Pawn 005

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Park Sandara 

We finally reached the canteen after spending minutes of walking and bickering, mostly between CL and Bommie.

“Hey, Dara!” CL said cheerily. “What do you want? My treat.”

“Nooooo,” Bom protested. “I'm the cousin so I should be the one giving it!”

“Well I'm her new friend so I should be the one giving her the treat.”

“YAH! Can't you do that later on?!”

“Guys--” I tried to interrupt but CL's voice was slightly louder.

“Well, sorry but NO. I bumped her earlier on the hallway, and I'll never ever have some peace until I give her something,” she looked at me. “Right, Dara?”

I blushed as I remembered what happened earlier. “But CL--”

“Omo! You bumped my cousin?!” Bom gasped.

Oh man.

“Well, yeah,” CL grinned awkwardly. “So I should be the one giving it, not you.”

Bom gaped and huffed. “Aisht, fine! I'll just do it later. But you--”she looked at me”--are going to tell me what bothers you! Arraso?”

I nodded, seeing Bom's look. On the other hand, CL was looking at me anxiously.

“Sorry, Dara,” she said softly. “Is it about--”

“No,” I cut her off, looking at her feline-like eyes. “It's not you, CL. It's . . . something else.”

It's your twin brother and his friends that I'd met at my class earlier.

She looked at me and nodded. “Okay, what do you want?”

I smiled back at her. “I think a chicken sandwich and fruit juice would be fine,” I said.

CL's eyes widened and shook her head. “Seriously?! But you're thin as a rail! You need to eat a lot! Ahjumma!” she called the server inside. “A bowl of jjajangmyun please! No—make it two!”

“Two? But CL!” I repeated in disbelief.

“The other one is for me, of course.” she rolled her eyes. “And you, missy, needs to eat a lot!”

“Well, good news Chaelin,” Bom muttered. “This girl here never gains weight even if you feed her  three large bowls of ramyun.”

“WHAT?!” CL exclaimed in shock.

I shook my head as I made my way stealthily to a vacant table. When I looked back, Bom and CL were still busy bickering while ahjumma looked confused as she watched the two girls argue.

And oh, by the way, Bom is right. For some unexplainable reason, even though I tend to eat a lot at times, I never gain weight. According to a doctor, it was because I have a fast metabolism and my body quickly digests everything I eat. Even my brother suffers from it. That's one of the things Bom 'envies' at me.

Like not gaining weight is a good idea. Aish, Bom.

“HEY! Where's Dara?!” Bom suddenly exclaimed, looking around the perimeter.

“OMO—had she disappeared?!” CL squeaked back, her eyes widening.

Aish. I pinched the bridge of my nose to calm myself down.

“Hey, guys,” I muttered, raising my hand. “I'm here.”

They turned to look at me and both sighed. “Whew—I thought you vaporized or something.” Bom breathed.

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