10: Realization

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What ever you do don't look deep into that eye, or he'll have control of your soul like he controls Kaiba Corp. then again you're probably looking at Atem So then that's ok 😊

💙at the mansion💙

"Boys, did you see that?" "Where'd that come from," Mokuba said. "Your guess is as good as mine," Noah said. "I'm just glad this is on tv, because if she told me what happened tonight, I don't think I'd believe her," Esmeralda said.

💙in the limo💙

Evie's POV:

"You said you didn't dance." "Well you were lite on your feet, so dancing with you felt easy," Seto said. "And besides, you just had to fallow my lead." It's true, my mother always said, the male leads the dance. "Seto," he turned from the window, I didn't think he'd actually look at me, "I had a really good time tonight." I couldn't hide my smile even in the darkness . . . and neither could he. "I'm glad you did, Evie." Both of us looked down, our hands were touching, we each took ours back and looked out the window, my face felt hot and my stomach felt weird. When we got back to the mansion Esmeralda helped me get out of the dress and back into the outfit I came here with. "Roland, take them back to their apartment in the limo." "Yes, Mr. Kaiba." I know I didn't spend the night with them, but I couldn't help but give his brothers hugs. "Goodbye boys, and goodnight," I said. One said bye and the other goodnight. One last look at him, "Goodnight, Mr. Kaiba, see you tomorrow."

Seto's POV:

When she walked out, a string inside me pulled, and it hurt. "Hey." I looked back at my brothers and Esmeralda was still here. "If you ever need someone to watch them again, you know where to find me or give me a call." She gave a little wave goodbye to my brothers then left. I don't know what happened, but I was running upstairs to my studies. "Seto wait up." Behind my seat there's a window, moving the curtain aside I saw them get in and ride out of my property. The string pulled again. "What's wrong with me?"

3rd person POV:

Seto didn't bother to close the door, so his brothers heard him. "There's nothing wrong with you Seto, you just have feelings for Evie," Mokuba said. "If you wanna be specific, you love her," Noah said. The look on Seto's face said someone was getting fired. "Alright fine, we'll stop talking about it," Mokuba said. "Mark my words, Seto, tonight you will come to your senses and realize how you feel about her," Noah said, then he shut the door. It was the same thing with the girls, Esmeralda asked Evie how she felt about Seto, but she didn't know what to say. "When you're ready you tell me, ok, even if you have to wake me up, or you can tell the gods first," Esmeralda said. "Yeah ok," Evie said.
That night neither of them could sleep because the other was stuck on their mind.

Evie's POV:

I couldn't find a good position to sleep, I ended up facing the roof, and even asleep like this . . . He and everything about him came. How stubborn he is, how bossy he can be . . . and yet, he'll do anything for his brothers.
So smart he can run a company, so strong—but gentle when he wants to be—impressive dancing, always walks with confidence. Coffee brown hair, sapphire blue eyes that can look into your soul or heart—especially when he's serious. And when he speaks . . . time stops and there's no one in the world but the both of you.

Seto's POV:

I twisted, I turned, in the end I faced the roof falling asleep . . . and there was no stopping it, she came to me in my sleep. A girl who stands up for herself and for her cards. She looks stubborn but is kind to those who are younger, like my brothers.
So sweet, she smiles whenever she leaves my office. So sophisticated, her walk says she means business. So beautiful, her dancing is nothing my technology could replicate, not even her beauty. Pale blond hair that sometimes looks white, and blue eyes that take you to the sky. And when she speaks . . . It's everything she is combined into one, one girl.

3rd person POV:

The realization hit them like white lightning attack, waking them both up. Her face was red and he was sweating. Seto laid back down putting the pieces together . . . but Evie, she looked out the window to Kaiba Corp. It was the only building up this late. The more she looked at it the more she smiled. "Oh my god, I don't believe it," Evie said. She dropped down on her bed. "I'm in love with him."
It didn't take Seto long to put the pieces together, just saying the words took longer, and believing if his emotions were true. "I'm in love with her."

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