20: A day off, with the boss (part 1)

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He looks so normal 😆 and hot at the same time, he almost looks like a bad boy if it wasn't for the logo.
Featuring this lovely outfit:

Featuring this lovely outfit:

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💙two Friday's later💙

Evie's POV:

"A day off. You, Seto Kaiba, are giving your secretary a day off," I said. "Yes, you work just as hard as my little brother, and seeing you both work together makes me think you deserve a day off," he said. "Say tomorrow." Thank god tomorrow was Saturday. "I-I'd Love a day off . . . but," I moved to his side of the desk, "I'd love it more if you were with me." He leaned back on his seat, "you know I can't do that." "Who says you can't, you can check up on the company on your phone for a few minutes, then we can go for a walk in the park or something," I said. I gave him a kiss earlier than expected. "Seto, you, me, and this whole city tomorrow, what'd ya say?" He looked out the window then back at me. ". . . Be ready at seven, if there's not a knock at your door then that means you got the day all to yourself." "Ok then, but if I see you at my door please try to look normal."

💙a few hours later💙

I was getting ready to leave when I heard. "Roland, give me my car keys, I'm taking Mokuba home." From a far I see this.

The sweetest thing ever in Kaiba Corp, the president willing to stop his work for a moment, and take his brother home

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The sweetest thing ever in Kaiba Corp, the president willing to stop his work for a moment, and take his brother home. Family comes first. "Hey, need a ride home?" He woke me up. "Sure." It was a quiet walk to his car, it was nice and blue with the license plate saying KC. He put Mokuba in the back, "I'll sit back here with him Incase he wakes up," I said. Not a sound in the car either, even when I moved strands from his hair off his face he was sound asleep.

💙at the mansion💙

Seto picked him up carefully. "Wait here," he whispered. As if, I got out, I wasn't gonna miss this. "Are you just gonna stand there with your brother, come on it's way past his bedtime," I whispered. He looked annoyed, but that's one of the things that draws me to his eyes. I fallowed him all the way to his brothers room. I waited outside because I figured he'd get changed, and when Seto came out he was ready to leave. "Let me at least say goodnight to him." ". . . Fine." Mokuba was sound asleep in his room, and around his neck was a locket that looked like a duel monsters card, I knew I couldn't open it because I could feel his brother watching me, so I kissed him goodnight. The drive to my apartment wasn't bad. "That duel monsters card you wear around your neck, what's inside it?" We stopped at a red lite and he touched it. "I'll tell you tomorrow," he said.

💙the next day💙

I was ready, and it might be a bad idea, but I wasn't leaving without the heart of the dragon.
Knock knock.
"I got it," Esmeralda said. Three seconds later . . . "Who the hell are you?" I went to the door and I could see why she said that. Seto Kaiba didn't look like the man I first met, he looked normal. "Seto?" "Kaiba?" Esmeralda said. "That's my name and the logo on my jacket might say it also," he said with a grin. "So, Evie, you ready?" Uh y-yeah, just let me get my purse."

Esmeralda's POV:

I thought I'd see him in blue and white, but the only blue and white on him are his sneakers and the dragon. "Where are you taking her?" I asked. "Wherever her heart desires," he risponded. Clever richboy. "I want her back happy not heartbroken." "Geez when'd you turn into my mother," Evie said.

Evie's POV:

"Pay attention to your phone, I'll be calling you." "Yesss mother," I said. We laughed but I know she's not kidding, she'll call every hour if she gets the chance.
"That's your car?"

Instead of the car logo there was a symbol that the blue eyes ultimate dragon has on their head, and around the lights looked like blue shots of lightning stickers

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Instead of the car logo there was a symbol that the blue eyes ultimate dragon has on their head, and around the lights looked like blue shots of lightning stickers. "This should probably be a good time to mention that what's blue on the wheels glow in the dark," Seto said. "Now I could open the door for you, or . . ." He pushed a button on his car keys, and the doors opened up themselves. "My lady."
"Haha why thank you sir." I got in the car and waited, when Kaiba started the car it's engine roared. "She fast?" "That depends, how fast do you want her to go." This was a different side to him . . . I love it. "So Evie, where would you like to go?" I started fiddling with the dragons thinking about where to go, then I thought, the first place we met. "The park, and I don't mean Kaiba Land," I said. "Haha, then to the park it is," he said. Did he just laugh?

To be continued. 😊💙

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