26: Richboys lady

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Ishizu he's taken.

💙the next day💙

Evie's POV:

I woke up and he was gone, but his side of the bed was still warm.
"Looking for me?" He was at the door in a robe. "There you are, I thought I'd have to hunt you down in this house," I said. "Hmmm." Seto gave me a kiss that ended with him ontop of me again. "Breakfast is downstairs," he said. "I'll be right there . . . In just my robe," I said. We had a good day, we even went to dinner, but it got cut short because of a important call from Mokuba.
"They said they'd rather talk to you in person, Seto."
"*sigh* We'll be home soon, Mokuba."
"Ok later big bro, later Evie."
We packed that night and then headed back, I actually started to wonder if everyone forgot about me and Seto kissing, and if they didn't, how would it be back in Domino.

💙we've arrived💙

Off the jet and into the limo back to his place for a few hours of sleep. He carried me up the stairs to his room. "I'll get the luggage."

💙after a few hours of sleep💙

"Wake up lovebirds you two have work to do." Esmeralda startled us awake. "Ever heard of knocking," Seto said. "Be happy she didn't open—"
Esmeralda opened the curtains, "do that." "Ra says wake up, and you come with me I've got your outfit picked out." I was still waking up. "*yawn* You didn't even let me kiss him good morning." "You can do it after you brushed your teeth."
(Here's the outfit, but let's make the heels black)

"Are you sure this is it? I mean I look like a ghost

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"Are you sure this is it? I mean I look like a ghost." "No you look like a blue eyes white dragon," Esmeralda said. "But there's black on this," I said. "She means your eyes." "How long were you standing there?" I asked. Es started to laugh pointing at the door. "So that's why you called me blue eyes, because he was at the door," I said. "Well the idea came to me, anyways I'll be downstairs." She left me alone with Seto. "You look nice." "As do you, Seto." Black jeans and a blue shirt and jacket. "You ready to go back to work?" He asked. I looked in the mirror, hair down but held by a haircomb, my makeup was beautiful, and I had the only jewelry I needed. I put my arms around him, "The real question is are you ready to tell the public you have a girlfriend."

💙at KC💙

There were news reporters and paparazzi at the entrance. "Roland take us to the back entrances," Seto said. "Yes sir." We went in through the back and up the elevator, I looked through his office window and there were still people there. "I wonder how long they'll be there," I said. "Not long I'll have some of my guards keep them away." Mokuba came in the door, "Seto the meeting I told you about is in a few minutes." "Thank you, Mokuba." He left and I looked back out the window. "Hey, why don't you sit in on the meeting with me," Seto said, "you could take some notes, and right now I don't think you should be behind a computer, you could get hurtful emails." I took his hands and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll go get my notebook."

💙at the meeting💙

I sat behind Seto next to the coffee table, I did take notes, and yet after each of the six people that wanted to meet Seto talked, they took a glance at me.

Seto's POV:

If these people think I'm a fool, then they forgot who they're talking to. "I know you're all looking a her," I said. They all looked confused. "Well, Mr. Kaiba we understand she's your secretary," one man said, "but she's also your love interest." "You say that like this is a movie or series," Evie said. "And do you honestly believe everything you hear on the news," I said. "But I will tell you this lady's and gentleman, Evie is not just my secretary," I turned around, stuck out my hand, and she took it, "she's also my girlfriend, and if you'd like to know more on that, well then you'll have to schedule a new meeting because this one is over, come on Evie."

💙in his office💙

"Here's some water." "Wow, Seto I cannot believe you took that calming," Evie said. "What, you think I'd get angry, no I'll save that for another day." I drank a bit of water. "And that's why I love you, Seto Kaiba," she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Don't I get it somewhere else?" "Maybe la—"
Ring ring.

Evie's POV:

He picked up the phone, and his reaction wasn't anger, but boredom. Then he pressed a button and his caller was on the tv screen. "Now what do you want, Pegasus?" Seto asked. "Well Kaiba boy, I just wanted to congratulate the newest couple in Domino City, actually the best couple I've seen since me and Cecilia." "Hey big broohmy god." "I'll go get him while you guys talk," I said. When I got back with Mokuba he wouldn't leave my side. "Did we miss anything," I said. "Oh nothing much, Evie girl, just a tournament on my island," Pegasus said. "Are you gonna be in it?" I asked Seto. "Not exactly," he said. Mokuba let out a breath, "good I don't want you going back there." "Well the tournament won't end on my island, which is why I asked Kaiba boy if I could borrow the Kaiba Dome for the final," Pegasus said. "And why would I lend it to you for just one duel?" "Because I was hoping once the tournament was over, you'll duel Yugi boy."

That got him quiet and he looked tense. "Seto," I took his hands, "you promised me I'd get to see your blue eyes white dragon, and I think this is the best way." Our foreheads touched, "Seto you don't have to if you don't want to." ". . . No, I promised you a dragon, and you'll get three of them," he said. "Pegasus you've got a deal." "Oh how wonderful, now my tournament is in three days, I'll send word to Yugi boy and see if he accepts, in the meantime I'll have words on my tournament spread out so hopefully the news will stop nagging you two," Pegasus said, "so long lovebirds." And his head was off the tv screen. "That man is more annoying and creepy every time we meet him," Mokuba said. Though I haven't met him in person, I nodded my head in agreement, Seto on the other hand had his mind somewhere else. "Big brother, you ok?"

Seto's POV:

"Evie, Mokuba, come with me." "Where we going?" She ask. "You'll see, you might just be surprised."

💙at the basement💙

"Wait, you keep your cards and duel disk in the basement," Evie said. "Just so he's not tempted to duel," Mokuba said. And now I have to. After opening the first locker with my duel monsters card necklace, I gave the suitcase to Mokuba. "I remember you holding that the first day I met you," Evie said, "what's in it?" "My brothers rarest cards and his deck," Mokuba said. And in the second locker I opened was my duel disk. "Evie take this suitcase." "Wow, liter than expected," she said. "It holds my duel disk that connects to your mind, once you put your deck in the cards become holographic, trust me it's easier then putting a card down," I said.

💙back in the office💙

"Why won't you let me see you practice." "Because, Evie, I'd rather you see the action." She put her arms around me. "Then I better get a good view." She gave me a sweet kiss. "Well I better get to work, see you at noon." And as always, that smile. From the corner of my eye I could see my disk and cards. "I'll practice tomorrow," I said.

A/N: I am sooo sorry for the late update, it's just that other fanfic gets in my head and then there's college, and if I'm not in the mood to write for a certain fanfic then I don't, but I'll try to write for this one because something good is coming up very soon.

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now