27: The Drama

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💙at KC💙

Evie's POV:

I'm looking threw emails and so many of them are about me like like calling me a bitch, and that I don't deserve Seto, and the ones that say 'I hope you die,' come from students that go to the same college I go to. These past two Friday's I get picked up by Roland in the Limosine and everyone just looks at me, thanks to my bodyguards Joey and Tristen they make sure no one try's to hit me. On the bright side there is nice email wishing us good luck and happiness—I know they're true because they say they're a fan of Setos dueling. "Ok delete delete de . . . Oh my god." "Oh my what?" I looked up from my desk and it was Mokuba. "Oh nothing sweetie," I said. "Was it another email?" "Uh yeah, can we talk at the café," I said.

💙lunch time💙

"So who was the email from?" Mokuba asks. I just held my warm cappuccino even though it's time for a coke. "Evie, who was the email from," Esmeralda said. I take a sip and answer. "It was from my mom."
". . . One moment you guys," Esmeralda said. I know what happens next from the look on her face. She took the trey back and I heard, "I'm on break George!" She came running back and sat next to me. "Are you sure it was your mom," Esmeralda said. "Es it was in Russian and it ended with love mama." "What did it say?" Mokuba ask. I looked at him. ". . . My mom and dad want to meet Seto." "Hmm . . . They must have heard about you and Seto dating, well I think that's a good idea."
"No it's not," me and Esmeralda said in unison. We looked at each other, we haven't done something like that in years. "I'll take it from here, junior she hasn't seen her family in years, and last time she talked to her mom was high school graduation on FaceTime." Mokuba just sat and thought, taking a sip of coco. "I think it's a good idea, just talk to Seto about this quick." "And there junior is where it's a bad idea," Esmeralda said.

💙at the consultation room💙

It was just me and Seto in the same room I told him my secret. "So how was practice?" "Alright, though Pegasuss tournament doesn't start till two days, and all I have to worry about is if Yugi accepted Pegasuss offer." "Oh he did," I said. "I got news few days ago, sorry I didn't tell you." He was calm. "That's alright . . . Now just tell me why we're both here, Mokuba said you had something to tell me." I was nervous I kept playing with my hands. "Evie, my beautiful blue eyes, it's just me and you in the room, you can tell me anything." I can see the smile on his face from just a few feet away. "Ok, well Seto, my mom and dad would like to meet you." He laid back, "I was wondering when this day would come." "Sooo that's a yes," I said. "Yes," I can see the smile on his face, "send word to your mother and I'll have them on a private jet—"
"Seto . . . Let them respond back first," I said. "Oh, sorry." "That's alright, I know who you are, Seto Kaiba." The smile that was coming towards me became a smirk. "Oh really, well then how does dinner with my family tonight sound?" I got up, "I can stay the night right?" His soft kiss answered the question.

💙time skip💙

Alright I wrote the email and sent it. "How long till we get an answer?" Mokuba asked. "She lives in Russia, it'll take—"
I heard the ding of a new email. "Looks like it didn't take so long, what does it say?" I opened it. "It just says, "Great see you soon, love mama." This was odd. "Well I'll go tell my brother they wanna meet him, don't worry too much, maybe she'll write more later." Mokuba went off and I went back to work, after every few emails I kept looking back at the one my mom sent, it's so simple. "What's going on here," I said it myself.

💙works over💙

Me and Seto walked hand on hand to the limo. "You sent your brother home early." "Someone should help Noah get the dishes and ingredients out," Seto said. As we drove back to his mansion I had my head on his shoulder, I guess I really don't have nothing to worry about, my mom will call, text, or email me soon, maybe even come here and surprise me. "*caugh* I think there's something wrong with the ac *caugh*," Seto said. He was right, it was getting hard to breathe, and the windows were locked in. I looked at the driver for a second and recognized him. "*caugh* Seto *caugh* it's not just the ac." I blacked out after that.

💙a few hours later at the mansion💙

Esmeralda's POV:

"Hey boys have either of you seen Evie?" She and Seto should have been home hours ago," Mokuba said. "Dinner is getting cold," Noah said. "Well I haven't eaten and I'm not leaving you two alone." "Great grab a plate," Noah said. Dinner was quiet so I tried to start a conversation. "Mokuba, what did Evies mom say back?" "It was a simple, 'Great see you soon,'" he said. I put my fork down, this is bad, don't panic just keep calm. "You two can run the company while Kaiba is away right?" They both nodded. "Good . . . Because those two are gonna be gone for a while." After dinner Mokuba was sitting outside worried, I can change that. "Hey, Mokuba, I have a favor to ask." "I'll listen if you tell me my brother is ok," he said. I sat down next to him. "Trust me Mokuba, as long as Evie and Seto are together, no one would dare hurt either of them." The looked less sad. "Ok, what's your favor?"

Double cliffhanger😈

Sooooo sorry I've left this fanfic behind, just college and others keep getting in the way, I'll try and write more for this one because what's next is good, not just for Evie and Seto . . . But also for Esmeralda.

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