13: Buisness

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There is one on Pinterest that says "cards are power" but it has his eyes closed, and we need to see those beautiful blue eyes.
Featuring this lovely outfit:

 Featuring this lovely outfit:

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Evie's POV:

Yup, this laptop is amazing, it's even touchscreen. Is he trying to win my heart with technology . . . Because it's working a bit.

💙Saturday at work💙

Another normal day: get the boss coffee then type and call—or answer the phone.
Ring ring.
"Hello Kaiba Corp, how can we be of service?" The voice that responded creeped me out a bit. "Evie girl, glad to hear the voice of Seto Kaibas secretary, and you sound quite happy working for the boy, speaking of which can you get him on the line." This guy knows my name. "I will when I know who I'm speaking to," I said. "Oh forgive me for not introducing," he said.

Seto's POV:

I was looking through some duel disk ideas when I got a knock at the door. "Come in."
If she looked beautiful in any other color besides blue and white, it's red, although her face looks a little . . .. "Evie what's wrong?" "Well Mr. Kaiba, how do I put this . . . Maximilian Pegasus is on the phone for you." I shut my laptop. "What line?" "The third one," she said. One click from her phone and the sound of Pegasus was on my end of the phone. "What do you want, Pegasus?" "Now is that any way to talk to your old friend," he's right about the old part, "and in front of a girl who is soo not your type. Trust me, I've checked." I looked at her, just standing there not knowing what to do. "You leave her out of whatever this is," I said. "Relax Kaiba boy, I just want to talk business." I covered the sound and voice module of the phone. "Evie you have two options, stay and listen to this, or go back to work."

Evie's POV:

Stay, or leave . . . "I'll go get my laptop, I'll be right back, Mr. Kaiba." While I checked emails on the sofa Seto talked business with Maximilian Pegasus, and the more they talked the more annoyed he sounded.

💙time skip💙

An hour till lunch and sadly he has a meeting to go to. "Mr. Kaiba you—"
"Cancel that meeting or reschedule it," he said. That stern voice, and when I didn't say anything he looked ready to scream his order. "Yes Mr. Kaiba, I'll reschedule it."

Seto's POV:

Trust me I've checked. What does Pegasus know about Evie? And saying that she's not my type, does he know everything about her? She just looks like a normal girl doing her job. I couldn't stop looking at her, the way she puts a strand of her hair back when she's typing, the way she looks when she's thinking—arm on the armrest and her head on her knuckles—and the way she looks at me . . . wait. "Seto, are you okay?" "Uh, yeah yeah I'm ok, just exhausted." Nice save, I put my fingers through my hair. "If you've met Pegasus, you'd know why a discussion with him tires you out." "I get it, his voice creeped me out when he said my name." So he has looked in on her . . . Or there's a spy for him in my company. "I'll go back to my desk now," Evie said. I think I freaked her out, but like always there was this smile when she said goodbye.

Evie's POV:

Oh god when his hands went through his hair, some part of me said 'I want those tangled in mine.' No no get those thoughts out of the head . . .  At least till I get home.

💙a few hours later💙

"You wanted to see me Mr. Kaiba." "I told you in the limo that you can call me by my first name when we're alone, " he said. "I did, a few hours ago." And now he must feel like an idiot. "Look Evie," he got up, "this isn't easy for me to say," ok I know he is not about to fire me, "I actually thought about texting you this," because he fires people with the snap of a finger. We were face to face, "Evie—"
Four creeps burst through the window, and we are fifty feet from the floor. Seto pulled me to his chest covering me to make sure I didn't get hurt. "What do you want?" "What do you think we want fool, the money," one guy said. "Well actually," the guy on my left pulled me by my hair, if Seto wouldn't have been weak for a second I'd be in his arms again, instead of this guys. "We want the girl." "Let her go." They all chuckled, a guy on the other side was ready to pull out a gun. "Or what?" . . . No . . . I can't let Seto die . . . I won't let Seto die. I love him.

I kicked the guy that held me hard where the sun don't shine then punched him in the spine. The second came at me and got a punch in the right ribs, then I turned and gave him another on the left. The one that threaten to shoot Seto got a kick in the jawline hard and the last one I wrapped my leg around his, grabbed his arm, and with the strength I had left . . . flipped him, and Seto kicked him in the chest. I turned around, what'll he think of me now.

Seto's POV:

It all happened so fast, and the girl that was in my arms, the girl that I wanted to—but foolishly didn't—protect . . . she protected me. "Evie." She froze turning slowly to face me, and when she did . . . I didn't know what to say. "Seto," but apparently she did, "that was a part of me I'd hope you never see."

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now