11: Now what?

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Featuring this lovely suit:

Featuring this lovely suit:

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Evie's POV:

I told Esmeralda how I felt about Seto, and she ran to the gods. I could hear her in the room, "thank you Isis." She will go on and on about this the whole day. "I've got the perfect outfit for you to wear today." She showed me a lite blue and white suit. "This isn't one of the ones we bought," I said. "I know, I bought it three days ago," Esmeralda said. "I figured since he likes the colors blue and white you should wear it." I took the suit, "you were waiting for the day I'd said I love him so you could give this to me, didn't you." ". . . Mayyybeee." Her smile wouldn't go away.

💙at KC💙

Off to work looking nice—my hair down since it was still a bit curly from last night—but jittery on the inside. What do I say? Should I talk to him more or just get to work? You know what if he calls me I'll know.

💙time skip💙

It's almost lunch and he's only been to one meeting and hasn't called for my service, maybe he—
Ring ring.
Never mind. "Yes Mr. Kaiba?" "Come to my office I have some files for you."
"Yes sir." Good thing I didn't have to knock on his door. "Hello, Mr. Kaiba."

Seto's POV:

A blue and white suit . . . Ok sure it's lite blue and it's not exactly white, but it makes her eyes look bright. " . . . Uh, Kaiba." I had to shake my head and wake up, how long was I looking at her? "Evie, I need what's in these two files scanned so I have them in my company's computer. Then bring them back." "Yes sir." She took the files. I told my brothers they were right about me having feelings for her, what would someone like that do now when the girl is walking out? "Evie . . . "
"Yes sir?" " . . . You look beautiful today." I put up the smallest smile I could, she tried hiding a bit of her face, but I could still see red on this blue eyes white dragon. "Thank you sir."

Evie's POV:

I held those files close to my face to see if they'd hide my blush. The president of Kaiba Corp—my boss—just said I looked beautiful. I had to calm down before I did the work—it didn't take long—by the time I gave him the files back it was lunch time. "Evie, would you . . . Uh, would like to have lunch with me?"

💙at the café💙

Sure we've eaten and drank here—even with his brother next to him—but this has gotta be the most awkward moment in the café. We look practically the same, except his colors are darker, and every time we come in everyone but the workers look surprised. "I'm glad you got everything done before noon," Kaiba said. "Well there wasn't much there so . . ." I looked at my shoulder, now what? "Oh and don't forget about your meetings at two and four." "Ok, do you have my schedule ready for tomorrow?" "I'll have it done once we get back," I said. Somehow saying the word we with him in front of me felt weird, it gave me goosebumps. I closed my eyes and just listened to the music on he speakers. I started tapping the beat.
Until a hand stopped me. "You're doing it again," Kaiba said. "Doing what?" I asked. "Tapping to the music like you did at the ball." "Well you can't blame a girl for lovin' The Beatles," I answered and took a drink.

💙time skip💙

"See I knew this was the perfect outfit," Esmeralda said. "He told you you looked beautiful." "Yeah, but you should've let me wear my black dress with my blue blazer, then we would've matched," I said. "Oh no no no, you two aren't in a relationship yet." She put her hands on my shoulders. "Let me and Isis guide you into his hands." I let out a breath. "Ok fine, but first let's finish our homework." "Oh yeah that reminds me, can I copy one of yours."

Seto's POV:

"Check one for telling her she looks beautiful, but you don't ask her out for coffee so fast, Seto." "Noah I didn't ask her out." "Well don't move so fast big brother," Mokuba said. They left my studies, I wasn't moving fast, I was just getting the two easiest steps over with. The only time I moved fast was when I stopped her hand from tapping . . . and yet, I can still feel her hand under mine, soft and a little cold and painted gold. "*sigh* Now what?"

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