21: A day off, with the boss (part 2)

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Evie's POV:

He held my hand, and as much as I loved that, he kept the hood of his jacket up so no one could recognize him. "Really? I mean the logo is already on your jacket," I said. "What, you wanted me to look normal, and now I look normal," Seto said. We went for a walk and it was truly a beautiful day, a bit of wind and clouds, and it wasn't crowded so I don't know why he was worried. We sat down on a bench and I swear this is the same one he found me reading. "Ice cream?" He pointed to a ice cream cart a few feet away. "Sure." "I'll be right back," he said. So far this day off with him felt like the best I've had in years, and it's only the beginning. He came back with two cones with a mix of chocolate and vanilla. "I forgot to ask you your favorite flavor," Seto said. "No it's ok, it perfect," I said. "Cheers." "Cheers," he said, and the tip of the ice creams touched.

💙little time skip💙

"Ugh, brain freeze," he said. "Haha, you're not used to the cold," I said. "Don't push it unless you wanna keep your job." We were both done, "Evie, you've got a little something . . ." I didn't expect a kiss sweeter then the ice cream after it.
"You had a little chocolate on the bottom of your lips," Seto said. "Oh . . . mind if I check yours?" I asked. "Go on." I was so close, and then . . .
Ring ring.
Ring ring.
The only thing that touched was our foreheads. "Must be Esmeralda," I said. "And my brother, be a minute," Seto said. He walked a few feet from me.

"So how's badboy Romeo doing? Is he treating you good?"
"Okay first don't call him that, and second Yes, he's treating me sweet," I whispered, "and I mean ice cream sweet." She squealed, praising the gods. "Ok call me back later." I hung up. I turned to him and he was still on the phone. "Well can Noah handle it . . . ok good . . . Keep up the work little brother and you'll do great," then he hung up. "So, where were we?" I asked. "I'm afraid your kiss will have to wait," Seto put his hand around my waist, "there's still more to see." "Oh, if you say so."

💙time skip💙

"Ok smile," I said. It was a selfie of both of our hoods up and on the ground. "I like it." "And I love you," he said. Seto brought me close, holding me around the waist and my head was on his arm. "Hmmm, you know you're still not getting that kiss," I said. "Hehe, I can wait all day . . . Even till tomorrow." Shit tomorrow's Sunday. "Seto I've been wondering, what's inside that necklace of yours that looks like a duel monsters card?" He looked at it . . . He was quiet, I might have overdone it. "You wanna know?" "Yes," I said. "It's the last photo of my past that I chose to keep," he said, then he opened it and there was a picture of Mokuba when he was little. "Aww, boy does time fly," I said. "Yeah, guess it does," he said. "Evie I need you to know that I do everything I can for my brother, I find anyway for us to move forward." He played the relatives in the family card, that weakens me. "I understand, Seto." I got up on my elbows, "I want you to know that if there's anything I can do, call me."

💙little time skip💙

We were heading back to the car when I hear, "I place two cards face down and end my turn." And I'm not the only one that hears it. He had his head facing east, "Seto, you ok?" No response, just a stern face. "You wanna go see the duel," I try to go the direction of the duel, but once again he grabs my hand. "They're probably first-rate duelist," he pulled me so I'd face him, that hand was now intertwined with mine, "someone like you shouldn't see that." I put my free hand on his heart. "Then when will I see you duel? When will I see the three blue eyes white dragons spread their wrath upon their opponent?"

Seto's POV:

I give her my love and yet she still pulls my heartstrings, although instead of pulling . . . Something is trying to push its way out of me. "Seto?" I let go of her hand and put mine on her cheek. "When the time is right, in the Kaiba Dome, you will see my blue eyes ultimate dragon destroy my opponent with one blast," I said. "I look forward to that day," Evie said. I love it when her cheeks turn red. "Now come on, you're buying lunch," I said. Three, two, one. "What?"

💙after a lunch that he bought, he was joking . . . For now💙

"Where are we going now?" "Relax, you'll love it," I said. "Seto we've been driving for almost three hours, where are you taking me?" She was starting to get grouchy, maybe it was something she ate. "For another amazing view of the city," I said, "you'll understand in a few hours, Evie."

💙a few hours later💙

"Alright what did you want to . . . show me." (Jut pretend it's domino)

" (Jut pretend it's domino)

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"Wow . . . And from on top of a hill, Seto it looks amazing."

Evie's POV:

The colors of the sky changed, the lights in the city began to turn on or became visible, and the whole time he just looked at me. We both just stood there leaning on his car. "So . . . Am I getting that kiss?" I scooted closer and looked at him. "Don't know . . . Why don't you turn your head and find out." He did and with the hood down, it was finally Seto Kaiba, his eyes were probably the brightest thing up here. His hand went around my waist and the other touched my lips. "Evie."
"Seto." Our lips touched and it was love, I could feel it all around my body. He sat me on his lap and it got deeper, my fingers went through his hair, and that must have turned him on because next thing I knew I was laying on the hood of the car. "Kaiba stop." "*sigh* What, you don't wanna make out?" "Oh . . . Oh I'm sorry I thought—"
"Evie, I would never hurt you or take advantage of you or your body," he laid down next to me and took my hand, "until you're ready." This man loves me enough to wait till he can take my womanhood . . . I find that sweet and hot at the same time. His hand caressed my cheek. "So, shall we continue?" "As tempting as you are, Seto Kaiba, What I wanna know," I patted the car, "is how fast she can go."

💙a fast and furious time skip💙

"Hahaha that was awesome," I said. "Ok you are never getting behind the wheel of my cars ever again," Seto said. "Oh come on it's in one peace." "Yeah but I don't think you are." The man carried me bridal style to my apartment, god I hope no one is up at this time. "Seto were at my door you can put me down now." "That's the thing, Evie," and he looked me dead in the eyes when he said this.
"I don't want to."
"Well you have to." We were so lost in each other's eyes we didn't hear the door open. "I called ya two times and you didn't answer, and now I see why," Esmeralda said. "It's not what it looks like," I said. "Honey I don't give a Nile, just tell me tomorrow, "she said. "Now put the dragon down." He put me down, but before I went in, one last kiss. "See you tomorrow, Seto." "You too." My hand with the bracelet he just couldn't let go . . . So he gave it a kiss then left.

Seto's POV:

"Kaiba." Just when a man thinks he's free. "You know you're in a robe and pjs, Esmeralda." "I know that, but thank you for bringing her back happy." "I don't say this much but . . . You're welcome," I said. Back home I went to check on my brothers—sound asleep like they should be—and in my room I kept browsing through the pictures Evie and I took. "No delete that one . . . She looks cute here." Before you unlock my phone there's a picture of Evie and Mokuba on the island table, and when you do there's a picture of her at the fountain in the park—with the wind blowing her hair just right. "God you're beautiful."

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