4: A Job

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Uh, Joey, why are you working at the Kaiba café?

💙a month in Domino City💙

Evie's POV:

"So any luck on jobs?" Téa asked. "I've got nothing, what about you, Esmeralda?" I ask. "Well . . . there's this new café opening up, I have an interview tomorrow." "Why don't you apply, Evie," Téa said. "Those are more her jobs, I'd mess up an order." While Esmeralda was getting dinner ready, I was in our spare room doing yoga. Ok think . . . Library. . . Knowledge . . . Technology . . . KC. I opened my eyes and shook my head. "Ok this isn't going to work, let's try—"
"Dinner is ready." . . . Ok let's try this later with a full stomach. "So are you sure you don't wanna work at the café? I mean it's just starting to open," Esmeralda said. "Naaa like I said it's more your thing, and that's how we met." "Oh yeah, some creep tried to attack the snake from behind but you stopped him," Esmeralda said. "And then you broke his arm," I said. We laughed and talked about our old jobs. "Well let's just try and find jobs we like and that can pay off the rent," I said. "I'll wash you dry."

💙the next day💙

Es was at her interview, and it was Sunday so I decided to just walk in the park. I sat on a bench with a book of all the open jobs here in Domino to see if there was something that interest me. No . . . No . . . No. "I thought you'd be hanging out with those geeks, but instead you're alone, Evie." That voice. I got up, "what are you doing here, shouldn't you be running a company," I said. "Well now I'm just running." That's true, he was in sweatpants and a sweat jacket with his company logo on it. "Wanted to let some steam go because people just don't know how to work," I said. He drank down water and one drop of it went down his chin, then landing on what you could see of his chest. I had to fan myself down with the book, maybe that helps the blushing go down. "What's with the book?" Oh god now what, do I tell him or not? "You're trying my patience, and like you said I have a company to run." Ok just let it go. "I'm looking for a job," I said.

He turned around, I must look pathetic, a month here, already in school, and no job. "I know what you're thinking, Kaiba, poor—"
"No you don't," I've never heard him like this. ". . . now come with me."

💙at KC💙

He told me to wait in his office while he washed up and changed, and this has never been the most uncomfortable time in my life. I'm alone—he put a security guard outside the door—and as beautiful as the scenery is from the window, I'm fifty feet from the front desk of Kaiba Corp. I saw a picture on his desk, it looked like him and his brother . . . and this other boy who seems to look more like him. The front door was opening. "Hey big brother," I went back to the front of the desk and just stood there, "I found the files you . . . Evie?" "Hey Mokuba," I waved like princesses do on parades. "What are you doing here?"
"She's here for a private tour of Kaiba Corp." finally he's out, in a black shirt and pants, with a purple jacket that looks like something from the 80s. "Are you ready for a tour of what could be your job," Kaiba said. "My what?" "Her what?"

The first five floors were the design floors for new technology. The next ten were to test the new products out. The next ten floors had to do with virtual reality and testing it out. "So you see everything here is the same, and has to do with the game duel monsters," Mokuba said. "But that building over there is off limits to some people." Kaiba pointed to what could be a laboratory. "That's my private laboratory, it's where I come up some of the latest techniques and tests them out before bringing them here," Kaiba said. Score one for me.

💙back at his office💙

"What do you mean by job, Kaiba, what would I be doing here?" I ask. "Well you would be my secretary, or if you wanna put it in other words, administrative assistant, chancellor—"
"Yeah I get it, but doesn't your brother already do that?" "I just take care of some parts of the business," Mokuba said. He looks so cute in the little suit and tie. "So what do you say, Evie, want the job?" Kaiba asked. This was so much, an entire corporation in under a day, I felt woozy.

Seto's POV:

Mokuba helped her sit down and I brought her a cup of water. "Evie, I heard you and your friend are in college, so you'll only work on the weekends from seven AM till seven PM." I don't know what made me do it, but I took her hand gently. "You don't have to answer me now, Mokuba will be at the doors next weekend at seven." She turned to me, "thank you Mr. Kaiba, I'll think about it." She walked out.

💙time skip💙

Evie's POV:

"So not only am I working at a café where he's my bosses boss, but he wants you to work for him," Esmeralda said. "Exactly." "I say take the job." "What?" She sat next to me, "Look sure that café pays, but it doesn't pay enough like the actual company, and besides all you have to do is answer calls and mails. We need that money in a month, Evie." I looked down at my hands. "You know he took my hand, and not in a stubborn way like the others would think, in a gentle way as if saying 'I'm not pressuring you.'" I can still feel what's life of his heat. "So are you gonna take the job?" ". . . That's where I need your help, Esmeralda, what do I wear to a company that big?" I recognize that smile on her face. "Time to go shopping," she said.

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