45: Mom and Dad

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This is the last chapter and I honestly cannot believe this fanfic had a lot of them, oh and early warning . . . Time jump.

Evie's POV:

The press and paparazzi waited outside for me, Seto and the baby to leave. "We can just put Kisara in the stroller then get to the limousine," Seto said. "No, if they wanna see a baby we'll show them a baby," I said, "like when the Royal family has a new member and they show it off." "Alright then, I'll be right by your side as you walk to the limo," Seto said. We did just that, me with the baby in my hands and Seto next to me. As me and Seto walked to the limousine like it was nothing with security keeping people back, Kisara started to fuss. "Let's hurry," Seto said. Once we got to the car Seto locked her in the baby seat and we got in.

💙at the mansion💙

We got a quiet surprise! from everyone who was here, from Yugi and his friends, to Pegasus, even Esmeralda's mom and my parents were here. "I hope you're not mad, but I flew them in after we showed them the baby in the hospital," Seto said. "Not mad just emotional," I said. I was trying not to cry so I shushed Kisara up as best I could. "Let me see my granddaughter," mom said. I put Kisara in her arms and held onto my husband. "Moy dorogoy (my dear) she's beautiful." She looks just like you, but with her fathers eyes," dad said.

💙a few congrats later💙

"Did my daughter give her the blessing of the gods?" Esmeralda's mom asked. "Like any and every Godmother would," I said. We all looked to the top of the stairs where Esmeralda was. "Hello everyone, now I know all the guest have seen it—mostly because you were begging to—but it's time for the Kaiba family to see room," Esmeralda said. Seto handed me back the baby and we went up the stairs nice and easy.

💙at the door💙

"So, what do you think?"

(Remove the mirror and pretend it says the baby's name, and there's one rug)

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(Remove the mirror and pretend it says the baby's name, and there's one rug)

"I had the name made the day after she was born," Esmeralda said. "And that small pile of toys came today, you can thank Pegasus." Me and Seto were speechless. "It's a balance of blue and pink," Mokuba said. "Seto, take Kisara for a moment," I said. He took her to the bed and laid her down. "So Evie what do y—"
"You are the best friend a girl can ask for." I gave her a hug so strong she had to say uncle so I'd let go.

💙everyone is gone and it's time for bed—sorta💙

"Seto I can feed the baby myself." "I know I just wanna burp the baby," he said. "Oh really . . . You might wanna put this towel on your shoulder because she's done," I said. I handed Kisara over to him and he patted her back like I told him, her little burp was adorable. After Seto wiped her mouth he gave her back to me. "Lullaby time," I said.

Beauty and the Blue Eyes (oc x Kaiba fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now