14: Black Widow

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Ok this chapter was either going to be titled who are you or the truth, but I already used those in another anime fanfic I didn't wanna reuse them, and really this is how I see my oc Evie as a could have been black widow. As for the pic, a genderbent Seto . . . Why not. 😊
Four creeps burst through the window, and we are fifty feet from the floor. Seto pulled me to his chest covering me to make sure I didn't get hurt. "We want the girl." I kicked the guy that held me hard where the sun don't shine then punched him in the spine. The second came at me and got a punch in the right ribs, then I turned and gave him another on the left. The one that threaten to shoot Seto got a kick in the jawline hard and the last one I wrapped my leg around his, grabbed his arm, and with the strength I had left . . . flipped him, and Seto kicked him in the chest. I turned around, what'll he think of me now. "Seto, that was a part of me I'd hope you never see."

Evie's POV:

The security took their sweet ass time getting here, and as much as I'd enjoy being in Kaibas arms, I wish it wasn't after what happened. "Big brother what happened?" "You should be lucky you weren't in the room when it happened, Mokuba," Seto said. We looked at each other, we both knew the danger he'd be in if he was here. "Mokuba, I need you to do something for me." "Anything, Evie." I squatted down a few inches. "Go to where Esmeralda works—go as fast as your legs can carry you—and tell her to come here, that it's an emergency." "What if she can't," he said. I had to take a breath . . . here goes. "Tell here these words and she'll come running back with you." I whispered them in his ear. He nodded.

💙at the café💙

Esmeralda's POV:

I was washing some cups when I hear 'A break in at Kaiba Corp,' that had me running to the tv. "Esmeralda." Mokuba was at the doors, he looked exhausted. "Hey junior, ok just take a breath and tell me what happened," I said. "Well like the news says, a break in, but Evie needs you she says it's an emergency." "What sort of emergency?" The kid came to my ear and whispered . . . "Black Widow."
"Mokuba get on my back, when you want me to stop running I'll let you down."

Evie's POV:

We were both in the consultation room, no one but us. "We can sit here till night Evie, unless you tell me what happened back there." "You know what happened back there, you saw what happened back there, I saved your life, Seto Kaiba."
He said nothing.
Esmeralda and Mokuba burst through the door. "What in the name of Ra happened!" "Im like three feet from you, you don't have to scream," I said.
"I know but don't people usually yell in this room," Esmeralda said. "If by people you mean my brother, then Yes." Esmeralda looked at my hands, they were still a little red from punching.
"No," she said.
"Look I let you bring your friend here now can you please just tell me what happened in there . . . And I want the truth, Evie." "Do you want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," Esmeralda said. "Not funny," Seto said. "Then why's your brother trying not to laugh." "S-sorry big brother." Mokuba pretended to zip his lips. "Do you really wanna know the truth, Seto . . . Or do wanna know who I am?" A long table separated us, but I could still see the answer in his eyes. "I wanna know the truth about who you are, Evie Smith. If that's even your real name." Esmeralda put her hand on my shoulder, I'm here for you.

"Ever since I was five I would watch my mother dance, and then I started imitating her dancing. My mother saw how much I loved it and since she was a ballet teacher she personally taught me. One night after my first show we almost got robbed, until one man saved us." " I'm assuming he then became your father," Seto said. I nodded. "Even he had children of his own, one boy and two girls. One night when I couldn't sleep I found him in a room with a punching bag, he let me try and said my moves were natural, but then said I could do better. One day he took me to his job that was teaching karate. But my father didn't work alone, he had two Asian accomplices, and they taught me. It was ballet in the day karate at night." "How'd you sleep?" Mokuba asked. "I honestly can't remember, my mother didn't approve of what I did at night, until she found me in the training room doing both at the same time."

Seto's POV:

I was getting flashbacks from that day, I still get them in my sleep. "And when I turned eighteen, that's when I became the number one ballet dancer in Russia." "I'm still having trouble with that," I said. "It's like you said in the limo, Kaiba, I was lite on my feet." My own words against me, clever. "What about the karate?" Mokuba asked. "A few nights later to put me to a test—even though they knew I was perfect—twenty guys versus one girl . . . Guess who was the first on the floor." "This story is amusing, Evie, but are we near the end," I said.

Evie's POV:

"We are, my father picked me up, and what he said had me leaving for the USA the next day, 'who knew I had an assassin under my roof.' Sure we laughed it off but that night I was thinking, I punch so hard I break bones, I can make people hurt themselves and I don't even touch them . . . I didn't wanna do that anymore. I packed as much as I could and when I went for the door, mom was there. She knew what I was doing, so she personally drove me to the airport, gave me the money I needed, and her silver ballet slippers. She told me I had an uncle on her side of the family that'll take care of me, and then I left." Mokuba looked like he'd cry. "But don't get me wrong, I talk to my family a few times a year." He wiped his eyes. "How'd you two meet?" Seto ask. "I got this girl. She worked at a café, a guy tried to make a move on me but she stopped him, then I karate chopped his arm and we've been inseparable since," Esmeralda said. "Well that was fast," Seto said. "Ha you should see my moves, I'm as swift as a snake," Esmeralda said. "Quit bragging." "I'm not bragging—"

Seto's POV:

"Ladies," they both stopped, "as much as I would like this to be over, it's not." I had one more question to ask. "Evie . . . who are you?" They both looked at each other, one saying no the other saying yes . . . Evie won. They both got up.
"Seto, the reason you haven't found anything about me besides the number one ballet dancer is because they were under another name. Ever since I left home I took my mothers last name." "So what's your real name?" Mokuba ask. She took a breath. ". . . Evie Braginski." She held onto Esmeralda, "Seto, Mokuba, please tell no one my name or my story, it could put you in more danger then today," she looked like she was about to cry, "I only tell it to those I trust . . . I'm sorry."
She left the room, Esmeralda and Mokuba soon followed.

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