Pawn 024*

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*"@joreenmae: updateee more authornim theres no pawn 023 :///"

         ~ whoops HAHAHAHAHAHA I FORGOT sorry TTuTT I'd updated that late in the evening and 80% of my brain has officially shut down so . . .  XD But thanks for noticing~! ^^ It's the Pawn 023, by the way.

   Moral lesson: Always check the chap title before posting kkkkk >w<

          more of my A/N laters~~

Park Sandara

"Are you even sure she's in trouble, noona?" Sanghyun asked me skeptically as we rode in the cab towards Busan High School. "And how can you even say it's really her?"

"I'm sure of it!" I wailed, worry-filled tears flowing from my eyes. "I heard her voice. Somebody abducted her!"

"But why in school? For heaven's sake noona, who makes the school a place for kidnappers? Only insane people do that—" he cut short, his eyes narrowing.

"What, what?!" I urged, seeing his change of expression.

"Damn it," he hissed. "They won't do that, will they?"

"Who are they, for Pete's sake?!"

Sanghyun didn't answer. He just kept staring at the dashboard, his face grim.

"Kkangpae," he spat the word. "Street gangsters. I guess they're back again."

I gasped, feeling myself pale. Gangsters again?!

"What did that guy said exactly noona—noona are you okay?" Sanghyun asked worriedly, touching my forehead.

"I'm fine," I choked. "The guy said . . . 'Want to get her back? Go back to Busan High Campus. You'll see her there. You can save her . . . if you come within an hour.'"

"But why would he do that . . .?"

I couldn't answer. I couldn't even concentrate. When Sanghyun said the word 'gangster', every cell in my body just trembled with fear.

After a few moments, the cab stopped in front of the campus and we hopped down, Sanghyun paying the fare. We quickly went inside, not bothering if the school guards would catch us.

"Stay close with me, noona," Sanghyun muttered, holding me close. "Where exactly could he be?"

"I don't know," I whispered.

All of a sudden, a group of black-clad men jumped from the lounges' roof and lunged towards us, guns in their hands. I shrieked in shock and fear and Sanghyun held me tighter.

"Park Sandara," one of them said in a dark voice. "Bring her to us."

"You have to get through me first," Sanghyun snapped, and we were suddenly at gunpoint.

"Park Sandara," he said again. "Bring her to us or else."

"Or else what?" Sanghyun challenged, looking unfazed despite the number of guns aimed at us.

"Park Bom dies," he snarled, his patience obviously spent.

"No!" I gasped, and Sanghyun's arms tightened.

"Your decision, now." He said. "You go, or she dies?"

I closed my eyes, trying to think through. If I go, Bom will be saved . . . but Sanghyun will be left alone. If I don't . . .

 "I'll go," I finally said.

"NO!" Sanghyun protested, glaring at me. "Noona!"

"Please, Sanghyun," I whispered. "What if they have Bom with them?"

"Please, noona. Are you damn crazy?!" he begged.

"Sanghyun-ah," I touched his arm. "I'll be fine. I promise."

Sanghyun stared at me for a long moment, and he sighed deeply before lowering his arms around my body.

"Promise me you'll be okay, noona," he whispered, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"I will," I replied, slightly taken aback by his sudden show of affection.

I stepped away from him, and the man who called my name earlier held out a glove-covered hand.

"You must be Park Sandara," he said, his voice soft but dark. "Come. He is waiting."


Gingerly I took his hand and then we started to walk away—not until I heard Sanghyun yell.


All of a sudden, sounds of punches, kicks and grunts of pain echoed through the empty air, and the man started to drag me harshly while I tried to wiggle free from his grasp.

"Sanghyun! NO!" I screamed, tears flowing down from my eyes. "Don't kill him! Please!"

"We won't if you let me drag you," the man said warningly, his grip tightening on my wrist. "Choose. You come with me or he'll die. Mercilessly."

Unable to do anything, I took a deep breath to swallow the sobs that were threatening to devour me whole and let him drag me.

Sanghyun . . . please, don't kill him. What do gangsters need of us? Of . . . me?


"Here she is, Sir," the man called as he held Dara by the wrist. They were standing outside the school's auditorium.

"Bring her to me," a man's voice boomed, and Dara's ears perked up in recognition.

That voice. I'd heard it before.

The man brought Dara inside the dark room and he stopped halfway.

"Sir," the man bowed. "I brought her to you, just as you wished."

"Thank you," the voice replied, and a silhouette of a man walked on the stage. Sounds of flipping the light switches echoed, and Dara gasped in shock when the auditorium was finally lit up.

Standing onstage was none other than the man CL warned her about, the man who bore a grudge against BIGBANG . . . the man with a familiar pair of eyes.

 "You may leave us, Yoochun," Jaejoong ordered coldly, his eyes on the prize he'd craved since day 1.

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