3: The CEO

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Oh this should be good. 😆😊💙I'll try to make it good.

Evie's POV:

"Uh, your foot is on my card." "Well your card is under my foot." One more talk back from him and the New York girl is coming out. He did move his foot, then judged my card. "Really, Kuriboh, the weakest of duel monsters, I cannot believe I stepped on that thing." That's it, I took the card and got up. "Ok listen jerkface even the weakest monsters have surprisingly big powers." "Oh really," he crossed his arms, "then tell me." I was trapped. Esmeralda put her hand on my shoulder, "Evie I think I know who this is." The guy had a green shirt with matching pants, and a blue coat. "Hate to break it to you, but we just moved here two days ago, and I see that you mean business," here it comes, "so who are you?" I asked. His eyes say shocked but his smirk would say otherwise. "Who am I, well my name strikes fear or joy to those who hear it." Dramatic much. "I am Seto Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp." "I was afraid of that," Esmeralda said. He came closer to me, "and don't you forget it, come on Mokuba, we've got a meeting to go to." "Right behind you big brother." A little boy—I'm guessing 12–followed him with a suitcase, but at least he wasn't rude, he looked back at us and waved bye.

💙at the apartment💙

"I can't believe we just met the head of Kaiba Corp," Esmeralda said. "The gang was right, he is a rich jerk." "Don't go in deNial again, he has a soft side," I said. "Yeah for his brother and no one else." I looked at my new cards, poor Kuriboh had dirt on him. "Next time I see that jerkface and he insults one of my cards, I'm gonna go all New York on his ass." "That's my girl," Esmeralda said, "but first you might wanna look up the weak monsters and see if they have strong special abilities. You know just incase he ask you again." Great more homework.

💙a few hours later at KC💙

Seto's POV:

"Are there any people in this city with a mind that actually works." Mokuba was sitting on the couch, "I don't know . . . maybe those girls we met before the meeting," he said. "Don't be ridiculous, Mokuba, they didn't even know who I was." "No, but they do now, and they were pretty. Especially that one with blue eyes." I looked out the window, that girl had the guts to stand up to me and defend her deck . . . but is her deck able to beat mine.

🏫the next day🏫

Evie's POV:

"YOU MET HIM!" Good thing we were on the roof. "Yes we did and he was everything you said he was, Joey," Esmeralda said. "Does he always make his little brother walk with a suitcase?" I ask. "Sometimes, and it's usually filled with his new technology for duel monsters and his cards," Yugi said. "Hmmm, interesting." A suitcase full of cards. Once classes were done I decided to head home, I was ready to cross the street when a car was coming up fast, I saw the car but not the hand that pulled me back. "Are you trying to get yourself killed." I was up against the chest of the man who saved me, and boy did he exercise. I looked up and he looked at me, we both separated. "You." "You again." OMG Seto Kaiba just saved me from a possible car crash. "Of all the people in this city why did it have to be you," I said. "The feeling is mutual," Kaiba said. I picked up my bag, "next time just let the car hit me," and waited for the sign to say walk.
"Hey wait, what was your name again?" That was his brother. "Evie, my name's Evie Smith." "Well, Evie Smith . . . You'll owe me a cup of coffee the next time we meet," Kaiba said. I was confused until I looked at the table, coffee was spilled. The smirk on his face. The lights changed and I could walk. "Ughhh." I left without even saying goodbye to his brother who deserves it more than him.

Seto's POV:

The coffee was to-go and me and my brother headed back to Kaiba Corp. "I can't believe you just did that, Seto." "Did what?" "You asked her out on a date." I almost spit it out. "I did not ask her out, Mokuba, I just told her that she owes me something for saving her life." "You say that now, but first it's coffee, then it's a real date." He walked out with his chin up like he knows everything, I'm proud of you moki. I didn't have much on schedule, so I decided to look up this girl and see what facts there are about her. "Evie Smith . . . Hmmm, very interesting."


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