18: The Heart of the Dragon

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My Ra he looks hot in the sunset.

Seto's POV:

I spent all night looking for it, but I found it, I even fell asleep in my office, but I found it. "Seto, Seto wake up." "Don't worry Mokuba, I've got this." The next thing I knew there was water on my face. "Pfhh, Noah!" "What, you're up now and you showered," the runt said. "So what were you doing here all night?" "I think I found out why, Noah." I got up. "Mokuba you know I don't like you going through my laptop." "Yeah but you're here so . . ." I went behind my desk. "So you think this is it, Seto?" Noah asks. "I think it is," Mokuba said. I took one last look at it. ". . . Yes, this is the one," I said.

💙time skip💙

Evie's POV:

Me and Esmeralda are trying to do yoga, but everytime I close my eyes I see him. "It's no use, everytime I try to dance I think he's gonna come through the door, and as for karate well, he makes me lose focus." "Give me your hands," Esmeralda said. We were face to face, our hands touching as if we were reflections in a mirror. "Friday you get ready for work, you look more beautiful then you did the first day, and when you have the chance you tell Kaiba how you feel," she said. "What if I'm broken-hearted," I asked. "Then you either move on, or try harder and make him realize he made a big mistake," she said. "You know Es, ever since you put that necklace on, you seem confident and strong." "I know right," she smiled till she touched it, "problem is I don't know the name of the pharaoh who war it."

💙it's Friday, friday, gotta get to work on Friday😆💙

"Ok so here's your outfit," Esmeralda said.

"Ok so here's your outfit," Esmeralda said

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"Should I wear a necklace?" ". . . Na maybe tomorrow," she said. "But don't forget the bracelet."

💙at KC💙

For the third time in a row, a white rose on my desk. "A note . . . Come to my office." I didn't knock, I mean the note was from him and he told me on paper to come so I came. "You wanted to see me, Seto." "Yes, I wanted to say I'm sorry because I forgot to tell you how beautiful you looked at dinner Monday." "Oh it's ok," I said, "the fact that you didn't want me to get dirty said enough." He nodded. "So, do I look beautiful today?" I did a small spin. "Extremely . . . but there's something missing." He told me to come to his side, no one ever comes to his side of the desk and survives. "I wanted to give you this saying I'm sorry I didn't say you were beautiful, but the more I looked at it, the more I realized I wanted it to say something else." He opened this little case, and I had to hold onto his desk for balance.

" He opened this little case, and I had to hold onto his desk for balance

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(Pretend It's the size of the heart of the ocean)

"Wh-What is it?" "It's a natural blue topaz enhanced with white diamonds," he said. "I tried to find a blue diamond that was right for you—and didn't have to do with titanic—but in the end I got stuck with this, but the more I looked at it," he looked at me, "the more I realized it matched your eyes." For a man who some think is ice cold, he really knows how to touch your heart. "May I?" "Of course." Since he had no mirror I had to walk three steps to the window to see my reflection . . . and it was beautiful. "Oh Seto . . . " I honestly had no words. "Speechless again," he said. Now I nodded. "Well how about we give it a name," he got up and took my hands, "how about . . . The Heart of the Dragon."
I looked at it. "Think of it like this: the one and only treasure guarded by five blue eyes white dragons," he said. I moved closer, "that's not the only thing they're guarding."

Seto's POV:

She was close. The sun was setting and her hair seemed to glow, the necklace and her eyes shined. And somehow I could hear the dragons on her bracelet telling me to do it. So I did, I brought her closer—tilting her head up a bit—my fingers staid behind her head, but my thumb caressed her cheek. "Seto." "Evie," if normal men can do this, then so can Seto Kaiba. I brought her in and kissed her.

Evie's POV:

It was sweet and gentle, then our hands that held onto each other let go. His went to my waist and mine went up his arm feeling his strength, my other was on his chest hearing his heart beat . . . and for once it didn't beat with strictness . . . It beat with love. We needed air and I needed to know something. "Seto, did you give me The Heart of the Dragon because you love me." I can feel it in his heart, I can see it in his eyes, now I just wanna hear the word come out his mouth.
"Yes, I gave you the heart of the blue eyes white dragon, because I love you, Evie Smith." Well I got my answer. "And the bracelet," he took my hand, "is so you're safe." Now I was confused. "In the middle dragon with the Kaiba Corp logo, I put a tracking chip inside it once the jewelry was done." He turned my face. "Evie, after the attack, I realized I couldn't loose you, and I know you can take care of yourself," he pulled me to his chest, "but I want you safe." I wrapped my arms around him. "I've never felt more safe now, Seto."

💙time skip💙

I've never worked so happy in my life—even if it's for five hours. "Hey, need a ride?" He was carrying his brother, how sweet. "Sure."

💙in the car💙

"Not used to working so late," I said. "No just too much work tonight," Seto said. "Evie this thing between us, keep it a secret between us and those close to us, understand." "Got it, tell her and make sure she takes it to the grave." He smiled, "and please don't wear the necklace unless you're going to work, I don't want the heart stolen." "That's actually too late," I said, "you already stole it." The smile turned into a grin. We arrived but before I got out he touched my shoulder. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Slowly we got closer trying not to touch his brother, and we kissed. "Mmm, bye Seto." "Goodbye, my beautiful blue eyes."

💙in the apartment💙

"So how was wowuwhat is that around your neck?" I grabbed Esmeralda and took her to our sacred room. "I'm about to tell you something you can't tell nobody else." She got on her knees, "I sware on Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra that I will tell no one," then got up. "Ok, he gave me this necklace—we call it The Heart of the Dragon—and then he kissed me."

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