23: Time with family

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💙Thursday afternoon💙

Evie's POV:

"You really gonna spend the night at his place?" Esmeralda ask. "Don't worry, I'll be back Sunday, and besides his brothers want to see me more." I zipped up the suitcase. "Hmmm you know I think you two have been dating for three months now, don't rush into the Nile." I leaned on my door, "ok then you try changing his mind." She let out a breath and gave me a hug. "You know no one can do that but you or his brothers, by the way say hi to them for me." I gave her back a hug.

💙Friday at seven💙

Ok a lite blue skirt suit with white heels, and my suitcase ready.
Knock knock.
"Right on time, Mr. Kaiba." "Same to you, here I'll take the suitcase."

Esmeralda's POV:

If I didn't know any better I'd say he was taking her to a beach house or a house in the mountains. "Bye you two love dragons, tell the boys I said hello." When the door shut I got ready for my guest . . . and by that I mean make sure my hair was nice and curly. "Hey, Yugi come in, thirsty?" "Hey, Esmeralda, no but you might wanna bring in some drinks, because these story's might take a while." "Alright," I grabbed two sodas, "come with me." We sat in the room cross legged. "So you said you'd tell me about two millennium items tonight," I said. "Yes, the millennium key and ring," Yugi said. The room felt cold.

💙time skip because we're spending time with the family, not at work💙

Evie's POV:

I had no words on the ride to the Kaiba mansion, I just put my head on his shoulder—that's hard as a rock. When the door opened Noah cane to me with a hug and Mokuba went to his brother, then they switched, it's like me and Esmeralda when we'd order a ice cream sundae. "Evie, welcome back," Noah said, "shall me or Mokuba lead you to the guest room, or do you remember where it is?" "Don't worry boys, I remember where it is." I just forgot how big it was.

My suitcase was on the bed—probably shouldn't unpack much since it's three days—now where are my undergarments and casual top? I took a wash in the jacuzzi bathtub, and a pair of jeans and striped shirt should do

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My suitcase was on the bed—probably shouldn't unpack much since it's three days—now where are my undergarments and casual top? I took a wash in the jacuzzi bathtub, and a pair of jeans and striped shirt should do.
"So boys, what's for dinner?" Seto was on a laptop, "ask them." Mokuba and Noah both looked at each other. "Pizza!"

💙after a pizza made by a blonde, black, and blue-green haired boy💙

It was bedtime and I noticed out my windows, with the way the mansion is modeled, Kaiba's bedroom is right across from my bedroom.
Knock knock.
"Hello boys." It was all three of them. "We just wanted to wish you your first goodnight at the Kaiba mansion," Noah said. "They dragged me to this," Seto said. "Hmm, well goodnight boys, see you in the morning." I was looking right at Seto when I said that last part, let's see if his hair is messy or not.

💙the next day💙

A thin striped suit and a dark blue shirt, that should do it. I was headed down and I noticed he was already downstairs having breakfast with his brothers, and he looked good. . . . damn. "Good morning boys."

💙ok skip work it's family time💙

"Seto you and Evie should duel," Mokuba said. "What!" "I agree," Noah said, "and it doesn't have to be holographic, it could just be as cards." I'm still trying to process the fact that they want me to duel Seto. "*sigh* One duel, and I'll use my weakest deck." I guess I have no choice. "But mine is at—"
"Mokuba get the suitcase." "Got it bro."

💙after an embarrassing duel💙

"You played good," Seto said. "Oh stop it you're just trying to make me happy." I won't hide my blush but I'll hide the facts that Yugi taught me some of the moves. "So you boys hungry, because I am."

💙after takeout because dueling makes you to tired to cook💙

The fortune cookie I got said love is at your door. "Oh please that's—"
Knock knock.
I threw that thing in the trash and opened the door. "Hey, Seto." "Hey, Evie." When does the CEO of Kaiba Corp look nervous. "I was wondering if . . . you'd sleep with me for tonight, it's not the way you think—"
"I know it's not that way, Seto." His pjs were that fancy shortsleeved style where his company's logo is on the left. While mine are just black shorts—that feel a little too short now—and a black sweatshirt with a heart on the left with NY in white. "I'd love to sleep with you tonight." I'll keep him company but I'm not sure I can keep him warm.

💙his bedroom💙

(Let's pretend those 2 lights hanging aren't there and they're normal lanterns)

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(Let's pretend those 2 lights hanging aren't there and they're normal lanterns)

Blue and white with a little bit of black, and a seat with a blue eyes toon dragon on it. He closed the curtains. "Nice room." "Thanks, had it completely redone when my stepfather disappeared." I moved the pillows, "Right, you took over Kaiba Corp so why not take over the master bedroom." That made him smile a bit. We got into bed but as nice and comfortable as his bed was, he just laid there staring at me. "What?" "Come over here." My mind said no but my heart said yes, and right now he was pulling my heartstrings. I rolled over to his side of the bed. "You called my love." Seto started stroking my hair, it looked like he wanted to intertwine my legs with his, I can't say no to my boss. "Goodnight, Seto."
"Goodnight my beautiful blue eyes."

Sorry for the late publish, anime and other fanfics got in the way, but I'll try to write even though There's class in the morning Monday-Thursday, and I'm trying to write others. I got three fanfics on my mind.

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now