33: Back at Domino

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💙at Seto's laboratory💙

Evie's POV:

"Seto let me be very clear, they followed me here." "Then get the dweebs out of here, Evie, especially that mutt." "Hey who you callin' a mutt," Joey said. Tristan and Téa held him back. "Kaiba we just wanted to know where Esmeralda was," Yugi said. "Didn't Evie tell you," Seto said in a loud voice. "I tried, but I kept getting interrupted, stupidcollege." "We'll gladly tell you where she is," Noah said. Since those two started this, Seto wanted his brothers here with him to see if there was a problem with the dimension system. "Everything is perfect and right where it should be," Seto said. ". . . But my friend isn't." Last time I was this angry was when I heard about this . . . So four days ago. Yugi and the others came back in. "Why didn't you tell us she wanted to see the Pharaoh, let alone know his name, we could have told her," Yugi said. "Well she told me things kept getting in the way." All of a sudden I heard a chime.
(Basically the instruments you hear at the beginning of the Yugioh theme)

"What's that sound?" Mokuba asked. "I've got a better question, what's that light inside the room?" Joey said. "It looks like . . ." It got so bright we shielded our eyes for a second, when it dimmed . . . I ran into the room. "Esmeralda, Esmeralda wake up!" She was back and she . . . "Oh my Ra," I said. She was laughing, "That's right, I look like the daughter of Ra the sun god." We just couldn't stop laughing. "Now help this mummy up." I helped her up and just looked beautiful. "It worked, Evie, it actually worked! I saw him and I know his name, and I kissed him—"
"YOU DID WHAT!" That shout came from all of them, all those shocked faces.
Mokuba and Noah came in. "Boys, come here I missed you,"Esmeralda said. "And you owe me one," Mokuba said. She took them underwear wings and hugged them. "Boys, bring in that one with tricolor hair." "Yes your majesty," they said.

Esmeralda's POV:

"You wanted to see me, Esmeralda." "Do you not want a hug," I said. It was hard to give him one but I did, and a surprise. "Atem sends his hellos and that he's glad to know you're alright," I whispered into his ear. "I'm happy to hear that," he said. "So, how long have I been gone?" "Almost four days," Evie said. ". . . Seto power that thing up, I want two more days in ancient Egypt," I said. "Oh no you don't, we're going back to our apartment, now don't make me pull you by your wings," Evie said.

💙after buying a manakin just to put the outfit on it💙

Evie's POV:

We were back in our apartment in pjs, like these past days never happened. "Did you really kiss him?" "I should have, but no he kissed me on my forehead and hand." "How sweet," I said drinking chocolate. "No sweet is your mans ancestor, he was kind and nothing compared to your man . . . Except his looks and name," Esmeralda said. I put down the chocolate. "You're kidding." She drank chocolate, "Why would I lie about your future husband." "Esmeralda please, we are not getting married." She put down the cup. "So I leave for four days and he still hasn't put a ring on it." "No, I've been at his house since you left, since I was worried he has kept me comfortable." "Thank the gods," she said. "I don't know why he hasn't asked, you two are at that point in your relationship I mean he's met your parents, the public knows you're together, for the love of Isis just ask the question." She went to rinse out the cups. "Es . . . did you fall in love with Atem?" She answered me without looking. "Is it that obvious, there wasn't much I could do . . . My time was running out." She needs a hug. "You know I think you got the millennium puzzle as a sign, a sign from Atem saying he loves you back and that he trusts even with just the front of his millennium item." We both smiled. "Goodnight your highness," I said.

Esmeralda's POV:

Maybe Evie is right, besides I do feel closer to him now that I know his name. I went to my shrine and thanked the gods, then went to bed.

💙the next day💙

Evie decided to go shop for ingredients, so it's me alone at home. "Hmm, I remember when it was like this till—"
Knock knock.
It was Kaiba in that casual look when he took Evie out on their first date.
"You know Evie's gone right." "I know, I was hoping you were home, I need your help." ". . . Let me get dressed and clean my ears to be sure I heard what you said." Alright jeans, a black hoodie, my cute cheetah pattern belt and boots, and a small purse. "What do I get outa hepin' you?" "You'll see." Was his response.

Just like the anime has so many to be continued, I like ending the chapter in cliffhangers.

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