42: Kaiba's Honeymoon (part 3)

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Ok last lemon of the whole story.

💙the next day💙

Evie's POV:

Me and Seto were on the sofa in each other's arms taking a call from my mom.
"Oh, look at you, in each other's arms, your father would love to see this but he's working."
Thanks mom."
"Now usually a honeymoon is two weeks, why three?" My mom said.
"Because we just wanted more time alone time, before we get busy and the press start wanting answers about the wedding they didn't know we had," Seto said.
"Oh your father leaked a few photos, but don't worry they don't tell your location."
". . . I'm gonna talk to dad later," I said.
"Sure sweetie, now you two work together and will live together, the only reason I see you extending your honeymoon is because you want children."
"What," me and Seto said.
She hung up and left me and Seto there confused. After lunch we both went out on the balcony to get some fresh air, and I know we had the same thing on our mind. "Seto, have you ever thought about having children of your own." He just leaned on the railing. "I want you to answer first," he said. I held onto the railing. "Well, I want to find the right husband first, one who loves and respects me, so I guess yes, I've thought about wanting children." "When was that?" Seto asked. ". . . When we started dating." The look on his face, he was off guard, but he came back. "Evie, I'm the head of a billion dollar company, people are gonna ask if I have or want heirs to this company," he put his hands around my waist, "and I'm gonna say yes, I'd like to have a child and give it everything I never had. One day they'll be head of Kaiba Corp, but first they'll have to reach for Vice President like my brother is." I almost cried so I just hugged him. "That makes me happy, Seto."

Seto's POV:

I made dinner tonight and washed the dishes, she said she'll make dessert, but I see nothing out that resembles sweet. "Ready for dessert." I turned around, that nightgown and robe. "That's the same outfit you had on when we first made love," I said. "Oh really, I just put it in my luggage, and we so happen to honeymoon here," Evie said. Her robe fell off her shoulders and she came to me. "So, ready for dessert." Evie put her hand on my chest, I should not have washed the dishes without a shirt . . . then again. I grabbed her by the back and laid her on the island table.

Evie's POV:

He lowered my panties and put his head in between my legs. I was at the edge so this was easy for him, I could hardly speak because this felt so good. "You, sneaky, ahhh." I didn't last long on that table and neither did he, Seto came out before I had a chance. He took off my panties and carried me to the room. "How dare you almost do a lady on the island table and not finish," I said. "Because I wanna finish with my lady comfortable on the bed," Seto said. He laid me down ad started to take off my nightgown, when he threw it to the side I put my hand on his chest. "Seto wait, I have something to ask you." We both sat up. "If I'd have become an assassin for my father and was sent to kill you, would this somehow happen?" I held my left hand up, "would you still think I was beautiful?" He was quiet as always, then he moved closer and kissed me softly. "If you can change me, then I can change you," he said, "and you would be beautiful beyond compare, Evie." At that I pulled him down and we made out . . . Till he finished what he started at the island table. I can't tell if he moved fast or slow, it just felt so good I moaned. "Say you name, I want you to tell the world who your husband is." "Ah, Seto Kaiba." Now the pace picked up, he went so fast I saw stars.

💙inside the stairs💙

I was walking out into the Kaiba Dome, onto the center stage, Seto came out another end with a duel disk on. I have one as well, he looks confident and so do I, but from a far distance I hear . . . "Good luck mom."

💙back to now💙

I came breathing heavily and so did Seto. "Evie, you ok? You're shaking." "I'm-I'm ok just tired." And I was, so Seto held me in his arms, never letting go.

💙two days later💙

I don't know what happened, but I started puking in the bathroom, and I haven't even had lunch yet. I drank water and spit it out to clean my mouth, the next thing I hear are Seto's car keys. "Where are you going?" "I'll be right back, lock the door and close the windows." Oh he was back alright . . . Back with two pregnancy test. "Why two?" I ask. "One for here and one for when we get back to the city, because wether it's positive or negative we're going home, and you're doing it again just to be sure." He was already losing it, he started packing his things I hat to grab his arm to stop him. "Seto, at least let me take the test first before you pack."

💙test over💙

Seto's POV:

I was anxious, I could possibly have an heir to my company sooner then expected. And more importantly, would I be a good father. The bathroom door opened, and Evie came in. "So what's the answer?" I asked. "Seto, you know how people say you never smile." "Yeah and." ". . . Well I need you to smile big because I'm pregnant." I did more than smile, I kissed Evie and lifted her off her feet. "Evie does this mean I can keep packing." "You might wanna give your brother and Roland a call," she said.

💙on the flight back home💙

Evie wouldn't take her hand off her abdomen. "Hey, everything is gonna be ok, I'll announce it at a press conference and you don't have to be there if it'll stress you out." She also wouldn't let go of my left hand. "Thanks, now there's two things I wanna discuss quickly," Evie said. "Go on." "I wanna keep working until the doctors say I should be on bed rest, and I don't wanna know the gender of the baby till it's born," Evie said. "I don't agree on the first one, but on the second I do, but I'm not gonna argue right now."

💙literally at home in the mansion💙

Evie's POV:

We were welcomed back with warm embraces and warm dinner made by Esmeralda. Seto unpacked for me and then gave me the test. "Is that what I think it is," Esmeralda said. All four of them waited outside the master bedroom bathroom for me. When time was up I walked out.
". . . It's positive," I said. Seto gave me a strong kiss that lasted long enough for me to hear the boys say. "Did you hear that, Mokuba," Noah said. "Yeah, we're gonna have another Kaiba," Mokuba said. And by the time he let me go, the only one crying tears of joy was Esmeralda. "Oh thank you great mother Isis, thank you." I had to hold her or she'd break even more. Next thing I knew, it was a group hug . . . a family one.

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