7: Egyptian gods

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She went to the shrine of the Egyptian gods and was all, 'thank the gods.' When Kaiba turned around, he froze.

Evie's POV:

"Kaiba, you ok?" "I recognize those three," he said. Pointing at the ones up top. Esmeralda stopped, "get him out of here he's seen too much." Pulling him out wasn't easy—man he's strong—but we got out and shut the door. "You know you could have just said get out." "You've already seen too much of our sacred room," I said. "Now what do you about those three gods." He crossed his arms. "I'm not exactly the one you should be asking, Yugi knows more. But I will say that they were made into duel monsters cards . . . and I had one in my hand." Now I froze. Our spare room door slid open and that made me jump. Esmeralda never looked more serious. "Which one did you possess?" Even I wanted to know. "I've never spoken his name, until now," Kaiba said. The suspense was killing me and Es.
"Obelisk the tormentor."
I looked around, "did anyone else feel the ground shake," I said. Esmeralda just kept looking at Kaiba. ". . . Yup, I see it, you could wield that tormentor," she said. "What about you, Evie, which do you think you can possess?" He asked. At first I was nervous, but the look on my friends face said, 'come on you know who's your favorite.'
I answered with no fear. "Slifer the sky dragon." Kaiba just looked at me and soon it became a starring contest. "Mine is a dragon with two mouths and an infinite amount of power." "Well they don't call mine 'the tormentor' for no reason." His eyes . . . I started feeling weak. "Ehemmm, if you two are done staring into each other's souls, you might remember one god," Esmeralda said. "And my father has praised that one since the day I was born." "Oh yeah . . . that one," I said.
"The Winged Dragon of Ra," she said. I couldn't even look at my friend, because I know how excited she gets just saying the word Ra, and she doesn't even say oh my god she says oh my Ra—which sometimes is funny. "Well once again thank you for the money, Kaiba, don't worry you'll see me again next weekend," I said.

Seto's POV:

"I hope so." When I went to the door I grabbed the handle and—
"Wait." I turned around and Esmeralda was behind me. "What was it like seeing those gods up close?" I didn't have time for this so I made it quick. "Though they were holographic, they can still haunt you to this day." Then I left the building.
"What took you so long, Seto?" We got in the car, "uh big bro what took so long?" "I'll tell you when we get home."

Evie's POV:

We both sat back to back in the room. "I can't believe that richboy had a god in his hand," Esmeralda said. "I just can't believe they were made into cards, we'll ask Yugi about them tomorrow," I said. She put her hand on my shoulder. "You leave them to me. In the mean time see what you can cook fast because thanking the gods makes you hungry." I looked at our checks, my job at Kaiba Corp makes sense as to why I got paid a lot, but Esmeralda . . . Did Kaiba add her money, or maybe Mokuba.

💙time skip💙

Esmeralda's POV:

Sure it's the middle of the night, but not in New York. I went to my shrine hoping it would show me answers as to why the president of a gaming company held one of the most powerful monsters of all time . . . but I got nothing. "Isis, Osiris, Horus, Bastet, Ptah, what about you Anubis, anything?" I waited but not even the god of death gave me a sign. "Well I'll just ask the others tomorrow." I got up and a light of the moon shined on this box. "Do you think this can help, Ra?" The light got brighter. "I'll take that as a yes." I remember my mother giving me this and saying 'open it when the time is right,' well now feels like the best. When I opened it . . . I was stunned, I put it closer to the light to make sure what I was seeing was true. A replica of the front of the millennium puzzle.
Well more exactly a small one.

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