Pawn 026

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Park Sandara

I sighed softly to myself as I smoothed Sanghyun's hair; he was now asleep on his bed. There were bruises and scars all over his face, but they were slowly healing thanks to the medicines Bom & Omma applied to him moments ago.

Hours ago, I'd found Sanghyun sitting at one of the campus' benches, catching his breath. He'd half-run towards me the moment he saw me, asking me if I was fine. I'd felt my knees turn to jelly when I'd seen his too-bruised and bloodied face, but I'd held myself firm and convinced him to go to the hospital. He'd only relented when I agreed on telling him everything that happened between me and Kim Jaejoong.

Omma was half-mad and half-worried when she saw us home, and quickly applied the medicines the nurse gave us way back at the hospital (that I was holding while supporting Sanghyun). She kept on questioning us on what happened to us, but all Sanghyun said was that some thug attacked us. I don't think omma bought that, though. Even Bom.

I stood up and went straight to my room. While I was fixing myself for bed, my phone rang. Wondering who it was, I answered it. "Hello?"

[Sandara.] I recognized that cold voice.

"Jiyong. What's with your call?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant despite the warring emotions within me.

[Are you okay?] He asked softly.

"What for?" I can't believe the harshness in my voice. What was wrong with me? Is it because of . . .?

He sighed. [Are you okay, Sandara? Is it wrong for me to ask?]

No it isn't. "Yes it is. Especially if I don't even know why you're calling this late."

[I called you because I heard something was going on there, Sandara. I was just wondering if you're okay.] He sounded frustrated.

"Oh yeah. Doing your duties? Am I part of your duties now?" Stop babbling sarcastically, Sandara. Stop it NOW.

[Damn it, Sandara. What's wrong with you?] I think I could imagine him glaring frostily.

"Just . . ." I tried to control my unbidden tears. "Nothing. Sorry. I-I'm just . . ."

[You sound confused. What's wrong?] He said after a beat of silence. Concern and worry was softening his cold voice.

I hiccupped. "I don't know myself anymore. I don't know what's true," I found myself saying unthinkingly.

Shut up Park Sandara NOW.

[What do you mean?] his voice almost sounded like it was unintentionally seductive.

If only I could say it . . . If only I had the strength . . .

"Nothing, Jiyong. Good night." I hung up the phone and sobbed hard, releasing every single strand of angst in my system.

I don't know anymore. I don't even know what's a truth and what's a lie.

"Dara? Dara!" Jiyong said, but there was nothing but silence on the other line.

He sighed and raked his hair in frustration. Damn it, what's wrong with her?!

One hour ago, he received certain reports from three of his Shadows regarding the presence of a strong gang in Busan. He could've ignored it, if only he wasn't reminded that his sister and Sandara were there. Not to mention that those Shadows added that the gang had taken the latter and his brother but released them afterwards . . . The Shadows could've attacked, but they were badly outnumbered by the gang members.

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