38: Seto & Evie's Wedding (part 2)

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The hair was curly, the makeup was simple, and the dress fit like a glove. "Olga please don't cry now." "I know, it's just . . . Ty zhenish'sya." "I know right . . . I'm getting married." I looked in the mirror and couldn't stop smiling. "Olga get my bridesmaids, I wanna see the look on their faces."

Evie's POV:

I was facing the door and all three of them gasped. "You really are an angel in person," Esmeralda said. "I thought you'd compare me to the goddess Isis," I said. "Not today," she said. "He's a lucky man," Natalia said. And my oldest sister just cried. "No words sis." "No just chest pain," she said. "If you wanna sit outside you can, we have an emergency bridesmaid," I said. She nodded and left. "Esmeralda go get Téa." "Yes your majesty." Right when she leaves my mom walks in, and I don't know who's more speechless me or her. She just gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Last time I saw you in something like this was at a ballet tournament." "Not anymore mom, can you walk me down when I'm ready." She squeezed my hands. "Of course, just don't forget your bouquet."

(The flower pin is for the groom and his men

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(The flower pin is for the groom and his men.)

"Emergency bridesmaid reporting for duty . . . Wow you look beautiful." "Thanks, Téa, Esmeralda, mom fill her in while I read my vows one last time." They all left and it was just me and this little book.

Seto's POV:

My men and I were ready—almost, Mokuba just needed help with his flower pin. "There you go." He wouldn't look up. "I think we need to leave them alone for a minute," Yugi said. "Da (yes) we'll start the walk when you're ready." It was just me and Mokuba in our guest bedroom. "Moki what's wrong, tell me." When he finally looked at me tears were going down his eyes but he had a smile on his face. "You haven't called me that in years." "I know, and I chose today of all days to say it." We at on the bed and hugged. "Mokuba please remember I do all the things I do for us, to protect us." I dried up his tears. "I know you do, Seto, which is why this day today is the best thing you could do for both of us." Seeing my brother smiling made me smile. "I love you, Moki." ". . . Remember to tell Evie that soon."

💙time to get married💙

Evie's POV:

Seto and his three groomsmen are out there with the guest—apparently Pegasus was on the list. Slowly Téa, Esmeralda, and Natalia walked out. "Are you ready child?" My mom ask. "Is a bride ever ready mama." "Come on, nice and slowly," she said. We walked slowly down the steps, Noah helped out holding the back of the vail, when we got to the gazebo it was fix the dress, drop the vail, and give mom the flowers. I took Seto's hands, and he was speechless. "You look handsome as always." "And you . . . Have never looked more beautiful," Seto said. "When you two are ready, I can get you married," my dad said. "We're ready," we both said.
"In that case. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and woman, in holy matrimony. Now if anyone objects to this union, speak now so I can get you out of my house." Not a single word. "Good, let's begin the vows, Evie." You know what they say, ladies first. "Seto, when I first met you I thought you were just a rude person with an ego bigger than his company, but one day you found me on a bench at the park and offered me a job as your secretary, you willingly let me choose and I did. Every task you threw at me I did it well, I've seen the CEO that is Seto Kaiba, but I've also seen the kind and soft brother that is Seto Kaiba, you let me into your home and family, and I think they've made it clear they want me to stay permanently. You've showered me with gifts I cannot imagine, but the greatest would be your wife, to never leave your side, and be there when you call, because I know when the white phone rings, always answer."

Seto's POV:

How do I top that. "Evie, the first time I met you, you were on your knees defending your duel monsters cards, then I saved you from getting hit by a car, but when you saved me from the break in at my office I knew you were something else. You're kind to my brothers, you bring me out of my comfort zone, but most importantly, you're the most beautiful woman in the sunset and under the stars. I love you, and I'll give you any and everything your heart desires my beautiful blue eyes."

Evie's POV:

My brother gave him the rings. "Do you, Evie, take Seto to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" There's no doubt about it. "I do." "Do you, Seto, take Evie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" He looks at me and smiles. "I do." We both put on the rings. "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." One hand on my waist and another on my cheek. "My beautiful blue eyes," he said. "Forever and always," I said. We kissed and I drowned out all the sound but our hearts.

💙after a few pictures on the second floor💙

The reception was downstairs in the ballroom. "You ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be," I looked at him, "my love." "Ladies and gentleman," that was Roland, "May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Kaiba." The doors opened and we walked in, it's just as I imagined: blue tablecloths with a white bow on the seats, the dinner utensils and plates silver, blue and white roses in the middle along with a number so people know where they sit, the balloons where our eye color and silver, and there were drapes sparkling white. We sat at our table that was in front of my family portrait, it was a darker blue with the same color utensils and plates, but our cups were different. His was blue mine white, but they both looked like dragon scales on the bottom. "Hey look at the wedding cake," I said.

And on top two blue eyes, one with a hat, another with a vail and flowers

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And on top two blue eyes, one with a hat, another with a vail and flowers. "So, Mrs. Kaiba, is this the wedding you imagined?" "Seto, it's even more then I pictured it."

💙little time skip💙

My mom and dad said their congrats, then Noah, now it was the best mans turn, Mokuba. "At first it was just me and Seto, then we got adopted and it became the three Kaiba brothers, until one day Evie walked into Kaiba Corp at seven, ready and willing to work for my brother. Me and my brother Noah knew there was a spark between them, and Seto being who he is needed a push from us. We along with Evie's friend Esmeralda helped bring them together, and I've never seen my brother smile so much until today, congrats big brother." Seto got up and gave his brother a hug, I can't remember the last time I heard awww in this ballroom, then Mokuba came to my side and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Now it was Esmeralda's turn. "I'll be brief, the boy was right, Seto needed a push from his brothers and Evie needed a push from me. He actually needed my help picking the engagement ring because he needed a woman's opinion, and he chose perfectly, at first I wasn't sure about him, but he wooed his way into her heart, and there's nothing that can break them apart." Applause. "And as a wedding present, I'll sing the first dance song, because the bride knows I sing it very well, come on you lovebirds get up."

I'd have to hold a bit of my dress and the vail. "You ready," I said. "Whenever you are, Mrs. Kaiba," Seto said.

To be continued.

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