25: Just the two of us

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Yup, this's a lemon—as they say if u don't like don't read—so let's see how this turns out. Ps the house they're at is the two floor one near a cliff where Kaiba brakes out the window—sadly I don't remember that episode or could find a picture of the house. On to the fanfic.

Evie's POV:

First he picked me up in his chopper, then he expects me to get into his blue eyes white dragon rocket jet of his . . . Clime aboard. That thing was fast, it was like riding a roller coaster for the first few minutes all I could do was smile and scream with joy.

💙we arrived💙

"That was amazing, it almost felt like riding a real blue eyes," I said. "Well you still have my word that you'll see a real blue eyes white dragon, now this way." Behind a few trees in the night was a two floor house near the ocean. "Wow, perfect parking and a perfect view, Seto where'd you find this place?" "I was looking for a place to work peacefully and I found this place abandoned years ago, so I fixed it up." He unlocked the doors. "I hope you like it."

"Wow, with a chimney and everything," I said

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"Wow, with a chimney and everything," I said. "Yeah, come on I'll show you to your bedroom," he whispered in my ear, "or should I say our bedroom." I got chills.

" I got chills

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"Wow, amazing." And left of it were two doors. "One is my closest and the other is yours," he said. "So sadly we don't get a private bathroom." "I'm ok with that." This house better have two bathrooms. "The door in front of this one is this floors bathroom, and the room on the right is where you might find me most of the day," Seto said. I opened the door, computers and bookshelves. "Yeah I'll knock before I open," I said. That seemed to amuse him. "You can use the computer in the bedroom to do your classes online, I won't interrupt you if you don't interrupt me," he said. "Deal, now let's unpack," I said.

💙after unpacking and finding an interesting present from my friend💙

Wear it when the time is right—Esmeralda. She might prey to the gods every night that we do it. I got into my pjs, went downstairs and found him in the kitchen. "Well there's not much to eat, so one of us is buying food tomorrow." "Well let me tell you now it's the one who's in the kitchen." I don't know what happened, but he ran after me. I got in the bedroom and locked the door. "You can bang all you want, Seto Kaiba but I'm not letting you in." All of a sudden.
"I just remembered the second key opens every door in this house," he said.
"Yayyy and do you know what you're prize is?" "No what?" "This." I gave him the first kiss in this house. "Now let's get to bed."

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now