44: Nine months later

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I know it's Joeys card but it's called baby dragon, how can I not put it as the picture for this chapter.
She held my hand the whole time the doctor moved that monitor over her stomach. "That's . . . Interesting." "What is it doctor?" I asked. "I already hear a little heartbeat," he said. The smile on Evie's face, "and the gender," she said. "Can't tell yet, but when I do would you like to know." "No," we both said. "Alright, send someone or come and I'll tell you," he said.

💙five months later💙

Evie's POV:

Seto and I decided that the nursery would be made secretly by Esmeralda and whoever helped. The only one who knows the gender of my baby is my best friend, and it is her job to make sure that room is beautiful, and that I see nothing while I'm at bedrest at home. "Helooo how's the future mother and her baby?" "Well I think my feet are swollen but we're ok," I said, "how's the nursery?" "Almost done, just needs some details," Esmeralda said. "Hey while you're outside can you get me some snacks, I'm craving Nutella." "No, no cravings, the baby needs to be healthy," Esmeralda said. "Well if you're not back here in ten seconds with something I'll eat our soap that smells like lavender." "Be right back," she said.

💙time skip💙

"Oh god the baby is kicking." Seto got off his laptop and put his hands on my stomach. "It is . . . It's not time right." "Nooo, four more months to go," I said. "Right . . . Evie I was thinking, why don't we take pictures while you're still pregnant, you know like you see in photo books." "Seto Kaiba . . . for once you sound like a normal person." We did take pictures outside the mansion, Seto called a professional photographer and the four of us took pictures, the boys were all in white and I was in a blue dress. Three pictures would be on the wall. One of me with Seto behind me, another with him on one knee kissing my stomach, and the third with me and him and the boys back to back on the ground.

💙four months later💙

It was a rainy afternoon and I was going downstairs for some food, once I stepped on the floor. "Ouch! Why's the floor . . . Oh no, NOAH!" No on was in the house but me and him. "Yes yes I'm coming what is it?" I started my breathing, "Noah it's time, call—ughhh—Esmeralda." "Oh boy ok, well she should be back in—"
The doors opened and she came in with groceries. She shut the doors then looked at me. "It's time isn't it." "Do you not hear my strange breathing," I said. Esmeralda gave the groceries to Noah. "Put them on the island table then get in the car and call your brothers, tell them it's time, hurry." One second I was in a mansion the next I'm in sweats in my friends car going into labor.

💙at KC consultation room💙

Seto's POV:

These people are tiering me out and annoying me, when will some good news come bursting through the door. "Seto!" Mokuba came in through the door behind me. "What is it?" "It's Evie, she's heading to the hospital," my brother said. It's time, I looked at everybody and said, "Meeting over." Me and Mokuba ran to the car. "Any more news?" "No big bro, they should be at the hospital in a few minutes." Hang on my beautiful blue eyes, I'm coming.

💙at Domino City hospital💙

Evie's POV:

"Evie you should sit down and breath." "Esmeralda I would but—ughh!—but this baby won't let me." I stood in a hospital gown in the room I'm going to be in once this is all over, because I told the doctor I'm not having this baby without my husband next to me. "Oh Seto where are you." "Ra I beg of you, let richboy be the next person to come in so we can get that baby out," Esmeralda said. "Oh he better because if it isn't—oh god damn!—if it isn't him I'll unleash the rage of a blue eyes ultimate dragon," I said. Apparently after the word 'dragon' he came bursting in. "Evie." "Seto." "Richboy, it actually worked—"
"Es get over here," I said. My best friend and husband helped me get in a wheelchair. "Where's Mokuba?" "In the waiting room with Noah and Roland," Seto said. "Now let's have our baby." I took his hand. "Don't leave my sight." And he kissed mine. "Never."

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