17: Dinner with family

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💙the next day💙

Evie's POV:

"Did he really say "Goodnight my beautiful blue eyes?" "As true as the gods were made into cards," Esmeralda said. "I thought it was a dream." "Well your blue eyes Prince Charming gave you a nickname while you were asleep." "Don't call him that," I said. "Oh sorry that's your job, and speaking of jobs we gotta go," Esmeralda said.

💙at KC💙

I went to my desk and saw a white rose in front of the computer. I knocked on his office door.
"Enter." Seto was in purple today and so was I, does this count as matching.
"I found a rose on my desk, you wouldn't have anything to do with that would you, Seto?" "Depends, did you have a good time last night?" "I did." "Then I did put that on your desk," he said, "I thought if you had a good time, you should come to work and see something beautiful waiting for you." At least you don't blush purple. "That's so sweet, thank you," I said. "I'll go work now." The day was nice and normal, but the next day . . . another white rose, this one had a letter with it.

Would you like to have dinner with me and my brothers tomorrow? Come to my office once you have an answer.

I'm assuming this is just dinner, because no one invites family or friends on a date unless it's double or triple date. We had coffee at the café and I wanted to give him my answer there, but he said only in his office.

💙in said office💙

"So, Evie, do you have an answer for me?" "Why yes, Seto, I'd love to have dinner with you and your brothers, when should I be ready?" "I'll have Roland pick you up at four," he said. "Now that that's settled, back to work." "Yes Mr. Kaiba."

💙time skip💙

I decided to pick my own outfit for tomorrow.

"You know it's not half bad," Esmeralda said, "the jeans match the date and the jacket and shoes match his eyes

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"You know it's not half bad," Esmeralda said, "the jeans match the date and the jacket and shoes match his eyes." "Yeah."

💙the next day💙

I was outside there door—hair in a nice ponytail—when I was gonna knock it opened. "Well hello, Evie, so good to see you again, come in," Noah said. "Nice to see you too, where are your brothers?" I asked. "Oh Seto will be down in a minute while me and Mokuba are helping make dinner," he said. "The three of you are making dinner?" "Well we would if he would just leave his studies," Noah said. "Oh and by the way. . . Your secret is safe with the Kaiba brothers." I looked at him and he crossed his heart. "Thank you, Noah."

💙the kitchen💙

"Mokuba guess who's here for dinner," Noah said

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"Mokuba guess who's here for dinner," Noah said. Around the corner was a white kitchen with a little boy at the stove. "Evie." As always be gave me a big hug. "Do you think you can help us with dinner?" he asks, "I mean the salad is finished but we need help with the beef and pelmeni." "In other words dumplings," I said. They nodded. "Now Mokuba, asking our guest to help when she could get dirty, that's not right." I turned around and he was there, sleeves up and ready to cook. "You're cooking food from my country, I think it's only fare that I look and make sure you're doing it right," we were face to face, "or help."

Seto's POV:

I didn't wanna disappoint them. "*sigh* Fine you can help, put your jacket on a chair over there." "Well then, Seto get started on the beef, what exactly are you making with it?" I looked at my brothers and they looked at me. "We actually weren't sure yet." She looked at the meat on the island table. "You could make Chicken Kiev, it's a dish made of chicken fillet pounded and rolled around cold butter, then coated with eggs and bread crumbs, and either fried or baked." "Mmm sounds good," Mokuba said. "Is it better fried or baked?" Noah asks.
"It's better baked," Evie said. "Then Noah put the beef back in the fridge and Evie open the wrap around the chicken," I said. "Mokuba go set the table."

💙time skip💙

Evie's POV:

I helped pound some of the chicken, but after a slip of the hand and actually pounding it with my fists, I started cutting the bread. In the end the food looked good. The dining room had blue seats, a silver table, and a painting of three blue eyes white dragons flying, I'm glad I wasn't holding anything. "You like it," Seto whispered. "Oh y-yeah, it's beautiful, makes me wonder where they're flying to." He held the plate of chickens in one hand, and put the other around my waist. "Evie, I promise you'll see them one day." I looked at him, he had a small smile and his hand didn't leave my waist. "Heloooo, lovebirds, you can chat or flirt later, some of us are hungry here," Noah said. He sat at one end and I said at the other, the boys drank soda and we drank water. No one at this table will admit it—at least not till it's the right time—but we looked like a family. The mother and father at the end of the table, and the children who look nothing like them—except for Noah.

💙after dinner💙

"You sure you can't stay a while longer," Mokuba said. "Sorry Mokuba, but algebra needs me tomorrow and I'll see you Friday at five, in the meantime prey for me." I gave them both hugs, now what do I give to the big brother aka boss? "Well . . . I hope you had a good time with my family." We shook hands, "I had a great time." I put on my jacket and went to the door, "see you Friday, Seto Kaiba."

Seto's POV:

I saw her smile before she and Roland walked out the door. I was at it again, running to my office to get a look at her before she left, and once again, she was gone. "I screwed up this time," I said. "*sigh* Why do you say that big bro?" "Because Mokuba, Noah . . ." I sat down, "I never once told her she looked beautiful." I opened my laptop, "but I know I can make up for that."

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