40: Kaiba's Honeymoon (part 1)

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You're not supposed to look that hot, oh my god 🤦‍♀️ and warning there's smuts and a lemon so if you don't like don't read—or just skip those parts.

Evie's POV:

We arrived at the house and I gotta say . . . "I missed this place." "I had a hunch you would," Seto said. "We got our luggage from the back of the car—I said goodbye to Roland while Seto made sure he warn him if anything was going on with the company—and then my husband opens the doors. "Wow, just the same and smells like new." I'll go take the luggage upstairs, you check if there's anything new." "Sure thing." I checked the kitchen—where I put away the vodka—the dining room, I looked outside, nothing new. "Seto there's nothing . . ." There was something on top of the chimney, a little present, a blue box wrapped in a white bow. On the back of the white fabric it said, "From Seto and Mokuba," I said. "Why don't you open it." I didn't get the chance to turn around and look at him, his hands were already around my waist. "Ok." When I opened it a paper said, welcome to the family, under it was a duel monsters card necklace. "Oh my god, Seto this is like the one you and Mokuba have." He faced me, "Go on open it." I did, there was a picture of him, Mokuba, and Noah. "I love it, Seto." He put it on me, it hung lower then the necklace, but it was perfect. "What's with the big smile, Seto?" "Well . . . I know I just put it on you," he put both his hands around my waist, "but I'm gonna need you to take it off." I put my hands around his neck. "Why would I do that, Mr. Kaiba." "Because you and I could really use a shower, Mrs. Kaiba." He gave my butt a squeeze. "Mmm, just so you know," I whispered in his ear, "I like the water warm." He whispered back, "Well we'll make it hot." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

💙in the bathroom💙

I noticed he had things ready, also that it was just our towels and underwear, so that's how he wants to spend the night. He gave me a three minute head start, I just washed up . . . and then. "Mind if I join you." "Be my guess," I said. He got in and the water just poured down on him. "Like what you see?" "That depends, do you like what you see?" He took my hand and brought me to his chest. "Very much." We made out under the shower, Seto's hands moved all around me while mine stayed either on his back or on his chest. When we needed air we just got out the water. Seto offered to wash me with soap and I let him, he used his bare hands and it felt like a massage. When it came to my chest, he did it from behind, teasing my breast and getting a moan out of me. "I was wondering when you'd make that noise," Seto said. "Oh just shut up and do my legs so I can do you." Once he was done I used a sponge on him, god my husband has abbs. "You don't have to go lower, I can do it myself." "As you wish," I said. I washed the soap off then he did . . . Next thing I knew he had me at the back pressed up against the wall. You're scared, I can see it in your eyes, Evie." "N-No I'm not you just surprised me." His thumb went under my lips. "We don't have to do it here." "No, no you said here so we're doing it here, I want you here." He let go of my hands. "What did you say?" "I said I want you here, Seto Kaiba." He put both his hands on my waist. "Do you trust me?" "Of course I do, you're my husband." ". . . Then hang on."

It happened so fast, my arms and legs were around him, and he just went as fast as he could. The moaning and groaning, this already felt normal—sorta. "Oh no," I said. "You're tight," Seto said. "That's because . . . Seto!" We both came.

💙bathroom lemon is over, time for bed💙

"How about you surprise me next time you wanna have sex in the bathroom," I said. "Maybe I will," he said getting into bed. And he was just in his boxers and me in my panties. He spooned me. "Seto, promise it's just me and you these next two weeks, no work on new technology or checking on the company." "I'll stay away from that office," he gave me a kiss on the shoulder, "it's just me and you, my beautiful blue eyes."

💙the next day💙

Seto's POV:

"Mokuba remember you're in charge, and don't call me unless it's an emergency."
"Got it bro, just enjoy your honeymoon."
I will now that I'm home from the grocery store. I opened the door and found Evie on the sofa. "Tell me you brought coffee," she said. "And more, but I'm gonna need your help." "Ok." When she got up I noticed something about her robe, I could see her nipples which means one thing. "You're naked under there aren't you," I said. "Ok technically I'm still in my panties, which you had for me in the bathroom last night." I just gave her a kiss. "Help me with the groceries." "Mmm I'm glad to know you'll be the one doing that when we get home," Evie said. We laughed out the door because we both know neither of us are gonna have to do that.

💙time skip💙

Evie's POV:

No no, here it is.

And some white flats

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And some white flats.
Knock knock.
"I'm almost done, Seto." "Well hurry or we'll be late for dinner," said the man who bought groceries but won't cook today. "Ok . . . Do I look beautiful or what?" My hair was flatironed and the only jewelry I had on was the necklace and bracelet. "You look lovely," Seto said. "And you look normal." A lite blue she said white pants with matching shoes. "So, Mr. Kaiba, where we going?" "Well, Mrs. Kaiba, driving back from the grocery store I saw a restaurant near the beach." I gave him s kiss. "That sounds lovely." He pushed the button that makes the doors of his car open, and he helped me in, giving my hand a kiss afterwards.

💙dinner was good, time for a walk on the beach till the sun sets💙

I took my shoes off, he kept his on. "I can't remember the last time I walked on the beach." "You and me both," Seto said. We walked hand-in-hand. "Seto, at dinner you never let go of my left hand till the food got to us, why?" He stopped and we looked at each other. "Because I still couldn't believe I proposed, and that everything that led to now was real." I dropped my shoes and put my arms around him. "Why don't you kiss me, that way you'll know it's real." The only reason I have to kiss you, is because right now this reminds me of the day I gave you The Heart of the Dragon." "Really," I said. "Yes the sun was setting, and you were glowing." "Remind me what happened next," I said smiling brightly. "I did this." A kiss on the beach at sunset, and they say dreams don't come true.

💙back at the house💙

He carried me inside then put me down. "Nooo, carry me to our room so that we may make love and spend the night in each other's arms." "You're lazy aren't you." "Yes, Seto, but I'm also tired." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "You won't be after tonight." He held me while his other hand went under my dress. "You wouldn't dare, Seto," I said. "Oh I would."

To be continued.

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