I know he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. "I love you." "I love you too, Seto."

💙time skip💙

"Seto where we going?" "To the place I promised I'd take you," he said. We got out the car . . . And in front of me was a building with an elevator to space. The house can wait. I just followed behind and turns out it's not an elevator, but a seat, I sat on his lap and they started it up. "Hold on." I felt a rush and then opened my eyes. As amazed as I was from what I already saw I followed him to the end of a platform. "See I kept my promise, we're up in the KC satellite station, and down there's earth." I felt his hands around my waist. "You took me to space." He turned me around, "Evie I'll take you anywhere else, just say the words." "Oh Seto." We shared our third kiss of the day, and this one defied gravity—sorta.

💙the next day💙

"This is your outfit for today," Esmeralda said.

"Es I told you, I'm not going to the conference

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"Es I told you, I'm not going to the conference." ". . . Well you're still going to look pretty in case you change your mind."

💙a few hours later at work💙

Me and Mokuba sat in Seto's office watching the press conference. My hand was on my abdomen. "Everyone is wondering why my honeymoon was so long, well I just wanted more time with my wife before we both get back to business, and upon our arrival my wife didn't feel good. As of today we will be expecting a child so I ask you all to please leave her alone."
The cameras didn't flash so much when he finished talking. "That's the best press conference my brothers ever done," Mokuba said.

Seto's POV:

I called Evie but she didn't respond, when I got back to Kaiba Corp I knew why . . . She was sitting in my office behind my desk. "Why are you sitting there?" "Because I wanted to wait for you here, and what better place then behind your desk," She said. "Oh you think you're so smug," I got behind the desk, "well the boss is back so get out." She put her arms on the armrest. "Make me."

💙after unexpected sex💙

"Seto I really like what you said at the conference." "Well I don't want no one bothering you for nine months." "Yeah if anyone is going to do that it's you, the boys, and Esmeralda," she said. She was about to leave till I called her name. "I'll be going with you to the doctor appointments, I wanna make sure the baby is alright and healthy." "Thank you, Seto." And like always she walked out with that smile.

💙first doctors appointment💙

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kaiba, I'm doctor Jones, so are you ready to see the baby?" "I think my husband broke some speed limits to get here so yes," Evie said. We went into a room where Evie laid down and she brought her shirt up a bit. She held my hand the whole time the doctor moved that monitor over her stomach. "That's . . . Interesting." "What is it doctor?" I asked. "I already hear a little heartbeat," he said. The smile on Evie's face, "and the gender," she said. "Can't tell yet, but when I do would you like to know." "No," we both said. "Alright, send someone or come and I'll tell you," he said.

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