35: Lets Celebrate

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"What did you think?" I honestly didn't know want to say, so I said the first thing that came to mind. "You kept your promise, the dragons were amazing, all of it was amazing," I said. He smiled, "I'm a man of my word, especially to you, Evie, and I hope we can be more." Out of his pocket he pulled a box that looked like a deck of duel monsters cards. "Open it, and read what's inside," Seto said. I did—it flips open—and I thought Deep Eyes left me speechless.

Will you marry me?

Evie's POV:

The dome was silent. "Seto please tell me your joking." "Now you know I don't do that, Evie, besides you're free now, you've graduated, you're free and I want you by my side." I looked at the ring.

He put his hands under mine

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He put his hands under mine. "People say I'm cold hearted, you know how to melt me." Ok breath in . . . And out. "Seto, you have three blue eyes white dragons yes." "Yes." "Then that's the number of yeses you get, yes yes Yes I'll marry you." It finally got louder, he put the ring on me and I jumped into his arms.

💙at the Kaiba mansion💙

"Finally!" Noah said, "we need a lady around the house." The boy had one of the bodyguards order food, there was gonna be a engagement party here tonight.

💙little time skip💙

We arrived at the mansion, along with Esmeralda and her mom, Pegasus, and Yugi and his friends. "The only reason I'm letting you all in is because I'm very generous tonight," Seto said. "Don't touch anything." We went inside and got a congratulations from Noah. "Did you see the duel on tv?" I asked. "And checked stock on Kaiba Corp products, they're through the roof," Noah said with enthusiasm. "Oh by the way, Seto, I ordered some food for this small engagement party." "Fine by me." Esmeralda's mom pulled me from my fiancé giving me hugs and kisses, that reminds me I'll have to FaceTime my mom later. "Let me see that ring," Esmeralda said. "Look it matches his eyes." "Yeah, that's what he was going for," Esmeralda said. I looked at both of them. "One of you talk, now." Seto was about to but Es cut in. "See what ha happen was . . ."

💙back to the night Esmeralda came back from Egypt💙

Esmeralda's POV:

"What do I get outa hepin' you?" "You'll see." Was his response. We drove to the mall, ok if I get to shop later that's nice. "This way." The jewelry store? . . . Oh gods it's finally happening. "You need me here to help you find a ring for Evie," I said. "I could use a women's opinion or I'll be stuck here all night." We walked to the engagement ring section and the lady recognized Seto. "Alright I see you recognize him but here's what you're gonna do, your gonna help my friend here find an engagement ring for the woman he loves, but you're gonna do it quietly, and when we leave with the ring you won't tell a soul he was here. Or I will curse you, got that." The lady just nodded. In the end we were stuck with a diamond ring, another diamond ring with Evies eye color, and this sapphire blue one with flowers on the side. "So what do think about the diamond?" I asked. ". . . No, to simple," Seto said. "Well then forget about the other diamond," I said. "But it has her eye color," He said. "Well the other one has yours, and it's not your basic ring, pick the other one because every time she looks at it she'll see and think of you." Seto looked at the sapphire. "You sure about this?" "As sure as I spent two days in ancient Egypt." He nodded and bought the ring. We left the store and I popped the question. "What do I get out of this?" "Well you helped me pick your best friends engagement ring, and I'll give you hundred and fifty bucks to spend." That wasn't enough. "Let me drive your car back home." ". . . Fine."

💙an hour later💙

"Where were you?" Evie asked. "Oh just shopping," I said.

💙back to the party💙

Evie's POV:

"Es you are the best," I said. "He needed a woman's opinion, and he came to the best," she said. We gave each other hugs. "I'm your made of honor right?" "As long as the pyramids stand you are," I said. We jumped with excitement, we graduated, I got engaged, what's next. "Come on Evie, I'm getting a phone call from your stepfather," Seto said.

💙in Seto's office💙

He connected his phone to his computer, sat me on his lap, and answered my dads call. "Hello papa, put the camera on so we can see you."
"Right here, Nicolas . . . see look at them they look so happy," my mom said, "now show me the ring."
I did. "Oh it's lovely." "Congratulations both of you," dad said.
"Thank you, sir," Seto said.
"Now now, no need to be formal, I mean I gave you my blessing before you left," dad said. I looked at Seto. "No wonder you took long to get on the jet," I said.
"Now remember you two, my offer still stands, gazebo or garden, I'll even have catering just tell me the food you want made," dad said.
"We'll think about it," I said.
"Let us know if you plan on doing it here, I'll find your friends a nice hotel," dad said. "Good luck wedding planning," mom said. "Love you."
They logged off. "Well that went better then expected," Seto said. "Yeah . . . do you think we can plan our wedding fast?" I asked. He put a smirk on his face. "That sounds like a challenge," he moved my hair back, "Mrs. Kaiba." "I like the sound of that." I gave him a kiss. "There's paper in my top left drawer, grab a pen." He got up and locked the door.

"Ok first, your dress, I'll pay for it," Seto said, "from the shoes to the vail." "Great, now your look, a blue tie and a grey suit that almost looks silver," I said. "Perfect." "I'll have three bridesmaids—my sisters and Esmeralda—and their dresses can be any shade of blue." "Same for the groomsmen, a black suit with any shade of blue tie and they'll be your brother, Mokuba—who will also be my best man—and because I'm still generous, Yugi." "The cake, three tear, and a mix of chocolate and vanilla like that ice cream you got on our first date," I said. " . . . Can the cake have two little blue eyes white dragons on it," Seto said. "One will have a tie, and the other a vail and flowers," I said. We'd figure out the rest of the cake another day. "The colors around will be white, silver, and our eyes, I don't know why but I'm feeling it." "So two different shades of blue," Seto said. "Yes, the colors make this look like a winter wedding, but I'm not getting married in the winter." He lifted me off my feet. "So you don't wanna wait, well then . . . Garden or gazebo?" Seto asked. "You're actually considering my dads offer," I said. "It's free, and you're with your family." "Hmm . . . Gazebo, I know how it's done under there and let's make the ceremony last like half an hour." "Well then," he started swaying around, "what's our first dance song gonna be?" "*sigh* I'll figure that out tomorrow, in the meantime kiss me." "I'll do more if you can keep it quiet," Seto said.

End of chapter, here's the list of info:

Brides dress: husband pays for everything.
Husbands suit: silver look with a blue tie.
Bridesmaids and their dresses: Esmeralda and sisters, any shade of blue.
Groomsmen and their look: Ivan, Mokuba, and Yugi, black with any shade of blue tie.
Best man and maid of honor: Mokuba and Esmeralda.
Cake: three tear chocolate and vanilla, with little blue eyes white dragons on top.
Wedding colors: white, silver, sapphire blue, and sky blue.
Wedding date: before winter in Russia under the house gazebo.

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