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-  Okay, this isn’t exactly an update for the story, but I thought that this one would help you out since I would be using these terms from then on. These ranks are all fictitious, by the way. I would’ve googled all of this but it would be quite messy so I just thought of my own. It’s inspired by the other gangster-related fanfics I’ve read before, so there XD

·         BLACK ELITES – the most powerful underground group in Asia or more prominently known at the any criminal-involved group as ‘Mobsters’. They are also the ruling group in the said area, and they have the obligation to keep it at peace. In Asia, it’s BIGBANG who’s recognized as the Black Elites, with G-DRAGON as the Head.  Black Elites are as powerful as any big-time Mafia or Yakuza group, though not as well-known to ordinary people.

·         SHADOWS – the BLACK ELITES’ senders of messages as well as their ‘special assassins’. They don’t go in groups—only by one’s or two’s. No gangster except for the Elites knows who these Shadows are.

·         SUBMISSIVES – 11 gang heads that are less powerful than the BLACK ELITES but hold the power over a certain region or borders. They are bound to follow the Head aka the Dragon Emperor and submit to him. Once they disobey, they are subject to a severe punishment.

*         SUBMISSIVE BY LOSS – gang head that became a submissive after losing to a gang to become a Black Elite (e.g. Jaejoong)

*         SUBMISSIVE BY POWER – gang head recognized by the Black Elites for their power over a small region that they handle.

·         GANG HEAD –  anyone who leads a gang that has a rank less than a submissive

Now I hope it is all clear to you guys. ^^ If you have any questions or you get confused, feel free to ask me through the comment box. :) Thank you!

xx veronascarlette

ps. There will be more of this in the upcoming chaps, okay? So just stay tuned ^^


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