5: The Boss

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Someone on Pinterest titled this ''the boss' well then why is he handsome 😆 featuring this lovely outfit for work, but don't worry there'll be others.

Someone on Pinterest titled this ''the boss' well then why is he handsome 😆 featuring this lovely outfit for work, but don't worry there'll be others

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Evie's POV:

Well I found some nice suits—different styles and colors—and Esmeralda was kind enough to let them be in her closet. Today is the day. "So should I have my hair up or down?" "Uh down obviously, it looks soo better when you're wearing blue," Esmeralda said. "And here, wear this three pearled indigo blue hair clip." "Thanks, Esmeralda . . . well wish me luck." "Wait we didn't do your makeup yet," she said.

💙at KC💙

"Evie, you look beautiful." "Why thank you, Mokuba, sorry to keep you waiting." "Oh I'm ok, you just don't wanna keep the boss waiting. Come on he said he'd wanna meet you if you accepted his offer." Once we entered the elevator I was getting butterflies in my stomach.

Seto's POV:

7:05 she's either late or denied—
Knock knock.
"Come in." "Good news big brother, she accepted." Mokuba opened the door and Evie walked in. My heart must have beaten faster. She was dressed in black and blue, I couldn't tell if her hair was light blonde or white, but her eyes . . . as blue as the sky. "I can see that you've accepted my deal." "Well who in this city wouldn't," she said. "Welcome Evie Smith to Kaiba Corporations." We shook hands, "thank you Mr. Kaiba." "Now as my secretary you'll keep records of my new products, make appointments with individuals who will help, and whenever I call you for assistance, no matter where you are you come here," I said. "Yes, Mr. Kaiba." "Mokuba show her to her desk and have her ID card made." The last I saw of her was a smile on her face. "Goodbye, Mr. Kaiba."

Evie's POV:

ID card done and in my breast pocket for safe keeping. "Ok here's your desk, the computer to look at the emails, make sure to send them to my brother or save the ones that look important," Mokuba said. "How will I know they're important?" "Don't worry, you'll know. As for the phones, the black one you answer calls from, and the white one is when my brother calls you so you better answer it fast." "Got it just keep answering the black one until the white one calls," I said. He gave me a hug, "you'll do great, Evie." He was so sweet how could I not hug back. "Thank you, Mokuba." He had to go do his job so now it was just me behind a desk a few feet from my boss. "Let's see . . . oh thank goodness." There was a notebook and a pen and pencil in one of the drawers of my desk. "Let's get to work," I said.


The phone finally rang, but it wasn't the black one. "Hello." "Come to my office," and then he just hung up like nothing. Well like Mokuba said cant keep the boss waiting. I didn't even bother to knock I just walked in. "Yes Mr. Kaiba?" "Evie I've got some good news and some bad news for you." On the first day. "What is it, Mr. Kaiba?" "The good news is your break is now till one," he got up, "the bad news—for you—is you still owe me a cup of coffee."

💙at the Kaiba Corp café💙

As if the walk to this place wasn't awkward enough, Esmeralda had to bring us the coffee. "Here you are Mr. Kaiba, hot coffee with a little bit of milk and sugar on the side," Esmeralda said. "And you a BLT and coke." She whispered iwantallthedetailswhenyougethome, then went back to work. "That friend of yours is really something," Kaiba said. "Yeah she is." "And her name, Esmeralda, that's not really a name you'd hear in Egypt." So he's done background check. "What do you know about me?" I asked. "I'll tell you when we get back." He took a sip of coffee.

💙after lunch and another awkward walk back to KC💙

We were in his consultation room. "Ok so you know a bit about my friend, what do you know about me?" He was quiet. ". . . What's the number one ballet dancer in Russia doing in Domino?" So he's done an even bigger background check on me, that doesn't surprise me. "Well like you said when you offered me the job, I'm in college. Me and Esmeralda were offered scholarships from a college in a city that we've never heard of, so we figured let's go on the adventure and see what happens." I got up, "now if you'll excuse me Mr. Kaiba, I've got some work to do."

Seto's POV:

The back door takes longer. "Wait." She turned . . . Don't just stand there say something. "This door leads to my office, you'll get to your desk much faster." "Ok." When she walked by me and into my office, I felt a cold sense in my body, there's more to this girl, and I'm gonna find out what. "Goodbye, Mr. Kaiba." There was a little smile on her face.

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